hidden brain transcript

Can I get some chicken? Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships. Bu Today in our Happiness 2.0 series, we revisit a favorite episode from 2020. They're more likely to say, well, it's a formal property of the language. So bilinguals are kind of this in-between case where they can't quite turn off their other languages, but they become more prominent, more salient when you are actually speaking the language or surrounded by the language. It takes, GEACONE-CRUZ: It's this phrase that describes something between I can't be, bothered or I don't want to do it or I recognize the incredible effort that goes into. But what most people mean is that there'll be slang, that there'll be new words for new things and that some of those words will probably come from other languages. Whats going on here? And so to address that question, what we do is we bring English speakers into the lab, and we teach them grammatical genders in a new language that we invent. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #5: (Speaking foreign language). They are ways of seeing the world. Toward Understanding Understanding:The Importance of Feeling Understood in Relationships, by Harry Reis, Edward P. Lemay Jr, and Catrin Finkenauer, Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2017. VEDANTAM: Time is another concept that is also central to the way we see and describe the world. Our transcripts are provided by various partners and may contain errors or deviate slightly from the audio. So maybe they're saying bridges are beautiful and elegant, not because they're grammatically feminine in the language, but because the bridges they have are, in fact, more beautiful and elegant. They believe that their language reflects the true structure of the world. You also see huge differences in other domains like number. So it's mendokusai. Interpersonal Chemistry: What Is It, How Does It Emerge, and How Does it Operate? Perceived Partner Responsiveness Scale (PPRS), by Harry T. Reis et. But can you imagine someone without imagining their gender? VEDANTAM: One of the ultimate messages I took from your work is that, you know, we can choose to have languages that are alive or languages that are dead. But time doesn't have to flow with respect to the body. So you have speakers of two different languages look at the same event and come away with different memories of what happened because of the structure of their languages and the way they would normally describe them. And one thing that we've noticed is that around the world, people rely on space to organize time. You may link to our content and copy and paste episode descriptions and Additional Resources into your invitations. And so, for example, can I get a hamburger? VEDANTAM: For more HIDDEN BRAIN, you can find us on Facebook and Twitter. MCWHORTER: Yeah, I really do. This week, we kick off a month-long series we're calling Happiness 2.0. JERRY SEINFELD: (As Jerry Seinfeld) The second button literally makes or breaks the shirt. VEDANTAM: Around the world, we often hear that many languages are dying, and there are a few megalanguages that are growing and expanding in all kinds of ways. Hidden Brain: You 2.0: Cultivating Your Purpose on Apple Podcasts 51 min You 2.0: Cultivating Your Purpose Hidden Brain Social Sciences Having a sense of purpose can be a buffer against the challenges we all face at various stages of life. Transcript - How language shapes the way we think by Lera Boroditsky.docx, The Singapore Quality Award requires organisations to show outstanding results, The following lots of Commodity Z were available for sale during the year, b The authors identify 5 types of misinformation in the abstract but discuss 7, 17 Chow N Asian value and aged care Geriatr Gerontol Int 20044521 5 18 Chow NWS, Writing Results and Discussion Example.docx, A 6 month old infant weighing 15 lb is admitted with a diagnosis of dehydration, ng_Question_-_Assessment_1_-_Proposing_Evidence-Based_Change.doc, The Social Security checks the Government sends to grandmothers are considered A, 03 If a covered member participates on the clients attest engagement or is an, AURETR143 Student Assessment - Theory v1.1.docx. But does a person who says that really deserve the kind of sneering condemnation that you often see? No matter how hard you try to feel happier, you end up back where you started. Newer episodes are unlikely to have a transcript as it takes us a few weeks to process and edit each transcript. This is HIDDEN BRAIN. VEDANTAM: It took just one week of living in Japan for Jennifer to pick up an important, VEDANTAM: There isn't a straightforward translation of this phrase in English. Opening scene of Lady Bird Flight attendant Steven Slater slides from a plane after quitting Transcript Podcast: Subscribe to the Hidden Brain Podcast on your favorite podcast player so you never miss an episode. MCWHORTER: Those are called contronyms, and literally has become a new contronym. This week on Hidden Brain, we explore how unconscious bias can infect a culture and how a police shooting may say as much about a community as it does about individuals. It goes in this pile. What turns out to be the case is that it's something in between - that bilinguals don't really turn off the languages they're not using when they're not using them. out. VEDANTAM: One of the things I found really interesting is that the evolution of words and language is constant. VEDANTAM: Well, that's kind of you, Lera. UNIDENTIFIED MAN #1: (Speaking foreign language). In the United States, we often praise people with strong convictions, and look down on those who express doubt or hesitation. VEDANTAM: Jennifer moved to Japan for graduate school. When we come back, we dig further into the way that gender works in different languages and the pervasive effects that words can play in our lives. But it's exactly like - it was maybe about 20 years ago that somebody - a girlfriend I had told me that if I wore pants that had little vertical pleats up near the waist, then I was conveying that I was kind of past it. Stay with us. Put this image on your website to promote the show -, Happiness 2.0: The Only Way Out Is Through, Report inappropriate content or request to remove this page. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #4: (Speaking foreign language). But what happens when these feelings catch up with us? There are signs it's getting even harder. If you are able, we strongly encourage you to listen to the audio, which includes emotion and emphasis that's not on the page. The transcript below may be for an earlier version of this episode. Now, many people hear that and they think, well, that's no good because now literally can mean its opposite. Psychologist Ken Sheldon studies the science of figuring out what you want. UNIDENTIFIED PERSON #3: (Speaking foreign language). Many of us rush through our days, weeks, and lives, chasing goals, and just trying to get everything done. UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As character) Right. Thank you for helping to keep the podcast database up to date. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. BORODITSKY: Yeah. This week, a story about a con with a twist. If I give you a bunch of pictures to lay out and say this is telling you some kind of story and you - and they're disorganized, when an English speaker organizes those pictures, they'll organize them from left to right. Because were a small team, we dont have a publicly-available list of every piece of music that we use. But what happens when these feelings catch up with us? al, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2004. Young people have always used language in new and different ways, and it's pretty much always driven older people crazy. GEACONE-CRUZ: And I ended up living there for 10 years. And if you teach them that forks go with women, they start to think that forks are more feminine. But actually, that's exactly how people in those communities come to stay oriented - is that they learn it, (laughter) right? They give us a sense that the meanings of words are fixed, when in fact they're not. All rights reserved. But what happens when these feelings catch up with us? Everyone wants to be loved and appreciated. It's part of a general running indication that everything's OK between you and the other person, just like one's expected to smile a little bit in most interactions. So that's a measurement difference of 100 percent of performance. But that can blind us to a very simple source of joy thats all around us. Updated privacy policy: We have made some changes to our Privacy Policy. VEDANTAM: So this begs the question, if you were to put languages on something of a spectrum, where you have, you know, languages like Spanish or Hindi where nouns are gendered and languages like English where many nouns are not gendered but pronouns are gendered, and on the other end of the spectrum, you have languages like Finnish or Persian where you can have a conversation about someone without actually mentioning their gender, it would seem surprising if this did not translate, at some level, into the way people thought about gender in their daily activities, in terms of thinking about maybe even who can do what in the workplace. 00:51:58 - We all have to make certain choices in life, such as where to live and how to earn a living. So it's, VEDANTAM: The moment she heard it, Jennifer realized mendokusai was incredibly. BORODITSKY: Well, there may not be a word for left to refer to a left leg. Purpose can also boost our health and longevity. Today in our Happiness 2.0 series, we revisit a favorite episode from 2020. If the language stayed the way it was, it would be like a pressed flower in a book or, as I say, I think it would be like some inflatable doll rather than a person. If you take literally in what we can think of as its earliest meaning, the earliest meaning known to us is by the letter. In many languages, nouns are gendered. This week, in the fourth and final installment of our Happiness 2.0 series, psychologist Dacher Keltner describes . BORODITSKY: And when they were trying to act like Wednesday, they would act like a woman BORODITSKY: Which accords with grammatical gender in Russian. Sometimes, life can feel like being stuck on a treadmill. For example, if you take seeds and put them in the ground, that's one thing. Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships. And so I set myself the goal that I would learn English in a year, and I wouldn't speak Russian to anyone for that whole first year. 00:55:27 Hidden Brain Happiness 2.0: The Reset Button Dictionaries are wonderful things, but they create an illusion that there's such thing as a language that stands still, when really it's the nature of human language to change. In the final episode of our Relationships 2.0 series, psychologistHarry Reis says theres another ingredient to successful relationships thats every bit as important as love. BORODITSKY: My family is Jewish, and we left as refugees. Welcome to HIDDEN BRAIN. But that can blind us to a very simple source of joy thats all around us. Hidden Brain explores the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior and questions that lie at the heart of our complex and changing world. It's inherent. VEDANTAM: I asked Lera how describing the word chair or the word bridge as masculine or feminine changes the way that speakers of different languages think about those concepts. Each language comprises the ideas that have been worked out in a culture over thousands of generations, and that is an incredible amount of cultural heritage and complexity of thought that disappears whenever a language dies. So in terms of the size of differences, there are certainly effects that are really, really big. And in fact, speakers of languages like this have been shown to orient extremely well - much better than we used to think humans could. So earlier things are on the left. We all have to make certain choices in life, such as where to live and how to earn a living. In this favorite episode from 2021, Cornell University psychologist Anthony Burrow explains why purpose isnt something to be found its something we can develop from within. This week, we continue our look at the science of influence with psychologist Robert Cialdini, and explore how th, We all exert pressure on each other in ways small and profound. I'm Shankar Vedanta. Subscribe to the Hidden Brain Podcast on your favorite podcast player so you never miss an episode. It's testament to the incredible ingenuity and complexity of the human mind that all of these different perspectives on the world have been invented. BORODITSKY: It's certainly possible. by Harry T. Reis, Annie Regan, and Sonja Lyubomirsky, Perspectives on Psychological Science, 2021. Whereas speakers of a language like Spanish might not be quite as good at remembering who did it when it's an accident, but they're better at remembering that it was an accident. Each generation hears things and interprets things slightly differently from the previous one. It might irritate you slightly to hear somebody say something like, I need less books instead of fewer books. native tongue without even thinking about it. And maybe the convenience store or the shop is really not that far away. al (Eds. Trusted by 5,200 companies and developers. So in English, I might say that Sam (ph) broke the flute. It's exactly how old English turned into modern English. And as soon as I saw that happen, I thought, oh, this makes it so much easier. Personal Strivings: An Approach to Personality and Subjective Well-being, by Robert A. Emmons, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1986. That's because change is hard. So that's an example of how languages and cultures construct how we use space to organize time, to organize this very abstract thing that's otherwise kind of hard to get our hands on and think about. something, even though it shouldn't be so much of an effort. Thank you! Writing has come along relatively recently. Could this affect the way, you know, sexism, conscious or unconscious, operates in our world? The Effective Negotiator Part 1: The Behavior of Successful Negotiators and The Effective Negotiator Part 2: Planning for Negotiations, by Neil Rackham and John Carlisle, Journal of European Industrial Training, 1978. GEACONE-CRUZ: And I ended up living there for 10 years. Something new will have started by then, just like if we listen to people in 1971, they sound odd in that they don't say like as much as we do. This is NPR. And MIT linguist Ken Hale, who's a renowned linguist, said that every time a language dies, it's the equivalent of a bomb being dropped on the Louvre. Many of us rush through our days, weeks, and lives, chasing goals, and just trying to get everything done. Hidden Brain Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships. BORODITSKY: That's a wonderful question. We can't help, as literate people, thinking that the real language is something that sits still with letters written all nice and pretty on a page that can exist for hundreds of years, but that's not what language has ever been. You would give a different description to mark that it was not intentional. For example, he might take a bunch of pictures of boys and girls and sort them and say, OK, this is a boy. See you next week. We couldnt survive without the many public radio stations that support our show and they cant survive without you. GEACONE-CRUZ: It's a Sunday afternoon, and it's raining outside. this is hidden brain I'm Shankar Vedantam in the classic TV series Star Trek Mister Spock has a foolproof technique for accurately reading the thoughts and feelings of others the Vulcan mind I am Spock you James our minds are moving closer most most here are kind of hard we have new technology that gives us direct access to the minds of others so If a transcript is available, youll see a Transcript button which expands to reveal the full transcript. This week on Hidden Brain, we revisit a favorite episode exploring what this culture means Jesse always wanted to fall in love. But if you prefer life - the unpredictability of life - then living language in many ways are much more fun. I just don't want to do it. In The Air We Breathe . And so for me, that question was born in that conversation of are there some languages where it's easier to imagine a person without their characteristics of gender filled in? How do certain memes go viral? I know-uh (ph) is there, or something along the lines of babe-uh (ph). We don't want to be like that. MCWHORTER: Yeah. Of course, you also can't experience anything outside of time. And if that is true, then the educated person can look down on people who say Billy and me went to the store or who are using literally, quote, unquote, "wrong" and condemn them in the kinds of terms that once were ordinary for condemning black people or women or what have you. Today in our Happiness 2.0 series, we revisit a favorite episode from 2020. She shows how our conversational styles can cause We all know casual sex isn't about love. And what he found was kids who were learning Hebrew - this is a language that has a lot of gender loading in it - figured out whether they were a boy or a girl about a year sooner than kids learning Finnish, which doesn't have a lot of gender marking in the language. Perceived Partner Responsiveness Minimizes Defensive Reactions to Failure, by Peter A. Caprariello and Harry T. Reis, Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2011. This week, we kick off a month-long series we're calling Happiness 2.0. Copyright 2023 Steno. HIDDEN BRAIN < Lost in Translation: January 29, 20189:00 PM ET VEDANTAM: Well, that's kind of you, Lera. When the con was exposed, its victims defended the con artists. But if he just bumped into the table, and it happened to fall off the table and break, and it was an accident, then you might be more likely to say, the flute broke, or the flute broke itself, or it so happened to Sam that the flute broke. BORODITSKY: Thank you so much for having me. Hidden Brain Feb 23, 2023 Happiness 2.0: Surprising Sources of Joy Sometimes, life can feel like being stuck on a treadmill. UNIDENTIFIED WOMAN #1: (Speaking foreign language). And it ended up becoming less a direct reflection of hearty laughter than an indication of the kind of almost subconscious laughter that we do in any kind of conversation that's meant as friendly. - so one skull but two different minds, and you shift from one to the other. Many of us rush through our days, weeks, and lives, chasing goals, and just trying to get everything done. So I think that nobody would say that they don't think language should change. All sponsorship opportunities on Hidden Brain are managed by SXM Media. This week, we kick off a month-long series we're calling Happiness 2.0. Freely Determined: What the New Psychology of the Self Teaches Us About How to Live, by Kennon M. Sheldon, 2022. Whats going on here? : A Data-Driven Prescription to Redefine Professional Success, by Lawrence S. Krieger and Kennon M. Sheldon, George Washington Law Review, 2015. In this episode, we explore how long-term relationships have changed over time and whether we might be able to improve marriage by asking less of it. GEACONE-CRUZ: It describes this feeling so perfectly in such a wonderfully packaged, encapsulated way. If you grew up speaking a language other than English, you probably reach for words in your native tongue without even thinking about it. There's a way of speaking right. Which I think is probably important with the reality that this edifice that you're teaching is constantly crumbling. And if they were facing east, they would make the cards come toward them, toward the body. Please note that your continued use of the RadioPublic services following the posting of such changes will be deemed an acceptance of this update. And I thought, wow, first of all, it would be almost impossible to have a conversation like that in English where you hadn't already revealed the gender of the person because you have to use he or she. Many of us believe that hard work and persistence are the key to achieving our goals. So we've done a lot of studies looking at how speakers of Spanish and German and Russian actually think about objects that have opposite grammatical genders. In a lot of languages, there isn't. Evaluating Changes in Motivation, Values, and Well-being, Goal Striving, Need Satisfaction, and Longitudinal Well-being: The Self-Concordance Model, Personal Strivings: An Approach to Personality and Subjective Well-being, Read the latest from the Hidden Brain Newsletter. You may also use the Hidden Brain name in invitations sent to a small group of personal contacts for such purposes as a listening club or discussion forum. If you liked . VEDANTAM: The word chair is feminine in Italian. We love the idea of Hidden Brain helping to spark discussions in your community. One study that I love is a study that asked monolingual speakers of Italian and German and also bilingual speakers of Italian and German to give reasons for why things are the grammatical genders that they are. We talk with psychologist Iris Mauss, who explains why happiness can seem more el, When we want something very badly, it can be hard to see warning signs that might be obvious to other people. VEDANTAM: My guest today is - well, why don't I let her introduce herself? Purpose can also boost our health and longevity. And there are all kinds of interesting, useful, eye-opening ideas that exist in all of the world's languages. So new words are as likely to evolve as old ones. But, you know, John, something gnaws at me every time I hear the word used wrong. Now I can stay oriented. What Do You Do When Things Go Right? Perceived Partner Responsiveness as an Organizing Construct in the Study of Intimacy and Closeness, by Harry T. Reis, et. What do you do for christmas with your family? According to neuroscientists who study laughter, it turns out that chuckles and giggles often aren't a response to humorthey're a response to people. Social Functionalist Frameworks for Judgment and Choice: Intuitive Politicians, Theologians, and Prosecutors, by Philip Tetlock, Psychology Review, 2002. But it turns out humans can stay oriented really, really well, provided that their language and culture requires them to keep track of this information. GEACONE-CRUZ: It's a Sunday afternoon, and it's raining outside. If it is the first time you login, a new account will be created automatically.

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