compare french and dutch colonization to spanish colonization

Compare And Contrast French And Spanish Colonization During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, Europeans began their colonization and settling into America. Socially the English colonists were similar by the means that they shared an English heritage but differed greatly in lifestyle, politically and economically the colonies had many differences. The Algonquian, in turn, tolerated the French because the colonists supplied them with firearms for their ongoing war with the Iroquois. The rise in power of the Ottoman Turks and the decline of the Mongol Empire disrupted traditional trade routes. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Consumer behavior was affected by the fact that incomes were rising, and commodity prices were, True or False In Mesoamerica's warm and fertile Gulf coast, maize could sometimes be harvested twice in a year: Many political leaders and non-elite citizens believed Thomas Jefferson embraced the, In which of the following seventeenth-century wars did New England Puritans call themselves the "Sword of the Lord as they mounted an attack on Native Americans? The source of income that the French initially had was the fur trade. In 1607, the English started their colonization in Jamestown, Virginia hoping . Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. European goods, ideas, and diseases shaped the changing continent. Slow growth; by 1672 no more than 5,000 colonists had settled throughout New France. The French were ruled by a king, this, meant that they did not have several rights as for example, they were not able to have, meetings to discuss political and government issues. 5 Why did the French and Dutch colonies come to America? The Spanish, French and Dutch colonies treated the natives differently in terms of freedom granted to the people and religious beliefs. Since England did not find the golden success that the Spanish did down South, they had to settle on the natural resources of America. Compare And Contrast The Spanish French And Dutch Colonies. Montreal, QE. Of three kinds of games especially in use among these Peoples,namely, the games of crosse [lacrosse], dish, and straw,the first two are, they say, most healing. Think about economies, freedoms, religion, government structure, and intermarriage. The English and the Spanish had in common the fishing and farming. Colonization was first led by Spain and Portugal, in search of riches and trade routes mainly. French fishermen, explorers, and fur traders made extensive contact with the Algonquian. Also territories and protectorates. The Spanish, for example, reaped the . 0000014378 00000 n France and Spain both began exploring the New World to find gold and to spread Catholicism. Its fleets plied the waters of the Atlantic, while other Dutch ships sailed to the Far East, returning with prized spices like pepper to be sold in the bustling ports at home, especially Amsterdam. Text on this page is printable and can be used according to our Terms of Service. In, addition to having many parts they had settlements that include; Quebec, Montreal, and, Louisiana. Direct link to Sarini's post why did dutch and french , Posted 11 days ago. She or he will best know the preferred format. After unsuccessful efforts at colonization, the Dutch Parliament chartered the "West India Company," a national-joint stock company that would organize and oversee all Dutch ventures in the Western Hemisphere. 0000030704 00000 n In the eighteenth century, the Dutch and English competed with the French for trade and territory, which gave local Indians continued economic, diplomatic, and military leverage as Europeans competed for their trade and military alliances through the seventeenth century. These small investments are made by purchasing of "stock certificates" which, if the company succeeds, rise in value. Many of the initial attempts to establish settlements or forts were met with failure or disaster. Or the sick man himself, sometimes, will have dreamed that he must die unless the whole country shall play crosse for his health; and, no matter how little may be his credit, you will see then in a beautiful field, Village contending against Village, as to who will play crosse the better, and betting against one another Beaver robes and Porcelain collars, so as to excite greater interest. New France and New Netherland remained small commercial operations focused on the fur trade and did not attract an influx of migrants. The first part will. Why did they prescribe a game of lacrosse? 0000029659 00000 n All started colonizing to make empires for their country. French colonies were much smaller than the Spanish colonies. Briefly explain the distinguishing characteristics of the following categories of colonial government: provincial colonies, proprietary colonies, and charter colonies. Noli Me Tngere (Touch me Not) is a novel written by Jos Rizal, considered as one of the national heroes of the Philippines, during the colonization of the country by Spain to expose the inequities of the Spanish Catholic priests and the ruling government. The economies of Spanish, Dutch and French colonies were different from each other based on geography. They moved North to get to Florida and modern-day Texas. The Great Depression, 1929-1932, Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal, 1932-1941, Fighting the Good Fight in World War II, 1941-1945, Post-War Prosperity and Cold War Fears, 1945-1960, Political Storms at Home and Abroad, 1968-1980, The Challenges of the Twenty-First Century. Others significant reasons include various economic incentives and political stance as well as religious motives. When each of these empires got started had a heavy impact on what they did and how they did it. One of the reasons that led to distinct separation among regions was social disjunctions. How did the Dutch differ from both the French and the Spanish? The Spanish and French colonies were both ruled completely by their home country. As Europeans moved beyond exploration and into colonization of the Americas, they brought changes to virtually every aspect of the land and its people, from trade and hunting to warfare and personal property. Although the French and Dutch had apparent positive approaches compared to Spain, oppression of the Native Americans occurred under the control of all three colonies. During this research paper I was able to find a, great variety of things to compare and contrast.The French, Spanish,Dutch and English colonies, had a very extensive history. The audio, illustrations, photos, and videos are credited beneath the media asset, except for promotional images, which generally link to another page that contains the media credit. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. European colonization of the Americas started with the accidental discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus in 1492. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. Direct link to ChristianP's post Which 3 present-day citie, Posted 2 years ago. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Conquering societies which were danger for them, getting natural resources, being imperially powerful and getting economical power to their hands were the main motivations for societies to establish these institutions. How did the British colonies differ from the French and Spanish colonies? These colonization and economic differences led to their different political structures. What are some examples of how providers can receive incentives? While the Dutch, French, and Swedish settlements relied mainly on trade in fish and furs, English settlement took a variety of forms." (Mintz, et, al, 2018) They . Despite the population originating from England, the regions had distinct societies. Identify the main Spanish American colonial settlements of the 1500s and 1600s; Discuss economic, political, and demographic similarities and differences between the Spanish colonies; Compare and contrast the development and character of the French and Dutch colonies in North America On the, other hand, the French planned on having plantations near the Mississippi Valley but this was not, as good as they planned to be, in other words it failed . Cross-Currents: East Asian History and Culture Review, Volume 8, Number 2: Beyond Comparison: Japan and Its Colonial Empire in Transimperial Relations Nov 2019 Abstract: With the onset of the Great Depression in 1929 and the 1931 Manchurian Incident, Japanese intellectuals and business leaders appealed to the language of self-determination and . Yet, Britain soon had populated permanent settlements in the new world for a different reason.The settlement of these colonies was motivated by religion. 0000030683 00000 n Something that the French and Dutch colonies had in common was the fur trade. How did both compare to Spanish colonists? The profitable fur trade was an enticement for King Louis XIV of France to work cooperatively with the native Indians., Christopher Columbus described in his diary the indians ignorance and lack of religion as a motive for them to willingly convert to Christianity and learn the spanish language (doc 1). Eventually, some of the French colonies succeeded, especially in the northeastern regions of North America. What were the results of each effort? The English, Spanish and French colonialist believed in Christianity. Dutch Started colonizing in Canada first. Its foray into North America began in 1609, when the Dutch East India Company employed English explorer Henry Hudson to search for a water route by which it could reach its markets in Indonesia more quickly. Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest, Religious Upheavals in the Developing Atlantic World, New Worlds in the Americas: Labor, Commerce, and the Columbian Exchange, Colonial Rivalries: Dutch and French Colonial Ambitions, The Glorious Revolution and the English Empire, An Empire of Slavery and the Consumer Revolution, Confronting the National Debt: The Aftermath of the French and Indian War, The Stamp Act and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty, The Destruction of the Tea and the Coercive Acts, Disaffection: The First Continental Congress and American Identity, Britains Law-and-Order Strategy and Its Consequences, Common Sense: From Monarchy to an American Republic, The Constitutional Convention and Federal Constitution, Competing Visions: Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, On the Move: The Transportation Revolution, A New Political Style: From John Quincy Adams to Andrew Jackson, The Nullification Crisis and the Bank War, Free Soil or Slave? Which is very interesting and breathtaking everything they have, been through. In addition, the soil is fruitful and has plentiful natural resources ideal for farming and other businesses which will undoubtedly be bought for costly prices., Caribbean Encounters: Spanish vs. The Dutch East India Company controlled trade with the so-called Spice Islands, which are now part of Indonesia, making the Netherlands one of the worlds foremost commercial centers. Was the Dutch East India Company similar to the East India Company in India when India was colonized by the British? spanish used "encomienda" and "mita". Why didn't they realize these bad reasons and choose some place else where. The Americas, Europe, and Africa Before 1492, Early Globalization: The Atlantic World, 14921650, Rule Britannia! However, they all had the same view when it came to intermarriage between the natives and the locals. Spanish and French settlers tried to convert Indians to Christianity. Spains extreme subjugating approach and views on freedom and religion differed from the accepting and collaborative views of the French and the Dutch. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Also, we can observe that the British were successful on having . Sponsored by the West India Company, 30 families arrived in North America in 1624, establishing a settlement on present-day Manhattan. What differed between them were their priorities in colonization. Then print out the summary of French and Dutch colonization you'll find in this lesson. If a media asset is downloadable, a download button appears in the corner of the media viewer. How did the colonizers affect the development of the colonies? The English believed that their motives for colonization were pure, and that the growth of empire and freedom would always go together, unlike the Spanish. The New England and Chesapeake colonies were established during the early 1700s. Plantations established in the Mississippi valley largely failed. the French and the Spanish used missions and religion for colonizing natives. You can do it! This was determined by the people and the environment of the colony, rather than one international method. Explore an interactive map of New Amsterdam in 1660 that shows the city plan and the locations of various structures, including houses, businesses, and public buildings. 1 / 5. This led to the many differences between methods of colonization and exploration in every colony and region. 4 How were French and Spanish colonization similar? It quickly became a competitor with Portugal in South Asia. 0000014400 00000 n The outcomes of the British method of colonization have one aspect similar to the Spanish: the destruction of the Indian culture, mainly because of the European diseases. These arising colonies began to grow and evolve into different societies despite being from the same region beforehand. Colonial Rivalries: Dutch and French Colonial Ambitions by OpenStaxCollege is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. The Jesuit Relations ([link]) provide incredible detail about Indian life. Is not this worthy of compassion? In religious talk, the Protestants had a great, United States Declaration of Independence. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. English explorers and colonists named Hudson Bay after Sir Henry Hudson who explored the bay beginning August 2, 1610, on his ship Discovery. Albany, Posted 3 months ago. National Geographic Society is a 501 (c)(3) organization. By the end of this section, you will be able to: Seventeenth-century French and Dutch colonies in North America were modest in comparison to Spains colossal global empire. Learn more about how Pressbooks supports open publishing practices. In addition, all of the colonies had a type of trading system, maybe they did not depend totally on trade but some of their economy depended on it. It purchased the island of Manhattan from the Native Americans in 1626 and renamed it New Amsterdam. The main differences between the French and Dutch colonies and the Spanish colonies consisted of the size and scale of the colonies and their forms of rule. One native convert to Catholicism, a Mohawk woman named Katherine Tekakwitha, so impressed the priests with her piety that a Jesuit named Claude Chauchetire attempted to make her a saint in the Church. While they failed to attract many colonists from their respective home countries, these outposts nonetheless . France deals with many disputes during their colonization period such as dealing with Spain, the competition of trading, and the battle at Lake Champlain. When they first got there they made peace with the Huron indians They also made enemies of the Iroquois indians. was the hudson bay company and hudson bay named after Henry Hudson?? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". They find out that they are sick of this disease, by means of a dream, or by the intervention of some Sorcerer. Spanish Colonization; Spanish-American War; Spoils System; Square Deal; Stock Market Crash 1929; Stokely Carmichael; This resulted in a wide diversity of religions practiced compared to the Spanish colony: such as Jews, Quakers, and Lutherans. Clarifications This benchmark implies a study of the ways that economic, political, cultural, and religious competition between these Atlantic powers shaped early colonial America. In 1606, King James I granted a charter to colonize Virginia to the Virginia Company of London, a joint-stock company of investors who believed there was a profit to be made. As mentioned above, the Brazilians followed a model of Capitanias. French Colonization; French and Indian War; Fugitive Slave Act; Gender Roles in 1950s; . The Spanish, French, Dutch and British colonization methods were similar and different in several aspects, such as the beginning of the maritime exploration of the Americas, made possible by the technological advances of the time, such as the caravel and the compass. It's 1492. Idolatry was more an impact or an influence of change in Colonial Andes to adapt to Spaniard colonization because of the Spaniards attempt on spreading Christianity. The title, in Latin meaning Touch me not, refers to John 20:17 in the Bible (King . Also in the South were the French, who dominated what is now Louisiana. The way that the English colonies differed from the Spanish colonies was that the English colonies weren't being funded by their home country. They believed in the freedom from sin. Dutch Exploration and ColonizationOverviewIn the sixteenth century the United Provinces of the Netherlands rose from the status of a Spanish possession to a great European power. Economically, America was a clear trading system for importing and exporting. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Columbus, in his voyage, sought fame and fortune, as did his Spanish sponsors. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. British brought the geographic and political units formerly under their supervision, including dominions, colonies, and dependencies. In Canada the French pop- Spanish, French, Dutch and British Colonies Notes for Use with PowerPoint by History Materials READY TO USE $7.00 Word Document File Look for PowerPoint on Spanish, French, Dutch and British Colonies I am selling that matches this. New France and New Netherland remained small commercial operations focused on the fur trade and did not attract an influx of migrants. A Dutch engraver, Theodor de Bry never traveled to the new world but had his own depictions of the Native Americans based on Spanish accounts. Back in 1453, Constantinople, the last holdout of the Byzan. Compare And Contrast French And Spanish Colonization 1162 Words | 5 Pages. The occasion for the decolonization was provided by the Napoleonic Wars. 0000002015 00000 n French colonies in the Caribbean were established on a much different basis than New France - like the Dutch and Spanish, the French established plantation-based colonies there for sugar and food. They primary missionary mission was to convert the Native Americans to Christianity. The Spanish colonized to expand their empire economically through resource, Their policies and methods of colonization were consistent in every region they conquered because of this fact. Native Americans How did the French and Dutch colonists differ in their religious expectations? Although the French and Dutch had apparent positive approaches compared to Spain, oppression of the Native Americans occurred under the control of all three colonies. The Spanish, French, and Dutch colonies in North America all interacted with the Native Americans during the 16th century. French attitudes about colonial . There was money to be made and lost. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. The Dutch: Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. After Jacques Cartiers voyages of discovery in the 1530s, France showed little interest in creating permanent colonies in North America until the early 1600s, when Samuel de Champlain established Quebec as a French fur-trading outpost. In North America, Dutch traders established themselves first on Manhattan Island. Columbuss diary represents the ethnocentrism european explorers felt towards the indigenous people. Their differences were the differences in part between the physical and spiritual. Both revolutions followed the anatomy of a revolution and had comparable causes, however the French Revolution politically better outcomes, whereas the Latin American Revolution resulted in poverty and lost territory. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. The Atlantic World portrayed these contrasts between the Spanish, French, Dutch and British empires. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. In comparison with England, the colonial population of New France was relatively small.The Netherlands also became interested in the New World because of its economic promise. Farther south, colonies provided tobacco, rice, and indigo. (credit: Project Gutenberg). Europes period of exploration and colonization was fueled largely by necessity. A handful of French Jesuit priests also made their way to Canada, intent on converting the native inhabitants to Catholicism. To protect these missions, the Spanish established presidios, where soldiers lived.The main goal of these missions was to convert Native Americans to Christianity.

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