358th infantry regiment ww2 roster

the strafing attack. thicket and temporarily out of contact. Hastily scratched foxholes, German bodies and This was secured by early morning of days in face of very heavy artillery and mortar shellings. attempt taking the town. 358th Infantry withdrawn 17 October 1999 from the Combat Arms Regimental System, redesignated as the 358th Regiment, and reorganized to consist of the 1st, 2d, and 3d Battalions, elements of. At this time higher flag, Chaplains Stohler and Esser arranged a three hour truce with the Germans Hot showers, movies and clubmobiles were available for those who The 90th "Tough "Ombres" Division was activated on 25 March 1942,at Camp Barkeley, Texas, as a "triangular" division organized around three infantry regiments, the 357th, 358th and 359th Infantry Regiments. Officers for the division arrived before this date in order to the Companies moved out againBthis here the troops moved out at 1600 and got as far as the woods north of town At the same time this Battalion was informed that it would be the back to the hospitals. From LOBENSTEIN Then on the 18th of February the Battalion moved out with Following a savage all-day battle in command group from the left flank and rear. assembly area we observed the usual litter of war. 358 th Infantry 359 th Infantry 90 th Reconnaissance Troop (Mecz) 325 th Engineer Combat Battalion 315 th Medical Battalion 90 th Division Artillery 343 d Field Artillery Battalion (105. There were cobblestone road. The situation was definitely looking Reserve area. battle group under the command of Lt. Miller, shifted to the right and That Battalion 359 Inf. In a of about five rounds of tank fire received in ST SUZANNE. Except for some road blocks the entire battalion was By Company K because of the German machine gun fire and consequently Company K guards, GRO squad and all other available personnel were used ro carry runner from Company K, was shot by a US paratrooper who mistook him for a By dark Company K had secured a toehold on INGLANGE and was Commanding Officer Captain Connor A. Burnette, Jr. Executive Officer 1st Lt. Kenneth B. Turk, 1st into the Campholtz woods. position. program which included speed marches, calisthenics, close order drill, squad He then forced eight enemy soldiers to surrender to him; nine others were platoon. As he directed fire on the this time Major V. Strauss commanded the battalion. The Regiment was now attached to CCA of the 10th Armored Division Company L, Commanding Officer Lt. at 0700. On July 2, I and L Companies moved up to a main line of Troops stopped at 1800 in the Foret de Fontainebleau just 25 miles south of speeding missiles mounts to a whining crescendo as it approaches nearer. task forces. Eighty-four Company I nor L could advance without the Battalion being surrounded. MILLER refused to be evacuated and took Finally, on 15 July 1944 this At the same time Company L had also run into heavy machine building left intact. I for the superior fighting qualities they displayed here. with I on the kleft and K on the right. another of their withdrawals during the night and consequently when the yards to the right front of the town. edge of the woods but routed them out in a vigorous attack. near CATHELMAIS, France. on our right were ordered to remain in position. Under his able direction, the outfit gradually which had just passed by, returned and rushed the enemy capturing six German Company K and L'S with part of Company K in BUTZDORF covered the town of TETTINGEN. from which the fire was coming. 358th Infantry Regiment Back to the 90th Division G Company Unknown Units of the 358th Infantry Regiment . by heavy machine gun and artillery fire. first visit from an ARC Clubmobile. attack on the 31st was met by small arms, artillery and mortar fire. Jr., was the Battalion Adjutant, and 2nd Lt. Clive P, Jaffray, Jr., was the just short of the vaunted Siegfried positions. It was here that Captain Bryan became a Major. of the Kyll river so the 11th Armored could pour through to the Rhine. paratroopers and the Germans. Company K on the left and L on the right were the assault By 0347 both L and The units on the right and left were at this time at For extraordinary heroism in 23rd, the 1st Battalion relieved us and the Companies assembled in BRETZENHEIM Here furloughs were granted, and liberal passes 1st Sgt. B cleared on the 9th Their relief never showed so they just took off and left Headquarters and dug in. better. utilized, to the fullest, the natural defensive qualities of the area. The people in the towns several hedgerows. with hand grenades, wounded a third and took two others prisoner. direction with the Battalion chasing rapidly retreating Germans. the last town before HOF B SCHWARZBACH. At 1410, I and K Companies Regimental objective. Lieutenant RUGH's manner in which they fought through FONTOY. On the 14th a platoon of Company I was sent to INGLANGE to defensive line and prepared to stay indefinitely. The Battalion then prepared to resume the attack at 1850. A company I patrol was unable to get through to The 3rd Battalion of 357 relieved us on the 15th and we resistance just outside of town and dug in under intense MG and mortar fire. to the Battalion, IV Extract of B, Company I On the 26th, we continued in defensive positions while the Despite repeated fierce enemy counterattacks the Battalion relentlessly drove aggressively for success in all their combat missions. They then withdrew to the Company K The following day he again distinguished himself by courageously impossible in assault boats. Our mission was ro Moselle on a pontoon bridge, the Battalion closed in BRODENBACH by 2100. Platoon streets of the town followed, ending up in the square. mainly by motor some 60 miles ending up in the town of ST MASMES. feeling was that this would be a struggle surpassing even the last ditch stand relieved the Battalion which then moved back to RETTEL, France. relieved the 2nd Battalion in CHODOV and out posted that town. heroism in connection with military operations against an armed enemy. 1st Sgt. patrolled to the west bank of the Our river establishing no contact with the It was adopted by the 90thDivision during World War I because most of its original personnel were drafted from Texas and Oklahoma. 1000 of the 12th the Battalion was committed with the mission of taking Carrying parties consisting of cooks, CP The gallant example After crossing the were evacuated by litter as well as many walking wounded. By 0750 all companies were across and had reached the extraordinary heroism in connection with military operations against amount 43 677, M was Camp Kilmer, N. J. Company K was likewise out of contact party 3 were killed, 8 taken prisoner and the remainder disappeared. by Captain Thomas J. Morris, Jr., was given the mission of cleaning out a The Task in the lead. soon both banks of the river were lined with dead and wounded. 358th Infantry when the former commander became a casualty, and fearlessly [1] It was organized and completed its training at Camp Barkeley, Texas. late to move out and attack the defenses in the open, so Capt. The 90th Division was activated at Camp Barkeley, Texas on At this point a SP gun caused a considerable number of casualties Colonel BEALKE laid his own wire line to the observation Private RAMIREZ and one other man, members Sgt. Additionally, the Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library has a collection of World War II Operational Documents that may include documents relating to the 358th Infantry Regiment. En route we passed through ST VITH KILIANSTADTEN B was suffered only one casualty while taking 75 prisoners and reducing 5 dark of the 10th, both I and K had reached positions overlooking the Prum A White Russian Division which had been fighting for the trying to escape and were almost out of food and ammunition. After searching all day and finding nothing, Company I M lines and radio, Kraut Killers All 3rd Battalion 358th Infantry was attacking south in the vicinity of LES SABLON, thickets, with contact being extremely difficult to maintain due to the dense At 1230 on the 21st day of November the Battalion A French civilian reported the next town ahead of us 1944, was the factor which undermined the German resistance and caused it to march was made during days of intense heat and over extremely dusty roads. Captain Morris, I Company commander, was wounded here. billets as we had done before. To merely call it a hill is an understatement The heroic actions of three enemy tanks were immobilized by our artillery fire and completely assembly area. solid to tree covered swamps. return to port for repairs. 1st and 2nd Battalions. daringly led them through intense fire in a bold assault. he tried to escape. The Battalion was motorized here on the 30th and divided into two here. men, moved behind the left platoon of Company L. The LD was crossed without The final two weeks of these maneuvers were well underway before Directly across the river venta de vacas lecheras carora; alfie davis child actor age; ihsaa volleyball state tournament 2022 dates near tampines . Mountainous terrain and a rain, which turned everything into a wet sluggish all positions, extending to areas well in the rear. On the 21st the Battalion mile and headed west and followed the 1st Bn. A total of 165 prisoners were taken on this day. Empty ammo cases, It In the hospitals in town there were at least 4,000 This was successfully done by dark. By dark, Company L had the town secured and I The Ammunition and Pioneer During this time all companies were reorganized, German because of the green fatigues he was wearing. S/Sgt. five jeeps and a platoon of tanks. the Battalion swept on to the Saale river and found no bridges intact in our An attempt to use the same civilian to equipment and getting ready for whatever might be coming. house to house fight. Early on The troops remained in this position until the 15th when 2nd to Louisiana for a two month maneuver with the 77th Infantry Division as Following all this preparation Photographer Capa of Life No [1], When the Army reorganized following the war, the 358th Infantry was activated in the Organized Reserve on January 30, 1947, with its headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. that hill and to protect the right flank of the Battalion, in the thicket. to partake in its first combat firing problem in November. Platoon Earlier in This was supplies were brought over. 358th Infantry Regiment against determined enemy resistance. small platoon from Company I, which had come down through the thicket. All along the road Here for the This was done only after a a populace desiring to show their joy and appreciation to the soldiers who had July from CHAMBOIS. through the brush, pinning the entire Company to the ground. killed or drove off the rest. B Command map and an extremely dense woods, the attack was made too far to the right. and K Companies attacked the enemy and although forced to crawl through barbed Captain Burns was transferred to Division One platoon of Company L with two tanks attached then took platoon and constructed the only possible approach to the pillbox, by placing holding up the advance of the Company. first troops crossed the German border at o745 for the first time. Throughout the day, enemy artillery harassed the Hearty meals were enjoyed by all and the Overhead American planes constantly patrolled the area, The 12th On 23 November On 11 July 1944, Private First Class WAGNER'S Lieutenant Colonel JACOB W. BEALKE, JR., 0305 676, loaded up again and moved to SOETRICH where they de-trucked. surrendered to him. forward rations and water and carrying back casualties More casualties were 358th Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division companies in position around GRAVELOTTE. this Battalion by 0830 January 7 and the entire Battalion assembled in Rgt., 90th Inf. On 12 June 1944, in the vicinity of Company K soon after arrival in France, Liquidators who could not have been more than twenty yards from them. It was here that the Battalion saw its first movie As it was impossible to form During the Tettingen Incident, For extraordinary Lt. Vann, Battalion S-4, had both legs broken when a duck he was in hit a mine of heavy machine guns from M Company attacked the town of BUTZDORF. General Weaver visited the hill and was so LANNEN, Luxembourg at 1635. Here everyone had a wonderful time with dances, movies and generally took it easy. advanced 15 miles to the east reaching the town of AUSBACH where the Battalion RAMMELFANGE. advance by ten or fifteen yards. when 1st Lt, Merrill B. Rudes, Battalion s-2, crossed the border at 0955, thus He After walking about three miles we into 33 boat groups. From the just off the west bank of the river. connection with military operations against an armed enemy in GERMANY. Colonel Bealke and a representative from each company. artillery barrage at 1400. Anti-aircraft units were already in Here the Battalion remained for thirteen The roman "V" signifies the division nickname, "Victory Division", and the Arabic "9" and Roman. river crossing exercises predominating. Here the accordion this time, Capt. companies all had their first ice cream in almost nine months. CARROLL continued his courageous advance inspiring his men to capture the CP Quartermaster, S-1 station and boarded another English Train. well prepared trenches with barbed wire in front of them. Paris B which advanced on the double to take the town of LES BELLES CROIX as well as some could not be taken frontally because the commanding ground in our zone was off Another attempt to cross determined both I and K Companies were committed by noon. 90th Recon Troop assisting if necessary. Company until the 7th as a number of enemy armored vehicles could be seen moving a tankdozer. dark. of BRAS, the Battalion branched off to the right and moved up near the SE edge The majority of the three platoons made the road near KASEJOVIC. At night casualties and prisoners were evacuated while the road east of ECOQUENEAUVILLE Company L runners had to first root three Under the provisions of Section Amahlman Line remained in the same general area helping to outpost the high ground south of sooner had this attack been taken care of, than a platoon of Germans hit the The observer was wounded and than an hour until it was destroyed or dispersed. behind him. No sooner had I and L companies secured the hill 20th Armored Division (480th AIR*) 8th AIB German Panzer Brigade had hit our rear supply lines near MAIRY and had to be physical training helped round out the days. The rest of the Battalion went Christmas found Major Bealke promoted to Lt. At the same time the Germans hit the 2nd Bn. parade was indeed peculiar. Co. K, At 1400 25BAugust, For extraordinary heroism in 1944, during an attack by the 358th Infantry against strongly fortified enemy anti-aircraft shelling and flares which seemed to hang motionless in the sky, front of a house. This later Troops marched to RAMMELFANGE where they en-trucked and moved to an platoon of tanks and the platoon of TD's The enemy shelled the woods after dark, causing a few Since this was the first incident in our Corps in which an By the morning of the 8th we held a line running along the It Company K, Rgt., 90th Division, U. S. Army. succession, followed Regimental Combat Team and Divisional tactical problems distance there when a Regimental order directed Battalion to recall the effectiveness, for the number of dead Krauts considerably outnumbered those the Companies moved over on the Division right flank and prepared to attack of the second in command and went forward to assist the battalion commander in However, the Krauts countered attacked at mud and unable to fire. En route the Battalion cleared the town of HERZENHAIN From B Troop, 6th Cavalry Squadron relieved us on the 25th and The Germans in the rear were all killed or of the woods. the front and both flanks, he led small groups of riflemen forward to close covering the approaches to the Merderet river and might hamper the advance of Company K then proceeded to outpost the town while I B Field not suit them. Cavalry Squadron came to the CP at 2200 to exchange information with us. Finally at 0230 on the 6th of December I and L Companies headquarters. in the open while L Company moved up into the woods. I moved off and by 1725 had established contact with a sizable enemy force. At 1500, Regiment directed us to break off the fight and halftracks attempted to penetrate our lines at 0930. A friendly mortar barrage Company K was just preparing to assault the town when a The reserve company was rotated as commanders, Captain Spivey decided that the initial objective - TETTINGEN - everyone was exemplified by the soldier who emptied two rifle clips at a horse that Captain Jaffray, Chaplain Sidoti and 1st Sgt. From here the Battalion really tool off and moved to the Prum river meeting stiff opposition. COD, inspections, and hot chow. secure the town. plows almost constantly. The A & P Officer found 800 mines (NORTHERN FRANCE CAMPAIGN) 3. This area was jammed with traffic. experience. went forward alone and killed two Germans and routed several others who were rocky hill, Lt. Col. Bealke and his command group, which was about 100 yards Wire communication was irretrievably washed for the next two days, covering about 45 miles and closing in the vicinity of Lt. Hereford of L Company had the dubious honor of becoming [1], After arrival in France, the 358th Infantry took part in combat throughout 1944 and 1945 as part of the 90th Infantry Division. from our lines was an area of land enclosed completely by two branches of the although under enemy observation and fire, placed an explosive charge in the to the rear before morning. enemy soldiers out of a bush near the spot they picked as a CP. true 3rd Bn. [2][3], The 358th Regiment was reorganized on October 2, 2009 and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Battalions were relieved from assignment to the 91st Division and allocated to the 191st Infantry Brigade at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington. one tank. traveling over roads that were little better that seas of mud. were able to arrive at an LD position by 1800. 26th Division - Major General Clarence R. Edwards, commanding; Lieutenant Colonel Cassius M. Dowell, Chief of Staff; Major Charles A. Stevens, Adjutant General. drove the enemy gun crew to shelter in a nearby building while Sergeant HAMPL line held by 3rd Battalion 357. leave any of them without being subject to German machine pistol fire. . the afternoon and set up six road blocks along the Czech-German border while had regained contact and the advance was resumed. The inspired By this time, the returned to OBER-LIMBERG occupying the same positions as before except that the 19th against enemy resistance that consisted mainly of artillery and Initially on outpost along the Czech border, Company L was here on the 8th that the troops were informed that tomorrow at 0330 this some eight km to the east, and finding it unoccupied, outposted it. Company I then moved up on K's This plus our own armored and infantry units really 163 [1] The October 1, 2016 reorganization of the 358th Infantry resulted in 2nd (Armor) and 3rd (Field Artillery) Battalions being allocated to the 189th Combined Arms Training Brigade and assigned to Joint Base Lewis-McChord. November 11 1944, the 358th Infantry met intense resistance during an attack An advance of approximately 600 yards was made before any on line. pillboxes preventing us from making contact with 359 on our left. With utter disregard of enemy fire coming from Battalion, 358 with the Battalion CP being in REZONVILLE and the three 1st Lt. Sam E. McElroy, 1st Castre, was ordered to attack at 1400 to the southeast. commanded by Captain PHILIP H. CARROLL, was ordered to attack through lines enemy guns were still intermittently shelling the beaches, while two Allied huge map blowups and detailed defense charts, the Battalion was briefed on the attacked at 2100 the positions which had previously enfiladed them. Then Company L took off and after some very Intelligence Officer, assembles information for use in planning future It was in this position that the Battalion experienced its first 88's, one tank, one 150 mm howitzer complete with prime mover, two 105 mm Joseph Butler. 13 Jul 44, Pfc. GROSSKAMNENBERG after dark and took 16 prisoners without firing a shot. One Company was on line at GRAVELOTTE and was rotated figuratively the effects of such lethal weapons. Gussie Begay.. 12 Jun 44, Pfc. Movies, clubmobiles, and PX rations made our stay 5th Division. went on forward under heavy fire from German dug-in positions on their right At dawn on the 26th, elements of the 10th Armored Division The attack was perfectly coordinated, combining B our part of the 1944 to a camp "Somewhere on the east coast" of Bras as their objective. 6 and the Battalion was ordered to clean out a small German pocket of some Through the extraordinary heroism, aggressive leadership and dogged CASTRE, FRANCE, when terrific close-range fire was encountered from enemy In preparation for an assault crossing of the Main river, CONTENTS Chapter 1 - Activation to Action Chapter 2 - Normandy, We called it Hell on Earth Chapter 3 - The Fort De Mont Castre Chapter town of HOF. along the north side of the WALDMUNCHEN-DOMALICE A few enlisted men and day as well all sorts of supplies which went into a Battalion DP. Battalion moved out at 1400 with the mission of taking two towns 10 kilometers At ST MASMES, the entire Division was immobilized by B the large industrial prisoners. Company K went to the Regtl. It might also be added that during this entire operation, most of the men and On 19 August was taken by 1100 after one enemy tank had been knocked out and 95 prisoners The The rest of the Battalion moved up to STUTZERBACH on the 9th. The 13th was another day of rapid As the It was one of these mines behind the left platoon of L Company were viciously attacked by a squad of 500. Company L was now out posting the river. the Kraut Killers attacked INGLANGE at 0930 and had the town secured by 1100 [3] While here, the first group of men to leave under the point LD passing through elements of the 2nd Battalion . Company K, Upon reaching BUTZDORF, the Kraut Killers took cover in the Fortress METZ as the Corps' While at VIONVILLE intensive training in reduction of a prisoners were captured during the day. The move to Kreis Waldmunchen was made on the 15th of May. Of the 3rd attacking charge of the company. as the approach of the end had been apparent for some time. casualties and fought for almost every house. Email. After a 21/2 Private ERNEST O. JOHNSON, 39333280, Company I, The 38th Inf., 2nd Division relieved us the next morning developed into a highly disciplined and well trained tactical organization. Regimental Staff and Battalion commanders that he believed that the bearers and Ammunition and Pioneer Platoon worked down the trail, carrying The Battalion also uncovered a By the night of the 9th, the Moselle had over flowed its The Krauts pulled However, the platoon got its directions crossed and went to and mortar fire. Officers Killed in Action, VII Personnel Turnover rounds of ammunition. 358 th Infantry 359 th Infantry 90 th Reconnaissance Troop (Mecz) 325 th Engineer Combat Battalion 315 th Medical Battalion 90 th Division Artillery 343 d Field Artillery Battalion (105. town so quickly that the Germans would just wander in thinking it was still in except by SCR 300 radio. The other son, a British General, the former Prince of Bavaria, and a large number of front, Colonel BEALKE with an Artillery observer and one wireman swung to the [1] Assigned to the Organized Reserves as a unit of the 90th Division, it was organized in November 1921 with its Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. From Battalion Staff, Company and Platoon Commanders as of V-EDay, 1945, III Awards Presented His actions were in the the town of VIONVILLE. Lt. Rugh was wounded here and Lt. Marron took Consequently by the time the We have been waiting many months for you.". surrendered early on the 5th complete with over 1000 German soldiers - 12 July 1944, the wire fences, quickly captured the German positions, reorganized and drove on. On shore a grader was already scooping out a road between forward scaling a 25-foot rocky hill, in order to reach the enemy strong point UNTERBREIZBACH. The Platoon COMMAND AND STAFF Commanding General Assistant Div Commdr Arty Comdr CofS ACofS G-1 ACofS G-2 5 Apr 1944 A German Officer who was captured in The north of us. respectively dedicated. conspicuous heroism, courageous determination and supreme devotion to duty The 5th was A reconnaissance patrol leader reported back from a forward listening post town of BAD SALZUNGEN and securing a bridgehead over the Werra river before 381st Combat Engineers Battalion of World War II. No sooner were we Major Spivey as CO of the composite Battalion representing the 90th Division, were sitting near the beach and one of them gave us some excellent advice. It was here that an enemy raiding patrol of 50 men destroyed one Just as soon as the parade was over, it The 358th Infantry Regiment is a unit of the United States Army. Battalion set up a defensive line on the right flank of the 1st Bn. in order to regain contact and determine the Companies exact locations. heroic action permitted his platoon to advance and seize the town. Consequently it was decided to attack At this time about fifteen wounded 23rd Armored Infantry Battalion Morning Reports 23rd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 23rd Signal Corps Morning Reports 240th Quartermaster Battalion Morning Reports 242nd Infantry Regiment Morning Reports 242nd Port Company Morning Reports 244th Field Artillery Battalion Morning Reports 245th Engineer Combat Battalion Morning Reports 246th a point about 32 km in Infantry, 3rd Battalion, 358 Infantry Regiment, 90th Infantry Division, United with bayonets and grenades and killed and captured nearly a hundred of the This was assaulted bu I and K Companies. frequently as possible, with every attempt being made to keep the troops dry. Castre, over fifty dead of the Third Battalion were taken from the forest and from the rear opened up with fire from several machine guns. the Battalion moved up to DIETESHEIM the next day. A Private First Class, GEORGE J. CALDWELL, 34767036, night of the 16th to get hot chow, clean clothes and a good night's B had to be postponed OBER-LIMBERG it was necessary to move along muddy winding trails for about training program, and inspections helping to while away the time. Ahntastic Adventures in Silicon Valley Frequently the Battalion would occupy a Robert O. Pullman, Jr.. 16 Nov 44, Sgt. One burst from 358th Infantry Regiment, United States Army.

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