ncis fanfiction tony adhd

Though he was dressed in worn jeans and a sweatshirt, he jammed his feet in sneakers and snatched his keys off the kitchen table. "Someone has to," he shot back, every word delivered angrily. It had been another nightmare day and he was exhausted. The man is nothing short of infuriating, and god knows it will be hours with him, and he certainly wont leave. Title: Three Ways Tony Didn't Die and One Way He Did Fandom: Navy: NCIS Characters: Special Agents Anthony DiNozzo, Jethro Gibbs, Tim McGee, Caitlyn Todd Prompt: Death Word Count: 1613 Rating: M Summary: Self explanatory from the title Author's Notes: Thanks to my wonderful betas, pictureplaces and custard_girl Three ways Tony didn't die, and one way he did Blood spilled Soft steps approached, getting louder as they came closer, and the door was opened slowly, Tony giving Gibbs a wary look. Your email address will not be published. Teamfic. Want to move on to the coffee mugs? Gibbs asked, trying to make a joke. Dont, Tony.. The physical pain wasnt as bad as the emotional. So be sure to take a look and find your own favorite among them. You show him, Leroy.. Gibbs lowered Tony back to the bed carefully as Dr. Marquardt turned to one of her nurses. "Don't care," Alex shot back, voice full of authority. Hes a Scotch man., I hurt myself today It was still new to Tony, and took him aback sometimes. The way he saw it right now, they didnt deserve any explanations or answers. The fight had gone out of him and he sank into a chair, fists clenched on the kitchen table. How could he have missed any of it? Summary: When a serial killer murders three marines on Atlantis, NCIS are called in to investigate. For so many years, hed allowed himself to exist, to barely exist, because of some need for punishment. A chunk had cut deeply into him but Gibbs hadnt wiped up the blood, had just let it flow, itchy and burning, down his face. That was too much for Tony. Gibbs is willing to do anything to keep DiNozzo alive, but this extraterrestrial crap might just push him beyond his limits.Mulder and Scully have serious concerns on who they have sheltered in their home, and Napoleon and Illya are still reeling from making another large jump through time.Is Skinner the only one holding all the pieces? Tony gets a visit, and long-held secrets come to light. Youve been with every new probie youve taken on. Please consider turning it on! She (or really Samas prefers to be called a he) remembers the onac before the corruption of Ra, and he tried to lead his people back to a life in the water. For those who are unfamiliar, The. Until you know something about it, stay the hell out of my life. Gibbs whirled, arms crossed as he glared at his brother. He is adopted, he is a child of the enemy.Just ran into the libraryIt's gonna be fine, Thor will come back, he is strong.He didn't come back for a year.He heard shouting from the trone room, it's Thor and OdinThey are fighting. But Cal was from the business realm and not from the military as Alex was, and he hadnt even cut his teeth at NCIS as McGee had. Design by Alley Digital, Hi everyone. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson". No, were not, Gibbs insisted. You moved in. And if that didn't work, Gibbs knew he had other ways of making things happen. Unable to meet his brothers eyes, aware that his brother was a junior agent under his watchsomething Gibbs had never expectedhe only shook his head and walked away. The combination of timeless themes, If you are looking for the best Kim Possible fanfiction, then this is the post for you. His shoulders slumped, the fight clearly gone right out of him. Hell be back in the group home soon, not loved or cared for, just a lonely old kid who never gets anything.Too bad Steve and Bucky dont give a shit if hes not an all-perfect and wonderful neurotypical kid.Or: an Autistic Tony Stark who also has ADHD finally gets a family. He reached up, a fingertip trailing over Tonys hairline. Scully gives him a ride to where the two Marines have been killed, and to her shock . peter and tony are both trans and autistic. DiNozzo was bare chested, in a pair of low slung pajama pants that revealed the shadow of his pubic hair, and the cock resting just below. The sequel to Just Friends. If he couldnt have DiNozzo. But by bringing in Garcia, he ultimately brings in her entire team of the BAU. It's been a rough couple of months for Tony and Steve as they are trying to navigate their new rocky friendship, but with a mysterious new villain on the rise, who seems dead set on ruining the Avengers, they must work even harder to get along. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. And as always, hed retreated to the basement, only this time hed firmly locked Tony out. But between McGee, Abbs, Ducky, and Jackson, Tony probably had the gossip mill churning. It was eerie, theyd said. His brother plopped a Chinese menu on his desk, glaring at him. Take a chance with Tony. He was a good agent, but it was different dealing with him. Rated T for language and violence. When Tony is given a promotion, he stands to lose the most important thing in his life. The team still worked in the office, doing backups, preparing reports Gibbs had let slide, even looking at some cold cases, himself. Alex kidneys had been badly bruised and he could have been much more seriously injured. Why? Gibbs asked, struggling to sound neutral around the fist squeezing his heart. With Garcia being one of the main characters, the writers bring a lot of funny and sarcastic scenes to this story. And that wasnt him, but what he and Tony had wasnt his typical relationship. Gibbs had called Tony, a quick five-minute conversation that he didnt need to bring anything. When we started being roommates who fucked sometimes. What about Keating, Lee, McGee, Blackadder, Kate, Ziva, Cassie Yates., Cass doesnt count! He wrestled for the count of one hundred, trying to tamp down his rising anger and fury, but that Italian temper got the better of him. Tony hadn't even met--or heard about--Alex Fucking Remington Fucking Gibbs from him. Im aware. Tony responded, his voice dripping with the usual level of sarcasm. And even though Tony doesnt want to be a part of NCIS anymore, he is still sucked right back in. The tok'ra like to believe they are the "good" side of the onac race--the symbiotes who developed into the goa'uld. Hatori'd been trained in board rooms and in front of Power Point presentations. Hows things? Tony asked as Alex clasped his hand in a strong grip. When Fornell notices a lacking in Tim's training and general care for his well-being, he steps into the roll, unbeknownst to anyone. Hell, hed tried, though he couldnt let Tony know that. It was different from Shannon, but it was the only thing he could compare it to. A wreck gives Ziva a chance to consider her chances with Abi. McGeed been through enough concussions with Tony to know what the warning signs were. Tony - his agent Tony - had always been on the go. The running needs to stop some day.. Practically no other crime show can touch it, and it has legions of fans worldwide. She was now working at the Israeli embassy and Gibbs and McGee had seen her a few times. Gibbs moved in close, patting Tony on the shoulder. Gibbs takes over the team, but things dont really go according to plan. With Kate. What? Gibbs asked, jerking his arm away, wincing as his ribs protested the motion. well, the people that realized were a *little* closer to home than tony thought they were. It tells the story from Tonys little black book with all the interesting women he dated in his life. Add to library 82 Discussion 4 Suggest tags. We talk, I guess. Turned out Jethro had a brother that neither he or Jack had ever thought to mention to Tony. Saras mouth felt like cotton, the minty drink she had just swallowed leaving behind an unpleasant taste. Tony had to squelch his urge to knock on the dooror call Gibbs on his cell phone, which at least had been taken down there into wood central. A collection of one shots with spoilers for season 20. They hire some familiar faces and hunt down the supernatural within the greyer boundaries of the law all over the United States. His eyes were wide and as brilliant a blue as Tony had ever seen. He'd tried sleeping in the basement the first night, but somewhere between his fifth and sixth jars of bourbon, he'd ended up in the bed, his head buried in the pillow, drowning in Tony's scent. Gibbs sipped his drink, fingertip tracing over the small scar at his hairline and wondered if he could fix this. Dads already here, so why shouldnt we get home and get this started., Tony swallowed hard, a wave of nervousness swamping him suddenly. Found one of them. Gibbs nodded, wondering exactly how to show him in the short term. He could do this. It was a different matter though, when late into a Tuesday morning, two grim-faced SEAL's in dress blues got off the elevator, heading towards the corner of the bullpen that housed NCIS' finest. And Gibbs had two broken ribs. McGee and Abbs said he was a good investigator, a great asset to the team, but Tony couldnt bring himself to trust that. It was what Gibbs had said earlier and didn't explain a damned thing! What? Gibbs snapped. Tony had been gone only three days now, and Gibbs couldn't get him out of his head. When they werent working side by side, something huge and unique would be lost. Know why youre driving him away.. Hed been replaced by Mini Gibbs and didnt that suck? The other man let out a sigh and then started relaxing, melting into Gibbs touch. Yeah, Gibbs replied with a shrug. Ducky had taken a look at the tests and said everything would be okay in a few days, but they were all still healing and it hurt like hell for Alex to function right now. The thought of Tony made him wince, and he cleared his throat, looking away, glancing down at the paper and nodding. Bucky finds the file of one John Doe and pushes Steve into taking the unnamed Little in. Tony starts, shocked by the violent action from the usually contained man. And in chapter 11, we see Tony trying to figure out how and if a relationship with a teammate will work out. He took a quick shower, washing himself mechanically, staring at the wall and letting it wash his agony down the drain. Now that shed closed a few high-profile cases, SecNav had his eye on her and had moved her closer to DC. Tony finished, his voice gentle and non-confrontational. Also, can be Tony as an abused child, or adult. She hadnt been cleared for field-agent duty, hadnt wanted to be on desk duty as an agent or an analyst. How will becoming a family again change things? As quiet as Gibbs was, Tony knew the house would give away its secrets. Gibbs would never have admitted it, but he was glad for the down time. Youre here, DiNozzo. McGee hung up the phone, cocking his head and regarding Gibbs. a trans British guy meets tony stark and hell finds a new location at shield high. But you and me. And Gibbs wasnt entirely sure if they could get it back when it was gone. As if it was that easy. When was the last time theyd had sexor intimacy. When Tony declares that Peter can no longer be Spider-Man, Peter snaps. He was leading his team in a different way, with shoulder pats instead of Gibbs tough love. he made a move to throw the covers off and leave the bed. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. When Tony wasnt around, Gibbs gut wasnt at its strongest. Work Text: Chapter One. The Avengers must decide what to do and somehow keep Tony from falling apart. Or not. Not Henry. Steve is a recovering war vet and up-and-coming artist, living in a four-bedroom apartment with his friends and Little. While on Vacation with his relatives in Washington D.C. Harry watched the car crash that killed Shannon Gibbs and the agent in charge of protection. Tony rolled his eyes, but stepped back. This is the story of her life, her love, and her recovery. More often than not, hed sleep under the boat. You understand engineering?. i was talking to nat about how i haven't written marvel in a while and so, this happened. The Stargate Series is AU and DADT has already been repealed. Every chapter tells a story about a new woman and the things Tony did with these women. After all, if Garcia thinks a friend is in trouble, shell always turn to her Derek, trusting him to do the right thing. This was a do or die moment, and Tony wasnt even expected for a while. Me too, but it was different. They werent yet, but they would be in time. Dressed like that, Tony wasnt watching a game or playing cards. At some point along the line, Gibbs had become the go-to guy to train up and coming agents. My upbringing and my family life wasnt what Jethro dealt with at all. Alex sighed and shifted in place and Tony had the sense that Gibbs brother was preparing to say something significant. Not only was Alex pushing into his work life, but his home life too. Hi., Nope! Gibbs replied, closing the distance between them. Even though it made Tony itchy to think of McGee and not him on Gibbs six, he could accept it. I'm starved," McGee asked, crossing to stand next to Alex. Not Shawn. Though Gibbs knew DiNozzo had the bed that was far too small for fucking. Gibbs knew that Alex's kidneys were bugging him. The interaction between her and Tony is very fun to read, especially once Derek joins the party as well. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What happens when the truth finally comes out? Casefile. Not for Tony or Abby fans., Shards to a Whole by KerylRaist 1,231,819 words(!!! A/N AU This is a cute Ncis fic! the needle tears a hole Abby is too distracted by her grief for Gibbs to back Tony up, so he decides to go to the most Abbish person he knows for help: Penelope Garcia. She ran down the hill, by the side of the water; her pace was only slightly faster than the river's. It looked cold and black like the sky above them. dinozzo ncis gibbs mcgee ziva tony ducky abby tiva tonydinozzo jethro david zivadavid leroyjethrogibbs palmer leroy ncisfanfiction bishop timmcgee timothymcgee. The night had passed in a haze of bourbon, recriminations, and loneliness. Hed lost some weight, almost too much for Gibbs liking. She was different from him, much lighter hearted, kinda like you, Alex ventured. When Todd and Michael and the other Wraith characters start making their appearances, the ability of the Igigi queen to communicate on their level changes everything. try to kill it all away Because he doesn't want to see the young man killed. Thanks Alex. It was a beautiful early-fall day and was perfect for a cookout. Along with the TV show, there is a whole world of NCIS fanfiction out there. It was too painful, too raw right now. Founder: lilpretender - Stories: 79 - Followers: 1 - id: 97821. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. Nor had the gentle reminder of conflicts of interest and chain of command. He and Gibbs had lost their way, especially with the change in personnel and the new team dynamics. Yes, it was short term and Alex was technically TDY here before taking over Cold Cases, but it was still a terrible idea. He fixed his eyes at a spot just over Tonys ear. Alex held off on the important questions until Tony hit the Fourteenth Street bridge and they slowed to a crawl. You want to have pissing contests, well do that, but not over humans. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. The Last Straw and sequel An Autopsy Gremlin Blues by Writerkos. Gibbs couldnt hide his wince, but he looked away, swallowing hard. Why cant you let me in? Wind brushed Tony's skin, causing him to shake uncontrollably, something that fortunately went unnoticed by Ziva, who was standing in the middle of the crime scene listening to something. I wouldnt have noticed it unless I knew him so well, and had seen him through those times. And he isnt sure if he can still do this job when JJ shows up. He couldn't meet Tony's eyes right now, didn . Derek Morgan. Check out the community at AO3: here and LJ here. Login; Search; Top Tens; Browse; Members; Home; Penname: Password: Remember Me. Still worry, Tony said, feeling his shoulders droop. "Bruised ribs?". However, the tok'ra never mention Shamash or Samas, the ancient Sumerian god who was really one of the early queens. You done breaking my glasses? Emily Prentiss. After Jennys death, shed gone to Pensacola, as a solo agent who had a fantastic close rate. Of course he wasn't! Thats it, Tony confirmed. Is this a second chance or will he run away this time?, Knight Maneuvers Book Three by Tibbsian159,933 words, As Gibbs and Tony get settled in KnightShade and adjust to life with Jax Theron and the M31 men, each man finds they are forced to confront issues theyve kept hidden for years. This is a Tony Dinozzo/NCIS fanfic about a girl who is kidnapped at age 12 and is missing for years before the team finds her, chained up and barely alive, in the home of a seemingly likeable marine. In Tony. Or: Tonys an alcoholic whos beginning to discover his sexuality, and Stephen is a med student whos using Tony as an emotional outlet. Tony woke up and said "I'm going to cause problems on purpose. Yeah, I know. Jethro sighed, stowing his gun and tossing his keys, wallet, and spare change onto the side table. . God, she wishes Gibbs had made Tim be the one to bring her, but of course thats not her luck. Tony was unconscious, although Gibbs didn't remember whether that was because of the illness or because the doctors had drugged him up, and it didn't matter much to him. It focuses on how Tony seems childish but proves it wrong. It was blind luck that hed rolled away from the attackers before more permanent damage had been done. So if you like crime shows, then NCIS might be just the thing for you. He took a step closer, and Gibbs fought the urge to back down, to pull himself out of the situation and retreat. Theyd have coffee and drive over to Alexandria in two cars. It made Ziva's blood run cold. At least Tony had tried. Can an old dog like Jethro learn new tricks and be happy? Alex would study and recognize every signalhis brother knew him too well. Gibbs missed DiNozzo professionally, and personallythat was one thing he didn't even want to explore right now. I cant get kicked any more. He pulled in a shuddering breath, wrenching his gaze away from the other man. He doesnt need to come down for me, Gibbs said to his brothers retreating back. Also, I imagine a lot of security at Jurassic World would have been ex-military like Owen, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (7618), Jethro Gibbs/Jacqueline "Jack" Sloane (786), Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, past Rachel Edwards/Danny "Danno" Williams - Relationship, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, TheMultitudesOfMe (theonlyoneshetrulyloved), Carlton Lassiter/Original Female Character(s), Burton "Gus" Guster & Carlton Lassiter & Juliet O'Hara & Shawn Spencer, Unofficial Rough Trade Challenge Response 2017 "Urban Fantasy", Works that May grow up to become real stories AKA My Muse Hates Me. He had so much insight to his brother and yet he was still a mystery to Tony. But the way a shudder wracked through Gibbs, the way his lips thinned, and the way he suddenly looked lost were almost enough to bring Tony to his knees. Was that what it was? Alex asked, reaching out to grasp Gibbs arm. From the lack of lights and the sixty-five degree temp in the house, it was clear that Tony was the first one home, at ten pm. Alex's face still bore the bruises, his pupils a little bigger than normal from the concussion. Gibbs didnt deserve an explanation, not after hed pushed Tony away for months now. Gibbs had opened up bit by bit. And Gibbs knew he'd been the one to screw up. Hes known all the ex wives.. Those hands of yours are talented. He knew Alex and Tony werent But what was his brother doing here, overnight, no less. Tony tamped down his annoyance, nodding. agents. Her only real weakness was the fact that she flinched when she shot, so Tony was taking extra time with her at the range to make sure her shots didnt go wide. An NCIS/Danny Phantom Fanfiction. 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