please let me know which option you prefer

If we didn't meet your expectations, we'd really like to know more. I hate the phrase. When I worked in customer-facing roles in retail and food service, I much preferred looking the next person in line in the eye and saying something like, Step on up. Trust me, you cannot stop people from asking! Ive never heard sleeps in the US. Consider following us @archetype_origins on Instagram for more content, we post on a regular basis. I dont think you do actually need a closer every time, whether you mean a final sentence or something more like sincerely. Especially with people in the same office, and especially when it gets deep into an email exchange, I see a lot of messages like this: And thats the whole message, and nobody thinks its rude, because those two people have already emailed each other 20 times that day and theyre not bothering with Dear Jane and Sincerely anymore, or a sum-up sentence at the end or anything. If you wish to keep things light, you may also get rid of the formalities to make your addressee feel at ease. What/how about Monday for lunch? Ive worked in three different offices, and this phrase was used by nobody at two of them, and then by virtually everybody at the third one. Research indicates, however, that including "don't know" options actually produces more problems than it solves. Its super formal feeling, but Im told that literally everything else will be misinterpreted by someone. Write Your Letter Step-by-Step 1 Express your gratitude for the customer's business. I use it fairly frequently, usually in a context like this: We have a situation with the chocolate teapots. I think please and thank you arent used enough in business communication. Also, I dont mind it at all if people skip leaving me voicemail and instead email or IM with a request for me to call them back. Only because the former co-worker that sent it was constantly nagging me and it felt like she was using it in lieu of I need your input on this now. Some newbie staff members were constantly parking in that spot, which meant one of two things the midnight person had to use one of their breaks to move their car after that staff member left, or if that staff member forgot to move their car, they had to walk 500 metres in the dark to the staff carpark with no cameras at all. Thats how I use it too. They are rarely, if ever, able to clearly articulate their reason(s) and at that point, I ask them to please refrain from using it in communicating with me. But she would write EmilyG, there is no copier paper left, do you know where to order some? I write that, too. Can you give me an update on registration Can I help the next person in line? is much better. One of the problems with "Please advise" is that advise is a transitive verb, that is, it must have an object. Battle #2: people who then reply all to say ZOMG!! At my first job out of college, please advise was only ever used in emails to point out to someone that they missed a deadline or made a mistake. Its the reminders that I *still* cant seem to figure out and loathe doing. People do notice that. Oooh, yeah. And there are times where I think I know the answer but I want to see if I have options. I use that one when I have a long list of requests for someone. I lay out my problem and then say please advise meaning I am so lost can you please help me navigate this so I dont look like a complete idiot, I will admit, there was a time or two when please advise meant you and I have gone back and forth on this and you insisted on your way and it did not work, so what do you want to do now?. It was perfect for the scenario because if someone shows you a proof and you dont follow it, you often dont have a question so much as you have a wuhhh? I always wondered if it was an expression I wasnt familiar with or what. Like youre reminding a toddler Timmy, we do not hit our friends in the face with our shoes.. as an example, someone is speaking at an event, for which we dont pay for, but reimburse for. But that is definitely a personal preference issue. This gives me more confidence that the context will be correct, which is hard to trust with auto-correction apps", A real person editor is much2 better than a software editor. If its someone who works for me, I dont want to be notified of a problem without their thoughts/suggestions/proposed solutions. if you wish. This. ", I love being able to see the tracking of the changes! Two women went shopping and they decided to buy a jacket. (c): . Or speaking whale a la Dory in Finding Nemo. (Usually from a higher up.), I have to admit that I do use the term please advise AND in all caps to one certain person in our company. Im hoping you have more important things to worry about. Just kidding. This exactly. I am not a fan of please advise either but it is pretty common and probably not meant to sound rude. +1. Its funny, because to me, Please advise means exactly the same thing as Id appreciate your input on this. It really is a Know Your Office thing, I guess. All I can do it explain what the issue is and what our end need is, and ask them what our possible options are. Im not religious and Im certainly not a Scientologist but the one thing they got right is that they insist that people know what a word means. usually its tasks related to a larger thing theyve agreed to. Or at least there have been, everywhere Ive worked. for some reason i picked up the phrase from there and now i find myself using it all the time, in texts and facebook messages and tweets. The. 2nd Option: Be the nerdy student who becomes the school dux, while getting a raw 50 in English . ", Thank you so much! The issue is that they want to find a delicate way, which implies I dont think you can handle a straightforward mention that Im still waiting on this. The desire to more delicate than that is what grates. But they wont articulate any of those things you just have to guess. It feels like I am being asked for my expertise, my opinion, my knowledge. The formality reflects my work environment. Im having a problem with this and Im not sure what to ask for but this is what we need. Love the feedback from the editor. estimated time: 30 minutes,directly in your inbox. We had a parking procedure in place for a long time that the last person out the door at midnight parked in a specific spot where the security camera could see that person leave the building, walk to their car, and get in. But seriously? Thats a great use for it. I have found that simply putting are you able to help me resolve this? I totally agree with two recent posters (Scott and PC), as well as many, many others prior to them. There is no cost to keep your TextRanch account, and we store all of your past revisions in a secure and private manner. We KNOW that some cultures crowd up and breath down your neck; we KNOW in our heads that it is a cultural difference this does not prevent the visceral reaction to being crowded that people who require more personal space feel. At my old job, someone forgot and send wrong email to an internal listserv with about 1000 people, she realized the mistake in about 5 mins and quickly sent and apology email and a note to disregard. So Id let this one go. It took over half the year for the nun to catch on to what all those little slashes in the corners of our papers meant. if you will. When I see it, I always remind myself that, irritating though that phrase is, the writers proficiency in English is much better than my proficiency in the writers native language. 0. Please let me know vs Please tell me. I dont use it for folks who actually read the emails and pay attention to the important bits. Its totally redundant and not necessary. How come I did not think of that??? That said, I would never use please advise without more to the sentence. One of their common email closings was, Please advise of the needful. Yeah, Ive messaged people to see if they were available for a phone call, but I would say, Can I call you? and make the call myself, instead of insisting they call me. how do you handle being pregnant at work? ), Oh, and our organization likes to close emails with Very Respectfully. I tend to agree, yet, I can have a hard time applying this idea sometimes. Can I help anyone? versus Who was next? Me: OK, Ill pick some and have a draft for you to review next week. I had a coworker that used to ignore my emails about half the time so one day I asked her why. I guess I could take the time to type out Would you like me to continue doing this in the future? It is almost always someone who is trying to disagree and doesnt want to explain how or why, someone who is trying to delay, or someone who doesnt want to make a decision (but not in a whats your advice? way, more in a I dont want to deal with this way). I guess Im being somewhat oversensitive because Ive had several employees in the past who drove me CRAZY with constantly dumping issues in my lap and never trying to bring solutions. I think Ive caught myself doing this a few times but I realize it before I send it out. Some people either a) forget to put any subject, b) put a very generic one-word subject that I have twenty other emails with that same subject but for different topics, or c) put an entire novel in the subject. To me "Let me know what suits you best" sounds better. I think the phrase Please advise means Define my problem, then solve it for me. As such, I think its a pretty irritating/lazy way to ask for help. The original poster sounds like an arrogant primadonna. It is a broad, general term, however, it can be very meaningful and thorough. + Read the full interview, TextRanch has been really helpful in improving the flow and repairing the structure of my sentences. So dont do drugs. (Probably including every time Ive written in.). And of course I understand and noted in my OP that other English speaking nations use slang that is different from ours and sounds perfectly normal to them just as ours sounds annoying. Many translated example sentences containing "please let me know" - French-English dictionary and search engine for French translations. I made sure I never ever used it in my own emails. Thanks!. Just had an email saying another comment had been left. This is now off of my plate until I hear from you (tagyoure it). Drugs are bad. Can you check these teapots for errors? I always read it like shes yodeling at me. let me know if you didn't or let me know if you don't? I would like to give some of that advice to the current staff that I manage. I hear this about bless your heart all the time. similar ( 8 ) Let me know your thoughts and advice below. as is brekky, I think. Fastest Times Our team of editors is working for you 24/7. This is the other circumstance where I use Please advise.. I think the reason the qualifiers miff people is that they have the exact opposite of the intended effect. . My peeve is no subject line Our HR generalist pretty much NEVER uses one in her all-employee emails, and often her emails are just a pdf with no explanation of their content (usually a flyer of some event) so I have to download it to see if its anything at all relevant to me. Second is and I swear this is just coincidence and not meant specifically towards you how Americans cant get that other English-speaking nations slang that sounds perfectly fine to them. I think it sounds a little formal, but not offensive, so this letter surprises me a bit. My peeve is when people reflexively end all emails with thanks, even when they are merely letting me know about something, not asking me for something. Its like saying, I wont be thanking you after youve done the work.. Some people dont read the entirety of an email and may not realize they need to respond. I can definitely think of specific people who only use please advise in the negative context. If you're looking for a complete and built-in experience on your smartphone, you must take a glance at Emerald Chat mobile on your browser of selection. Can you please answer one of the 4 emails or 2 voicemails on this topic? That said, its important to know whos writing it. The recipient is dealing with a quality crisis related to last months collector teapot and all other work has been postponed until early next week. Most people probably don't realize how loaded questions like gender might be on their forms or surveys. Your text is being reviewed by one of our Experts.We will notify you when your revision is ready. Not all jobs are client-facing however, so it may not be appropriate for all industries. (2) I dont know what to do and Im making it your problem. Yes, sounds good to me. For some reason, were constantly begging our lawyer to (pretty) please (and only should the stars align to create no personal inconvenience to him) advise (on this legal matter with respect to which were paying him a hefty fee). Tuesday, 1/25: 2pm - 4pm EST. Ive received what are your thoughts? / please advise / do you have input/feedback? and all of them seemed appropriate to the situation. I think overall people have a hard time getting tone correct when reading emails. There are a handful of people at work who use this on Doesnt everyone? Iris. Im rapidly coming to that conclusion as well. Ok, this is hilarious, because I used to this way today! You may think please advise is bratty, but the person sending it may think they are just being professionally neutral. This is the kind of comparison Im thinking of. Ha, this post brings back memories. So efficient. ", Its one of the best way of improving written skills. Prefacing the word reminder with gentle or friendly is a feeble attempt to soften the blow. It tells the subject being asked to advise (others) whom are relevant to the specific situation to be given information regarding that situation so everyone involved has the level of information that the person who requested please advise wanted to convey. } else if (w.attachEvent) { As if Im a) too stupid to understand her and b) need to be asked or apparently I would have otherwise not said anything if I didnt understand??? +1. what the hell? I often see Please advise abused to avoid doing either of the above! give you my account number) or a check issued in favor of my person. Please let me know what options you have in the $20 range. Running errands: I have to get the needful done. To be fair they can just put Agenda to follow, but none of the invites I receive had any follow-up agenda sent. } else if (w.attachEvent) { In many workplaces, as several have mentioned, Please advise takes on other connotations. I also accept Venmo, Cashapp, and Zelle as payment, let me know if you have any questions. How may I help you? or even Next in line, please., I have fortunately never heard that phrase , but I suspect that somewhere along the way Whos next? got combined with I can take/help the next customer in line (or something similar), Ok, I can see that. BUT really. I use Please Advise as a last ditch effort to obtain a response from a decision maker in my companys corporate office. Its used in the absence of a question, so the reader doesnt take it like an Fyi but actually acts on it. or Let me know if you can join me.? teehee! The one that drives me nuts is VR. Dont ask why, it makes no logical sense, it just makes my skin crawl. Ive also been using it fairly often as well. Want to hear the craziest email pet peeve? But from reading these comments and talking to people at my current workplace, apparently not everyone sees it that way. I wouldnt mind that at all. The latter has a different meaning. Thats more of a benign request. Yes, agreed. I would use Please advise where I need a definite answer. Please Advise } While this was designed with an African wild dog in mind, it could easily be used for another canine if you use different ears. I figure my bolding in emails annoys some people, but I do it because those people typically dont read the important parts and never respond. I had an obnoxious passive aggressive manager once who would scold you for some nitpicky infraction and then give you a syrupy Thanks for all you do to send you on your merry way. I agree that using it the opposite way irritates. Cant think of any examples right off the bat but it definitely doesnt fit for some emails! Please advise. (if you wanted instant notification you could have sent it yourself!) w.onload = loader; Did you get the memo? If the e-mail is sent out to a distribution list (scenario Im envisioning) its hard to think of any circumstance where it would be appropriate to reply all. How about Friendly reminder? My grandmother (who was born in 1912 in Oklahoma) once said at a family buffet dinner, My lands, shouldnt we serve the menfolk first? because people were lining up to fill their plates. On that note, has anyone noticed the difference in these two phrases? I like the sentiment; the phrase just seems so grammatically tortured that I wonder how and why its caught on. PizzaSquared * April 13, 2015 at 3:15 pm. Addressing specific people is key to getting the work done. When I used to work on an international team, I found they used Please Advise quite regularly. I bet there are people reading here and saying, Omg, they are talking about ME. I hope that they realize that its just trends. When a new checkout opens up, if they say the first one, theres practically a riot to see who gets there first. Though now that I work in a more casual situation, I just say Please let me know, and sometimes I even omit the Please. It feels like a power play. So I write all my emails in a formal, succinct manner. I like it because they might actually need something before they complete and return the thing I need; if not, its a memory jog that doesnt automatically assume theyre not on the ball. Sentence examples similar to let me know your preference from inspiring English sources. But sometimes the reason people say it is because there are line-jumpers. Get your English checked! In a perfect world, I wouldnt need it. I have been wondering how people bold or italicize here for ages, lol. *taps foot*. Feel free to let me know in the comments! I prefer to use phrases like thoughts? or can you help me with this? or Id love your opinion on this just because theyre phrases I could deliver aloud, in real life, with a straight face. ooooo! I hire people to know their jobs and make decisions. It just seems more polite. Except with the way you worded it, youre implying that your boss *has* to go with one of the three options you came up with as opposed to coming up with their own idea. Make sense?. (I got that salutation a lot from coworkers in my office but rarely from folks in other offices.) When my employees come to me, I want them to come with solutions or ideas, not just problems. Me, too. Someone who criticizes popular characters or plot elements is often accused of having overanalyzed or misread or deliberately subverted the obvious real story when they were just expressing their instinctive responses. We realize that we have likely missed some great companies, so please let us know if we missed you. I had to Google it the first time someone said it to me, because I wasnt sure if it was supposed to be vaguely insulting or extremely polite. I write stuff like I appreciate any information you are able to provide! etc. Its so delightfully vague! I moved from big city to mid-Michigan and West Michigan though. I managed to screw up pretty regularly in the third category, which led to me being pretty gun-shy about replying at all unless I was explicitly asked a question or given an action item. Tuesday, 1/25: 2pm - 4pm EST. its definitely as bad or worse than gentle reminder in my book. Am I being overly sensitive? Also updated EXPENSE sheet Yes, I suppose thats more out of concern for your schedule. Please let me know when it is completed. Yea see because you made a statement rather than ask a question. On can ask questions in an email and never get a reply, so I make sure they realize I expect a reply. I find this thread fascinating. I work with people in India a lot and they do say Please do the needful which is quirky English but not offensive or particularly grating to me. Yeah, those are not please advise situations! ", This a great. They also might just be doing it out of habit, or because they learned it from someone more senior earlier in their careers. if (w.addEventListener) { If I have a specific question, and I know the recipient is either really busy or prone to scanning emails, Ill usually state the question and then bold it. I occassionally use please advise if I think the reader may miss various points in my email that is actually a question. I am so flummoxed by the OPs overly negative reaction to this. 17 Oct 2017. if (w.addEventListener) { Yes, just a little reminder at the end of the email that you cant proceed without input. I want to know the context of the meeting so I can prepare for it. Please let us know you thoughts on this. Please alert me when Keep me in the loop The preferred version is "please keep me up to date." It's still a strong, polite phrase because we start with "please." However, it's also more professional than "let me know" because it asks to be kept "up to date" about whatever matters are currently going on. Im more likely to say, Please let me know your thoughts.. Personally, I never end my emails with Please advise. It just is not my style and I dont like how extremely formal it feels. This. Let me know what you think. Its *extremely* useful. you made this easier,thanks or something similar. [.] Its all about being able to read the culture of your workplace. I dont think the IM itself is what AMG is referring to its when the person IMing then wants you to be the one to call them, even though theyre the one who wants something. In-depth corrections and comments from a senior editor. Please advise. Perhaps it depends on which way the statement is flowing? You can see something similar pretty often in discussions about works of fiction. It is a benefit to do this as often as possible. (I am so immature. You are incredibly annoying and childish. I guess they could say, Can I help the person who is next? But that, while grammatical, still sounds odd. Do NOT leave your belongings at the front desk. Can I help whoevers next would be perfectly grammatical, thoughhow about that? So basically, get over yourself and please advise. Then the email request gets ignored by everyone thinking someone else will do it until the LW actually points a finger and say, that means YOU, Wakeen. I suspect part of the reason for our culture being this way is that we have a fairly open floorplan, so if we were to routinely talk at our desks, it would be disruptive. No need to be weirdly deferential. This answer would please the interviewer if there was concern about the applicant's dedication to the job or ability or desire to work longer hours. Three reasons to sign up for our newsletter: More than 100,000 users already registered. I have to add something along the lines of Please let me know xyz or Let me know if there is anything else, or I might even cordially thank them for their help in advance. *other English-speaking nations have their own usage or slang, [dont know where the rest of that sentence went]. That is why I asked the OP if there were more issues at play in this office. Shed been told about that by other staff, so I reminded her of that event, and then said, this is one reason the parking procedure was put in place. Especially annoying if its a repeat offender one of my co-workers and I used to joke that it actually meant please give me advice so I can ignore it and do whatever I want anyway, and then blame you when it went wrong because then I can CYA and say well, I asked Meg Murry for her advice and carefully neglect to mention that I didnt actually follow her advice. And as an aside, I really wouldnt mind hitting someone with my shoes. Maybe Im doing it all wrong, but it works for us. It just sounds sojerky. + Read the full interview, I believe its going to smooth business communications", I am really satisfied with the answer and turnaround time. You obviously understand what they are saying but choose to read more of a personal message into it. Please advise.. I dont think I would even know what that meant. I was thinking this too. Just no. I dont like please advise either, but there are so many other awful things people do either inadvertently or deliberately (passive aggression is the worst) I feel like I have to pick battles. Certainly, sometimes you have a new employee, a weird problem, etc. I think in the emails in this discussion the term is almost used out of context due to the monkey see, monkey do concept. Exactly. Make sure you specify your time zone (people will assume they are in your timezone) The busier the . I highly recommend it. I guess Im being petty at this point but I think there are so many better ways to communicate with people. I have the same issue with the response No worries but due to a personal relationship, not a work one. Idk, it just seems like the nicest default sign-off. No one is demanding that you stop holding up an important project more like, I would like to take my break today at 5 instead of 6. Me: Heres a selection of potential images for the brochure. ", Human understanding of the context. Im fine with that when its an actual FYI email, but I see it a lot in more passive-aggressive contexts, where people want a response but arent going to ask for one. I mean, we all have our pet peeves, but deciding that someone is a rude jerk based on a single turn of phrase just seems unnecessary. That sentence went ] either but it definitely doesnt fit for some emails like an but. Think of any examples right off the bat but it definitely doesnt fit for emails... Such, I think it sounds a little formal, but Im told that literally everything else will misinterpreted. And talking to people at work who use this on our Experts.We will notify you when revision. Repairing the structure of my person way to ask for help with people italicize for! Else will be misinterpreted by someone whos writing it formalities to make your feel... The chocolate teapots could deliver aloud, in real life, with a straight.... 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