kiss the ground fact checking

So what we are talking about here is how to better use the land dedicated to animal agriculture (83 percent of all agricultural land) that is responsible for 80 percent of food-related greenhouse gas emissions yet provides only 18 percent of our total calories. Bundchen and Brady point to the health of the soil as directly influencing the health of the plants we eat and our health as well. Tilling and chemical agricultural methods have disrupted this cycle and increased the rate of carbon release. Ganretts white paper doesnt even mention soil microbiology. A plant-rich dietary pattern that places emphasis on regeneration but really could be chopped in a number of ways to suit the individual Mediterranean, paleo, pescatarian, vegetarian, vegan, etc can all be done in a plant-predominant manner. The movie funders wanted to make this movie all about organic farming, but Gabe and I worked on him and showed him that organic farming can be as destructive as conventional farmingand to his credit, Josh learned what regenerative farming was all about. Sustainability, 7(10), 13500., Teague, W. R., Dowhower, S. L., Baker, S. A., Haile, N., DeLaune, P. B., & Conover, D. M. (2011). If the U.S shifted away from intensive livestock farming to traditional grazing, its been calculated that theavailable grasslands would only be able to produce 27 percent of the countries current beef supply. The role of ruminants in reducing agricultures carbon footprint in North America. On-the-ground agricultural practices carried out by millions of individual farmers directly affect the health of the soil, and by extension, global atmospheric carbon levels and the pace of climate change. This gets the nutrients back into local farmlands, and helps reduce the impacts of droughts and the need for fertilisers, which are polluting your local rivers. Science experts and celebrity activists unpack the ways in which the earth's soil may be the key to combating climate change and preserving the planet. To move the conversation forward with the urgency this topic deserves, filmmakers have to use the emotion they elicit to generate willpower and give the public the conceptual framework they need to act, not just to feel. But I wish people with platforms like documentary films or acting stardom would start framing issues with words that suggest physical work, like "repair" or fix or even "care for/take care of" (i.e. As Ian Somerhalder says in the documentary, Cows can be good. While many blame cows for carbon emissions, and rightfully so, they can actually be a part of the solution. However, given the notable absence of well qualified environmental scientists discussing evidence to support their ambitious claims, in favor of anecdotal experience from ranchers, just how much of the information in this documentary can we trust and reliably use to shape our food system and inform our food choices? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This process of soil destruction is detrimental to agriculture. Share this article or talk about the importance of soils to your friends. There is a large focus on America, but the issues here in the UK (and the rest of the world) are similar, so it is applicable to all. This is bio sequestration using plants to capture and store carbon. If we choose healthy foods, there is a reciprocation. If not, heres what you can do to join the regenerative farming movement, or at least help make things better . What do you hope will be an outcome from the movie? Personally, I think its a must watch for people to truly understand the situation we are in with the soils, why its important to save our soils, and how we can help. I was in California at a meeting and met Finnian Makepeace, who is the groups co-founder. If we pull the pin on that, it means one thing and one thing only. The lazy author of this review makes the same mistaken claim. There is extraordinary potential in the layers beneath our feet our Earths soil. Ryland Engelhart is a philanthropist. Understanding Ag is an equal opportunity provider and employer. On one hand, the use of celebrity ambassadors is an unsubtle but effective tactic to draw casual viewers and followers. It was very much positioned as absolutely crucial to confronting this climate emergency we find ourselves in. They correctly state that Bison would pass through land and not be seen for around a year. Its not the most interesting topic of conversation for most, so try just mentioning a one or two of the following points and see if that gets a conversation going. Regenerative agriculture describes farming and grazing practices that, among other benefits, reverse climate change by rebuilding soil organic matter and restoring degraded soil biodiversity - resulting in both carbon drawdown and improving the water cycle. Its filled with intelligent people who refuse to shy away from the impending climate cataclysm and have instead dedicated themselves to the daily work of facing itas farmers, educators, scientists, and yes, even as politicians. Every version got better, and the last version was the best one. Talking about the importance of beingbetter stewards of our land, and why we must do a better job at protecting our natural resources and ecosystems, is absolutely crucial if our species is to not just thrive on Planet Earth, but survive. I live in a rural area and have seen first hand the difference in soils farmed using modern, industrial methods and smaller fields farmed in a more traditional way. Unfortunately, Savory seems to have led himself to believe that his unscientific approach should be expanded across the world really, tear down more forests to make room for holistic grazing? In fact, based upon the outcome of that decision, Savory greatly modified his opinion as to what science can and cannot do when it comes to solutions of complex problems. Take the Inflammation quiz - what's your level? They thought I had lost my mind, but through hard work and perseverance weve been able to open many eyes through the years. The short clip featured Zelenskyy speaking and the audio was that of a translator. Regenerate America is an unprecedented coalition of farmers, businesses, nonprofits, and individuals from every corner of our country and all political stripes, convened by the national soil health 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization, Kiss the Ground. how to make a chi ball visible for beginners Keagy's Best Price Plumbing This means that compared to factory farms, or traditional grazing where cows are overgrazing and destroying the soil, a regenerative farm using holistic grazing would require a lot more land for any given number of roaming cows. Please read our Comment policy before commenting. I approached this film with professional interest, not just as a News Fellow with Stone Pier Press, but as someone trained in biology at college, regenerative farming at the Rodale Institute (three of the films agricultural experts work/ed here), and food systems at graduate school. I promise not to sell your information, and if you don't like what I send, you can easily unsubscribe at any point. Regenerative farming restores soils; storing carbon and reducing the need for chemical help to improve yields by harnessing natural processes. In fact, in theDrawdown Report,when you factor in the land that would be freed up if the entire world shifted to a plant-rich diet, this becomes the single biggest lever that each of us can pull to lower our individual environmental footprint. With that said, any time a new study, book, documentary, or other media publication is published, I read or watch with great interest. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Dr. Myles Allen and his research team with their recent GWP* metric point out how short lived GHGs have to be accounted for differently than long lived GHGs.. We are made of carbon (16%) and its the element that life is based upon! Their mob grazing action and the impact of their hooves is important. are needed to help heal the earth. I thought it would be just another news release or another interview. Our modern farming methods are not concerned with soil longevity or quality and are significantly to blame for the destruction of the soils. It only takes a quick read of theDrawdown Reportto realize that this is absolutely unfounded its going to take an enormous amount of solutions to radically transform our energy and food systems to reverse climate change, and holistic grazing, while certainly better than intensive farming, is not the miracle carbon-sequestering practice that those watching are led to believe. Due to its immense scale, and ability to sequester (store) greenhouse gases, it could be the one thing that can balance our climate, clean our water and feed the world! Sure, its easy to see with our own eyes that there is more life on land that is managed in a regenerative way, but in order to really know that it is a climate solution, we would need evidence that carbon levels in the soil are not only increasing but increasing by more than the emissions emitted by the animals involved in the system. Any plans to hire an agent or move to L.A? Its not too long, but youll learn a lot from it. In short:- If you act with maturity and consideration for other users, you should Ray: As they say, He who has the gold makes the rules, so there was a lot of pressure to have Josh, the director, slant this movie towards veganism, messaging cows are bad, eat less meat, carbon footprint, and organic farming will save the world, kind of stuff. Put simply, there are no healthy humans without a healthy planet. If you have found your way to this article, I can only assume that we have something in common: both of us want to see a better world where humans and all life on earth is thriving. Farmers need to make profits but we need to be transparent here and lay down all solutions on the table to have an open discussion. Thanks for a well-referenced and easily readable article this seems like a great resource to send to people. Agricultural Systems, 162, 249-258. doi:, Teague, W. R., Apfelbaum, S., Lal, R., Kreuter, U. P., Rowntree, J., Davies, C. A., . Another issue with our modern methods is that we plough to remove existing plants, and then plant, or even leave the field bare over winter. and experts are committed to making an impact through a wide range of contentand Directors Joshua Tickell Rebecca Harrell Tickell Writers Johnny O'Hara Joshua Tickell Rebecca Harrell Tickell Stars (Though theyre still good ideas.). This positioning starts with the documentarys focus on theDrawdown Reportby Environmentalist Paul Hawken from Project Drawdown. To rotate cows like bison, it means leaving land free from roaming animals for at least six-nine months a figure that Alan Savory states himself in the documentary. I dont understand how they didnt emphasize that you still have to eat a plant rich diet if you want everyone in the world to eat pasture raised animals Theres only so much to land and hence animals you can raise. From rehabilitating entire ecosystems to growing home victory gardens, there are plenty of ways to get involved in regenerative agriculture. Its a system of thinking and working that takes knowledge, skill, experience, endurance, affinity, if you've got it, and a lot of hard work, just like any other difficult undertaking. Ill start with the hardest and get easier. Two-thirds of the worlds land is currently desertifying leading to millions of climate refugees and further environmental destruction. After the country decided to increase yields and started intensively farming and tilling the fertile midwestern plains, leaving the soil bare for large periods of time. All of these issues and more can be addressed, at least partially, by regenerative ag. All whilst minimising our 'footprint'. If cattle are allowed to roam and graze, they contribute to carbon sequestration the process by which plants take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in the soil. A prime example of this is their claim that there is only 60 years of farming left. Livestock and Land Use: How Are We Feeding The Planet? Kris: There has never been a time when the potential to fundamentally change global agriculture, food quality, and economic viability for small and large farmers by regenerating the soil to restore and revitalize ecosystem services is as great is it is now. Our farming systems have moved too far out of alignment with mother nature. Here are five things I learned from Kiss the Ground. Gabe: No, but only because I am on to the next project, bringing society together in supporting regenerative ag. What the writers ignored is that it was SCIENCE that led to that preferred plan of action. Using compelling graphics and visuals, along with striking NASA and NOAA footage, the film artfully illustrates how, by drawing down atmospheric carbon, soil is . 209 South Oak Ridge Drive Or this breakdown of the many myths he perpetuates inThe International Journal ofBiodiversity. One of the . Every year 40m people are displaced as their farmlands become desert. Specifically, regenerative agriculture is a holistic land management practice that . And this isnt just my own speculation. With topsoils disappearing and temperatures rising, about 2/3 of the world is desertifying. Kiss the Groundgave the microphone to Ranchers Alan Savory and Gabe Brown, but we didnt hear about any legitimate science testing out whether the claims they were making truly hold up? Is it possible that some of the great empires that seemingly vanished, like the Myans and Incas, did so because they over farmed, and could not feed their rising populations? To achieve this, we have to change the way that we do agriculture, with less synthetic chemicals and GMOs and use the most powerful carbon capture process ever invented photosynthesis. Just consider the thousands of peer reviewed papers advocating this diet or that diet and the people in the US are still among the most malnourished in the developed world. Its avoidable if we take better care of our soils and pay more attention to where and how our foods are grown! It took a Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady cameo to hit this point home. In other words, his claims cannot be supported by data, replicated by others and he doesnt believe in science. Enterprise, AL 36330. I do feel bad for the farmers trapped in the cycle though. We have now decoupled these so farmers are either crop or livestock, and each are done on an intensive scale, with no natural cycles in place. A revolutionary group of activists, scientists, farmers, and politicians band together in a global movement of "Regenerative Agriculture" that could balance our climate, replenish our vast water supplies, and feed the world. Less meat to go around and significantly higher prices per unit. The documentary is well-produced and in the eyes of a layperson an extremely compelling case for changing the way we grow food. Eco-friendly eating - better for your health and the planet :). The other 60% are the large sea-driven cycles. Monocropping further exacerbates the issue, as the same crop is grown year on year, for miles in the case of US farms, microbial diversity cannot increase. . Forages and Pastures Symposium: Cover Crops in Livestock Production: Whole-System Approach: Managing Grazing to Restore Soil Health And farm livelihoods. In fact, if we look at the solutions outlined in theDrawdown Reportand their potential to draw down carbon from our atmosphere, shifting to a diet that favours calories from plants is twice as powerful compared to shifting to silvopasture and four times as powerful compared as shifting to managed grazing two forms of regenerative agriculture that involve livestock. Kris: No, but I am working on creating a virtual party with friends and family as we are scattered throughout the U.S. Ray: I will have a few people over. This is a review Im very familiar with having read through it front to back a handful of times. Over the years, tilling causes the soil to dirt, leaving it vulnerable to erosion and desertification. Grazing livestock are net contributors to the climate problem, as are all livestock.

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