how does an eagle renew its strength?

Lords Blessings. First is soaring on wings of eagles. They are considered the kings of the sky and were adopted by several ancient cultures, including Rome, as a symbol of that country's leadership and immortality. Of all the wildlife, only the eagle has the capacity to renew his strength. In their Counties next the Seas, when Eagles get dirty feathers making them sick, they fly high above the Sea, and dive down into the water stripping off all the dirty feathers. I have been trying to find proof of that, and am not finding it. These warm air patterns are created by the surrounding terrain. Branta bernicula! } I have read some about the eagle and the myths that do not seem right. The story is ancient, certainly older than Ps 103, but the moral drawn from it here is, well, new-agey beyond tolerance. Some people see eagles as signs of a bright future on the horizon. Perhaps this is in reference to Jesus as the bread of life.. No one else has a better explanation and this is very good to me Ive been searching this for a long time. Hi, Lee Thank you for your fresh and open presentation, you have put a lot into your research, and it is appreciated. This does require the letting go of those things (feathers) that have competed their usable lifespan and embracing the new revelations from God that will continue to allow us to soar with renewed spiritual fervor, so that we continue to draw nearer to Him. Oh what a Savior! I looked it up, and Im going to try to type it with a straight face it seems at the end of the 12th century Bishop Gerald of Wales said that since Barnacle Geese came from barnacles, it was ok for churchmen to eat them during fasts. Joy to you, Maia. Eagle eyes are angled 30 degrees away from centre of the face, which gives eagles a greater field of view. After finding childishness renewed. Foolishness passes away as wisdom is renewed and increases. who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. Then the eagle waits- upwards of 5 months. How is the eagle "renewed" each year? Pingback: Eagle renewing | Kimberlyanncol. The talons never change color for the rest of the eagle's life. margin-left: 0; They are saying to the US Government, your Secular Law has outlawed the Law of God, which is the Political Leaders sins that makes the US Government a dirty Eagle, and they are demanding that the US Politicians repent and turn to God. } He redeems us from all the trouble we have gotten in to. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and . 3) Every year (usually) eagles molt and grow a whole new set of feathers, whether they want to or not, but its a gradual process. Thank you for the encouragement. The appearance of being sickly helped me under stand this article better. I just read many of the comments and see there is more interesting insights you shared such as how the eagle becomes very sickly in the 5th yr and then comes out glorious when it is done. The Rabbis and Priests and Imams say to sinners and Politicians, be like the dirty Eagle, and grow new feathers, and become a clean Eagle, which to them means repent of your sins, like in baptism, and turn to God for guidance and strength. Your article was refreshing and cause for thought. Beaks endure. king of birds. Thanks Lee. "..they that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. Acknowledging my way is in the mire and choosing to turn on myself to a right spirit (forgiven) within, Then a mind renewing to Gods standards Second, we will be able to run and not get weary. I know almost nothing about the eagle, but I think hornbill behaves a bit like the the bird mentioned in the Bible. And the satisfying of our mouth I believe would be not only the word in our heart, (feeding our spirit) but also from that which we eat, that brings satisfaction, and renewal. If those facts are true, then what is meant by Gods Word about the eagle? 1st 3,000+ Day (389 Thanks! The eagle is a symbol of power, pride, and resilience because it reminds you that you have the strength and fortitude to overcome any problem that you face. Heather Adams Contributing Writer. Eagles are tenacious. And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; (Ephesians 4:23 KJV) I do plan on continuing to believe. Neat stuff, Susie! Praise the Lord, we are fearfully and wonderdfully made!!! Thank you Lee. Holding on to dirty worn out feathers is what hampers so many in their spiritual flight. But those who hope (wait on) in the LORD will renew their strength. #gallery-8634-4 { God wants us to fly and soar. That is very interesting. However this does not answer the question for me based on the following points. I have been diagnoised with acute arthritis in both knees and I experience a lot pain when I stand or walk. This bird has more yellow in the eye than a Golden, but It is only one photo. It is, In me renewal is After finding and reading your amazing study of birds of the bible I am so very grateful for your time spent in researching the birds of the bible .. Facts like these help clarify , solidify AND VALIDATE the truth of Gods HOLY word.. May you be blessed even more for putting it out there for so many of us to enjoy and learn from. The eagle in Hebrew is also metaphoric and symbolic of God. Thanks for commenting, Nio. We receive according to OUR FAITH! The female hornbill will grow its feathers along with its chicks fed by the hard working and caring father hornbill and when the chicks are ready to fly, together they will fly out from its nest. I am old and wanting my youth renewed,I have a reason for waiting to walk through those gorgeous pearly gates.I I have been taught that waiting on the Lord is an active waiting in prayer. No one believes that, they say I look anything between 38 to 45. My physical body will be aligned with the Word of God! Like you said, we or researchers will never know. It is nice to try to figure things like this out, though. What a wonderful place of God Word & understanding of it.I had to wipe the tears of Joy to type,as I myself had need to understand this verse that I have said for years.I started saying this when I decided to stop drinking,and now sober 5 years,and pictures to show My youth renewed like the Eagle.I Believe!And now have a better understand of whats happening in my life.I pray now ,God Bless all of you ,in Jesus Christ name,Amen. The Lord provides for renewal for His children as they mature. An old Indian folktale I heard was that strange things happen to eagles at times and they become depressed. They do not fly with lots of heavy baggage on their back. Thanks, Mary, for contributing. They seem to live strong until they die. So, thanks, all, for enlivening my afternoon. ROCK is nothing but JESUS CHRIST AND WORD OF GOD. This is one of the most celebrated and shared verses of the Bible. Keep speaking and keep believing and watch what He will do! Please keep up the good work and do update us with findings of your further researc. 11. One of your pictures is not a Bald Eagle it is a Golden Eagle! Most birds do not have as many changes as the eagles. Im just thrilled that people are out there ruminating about this, sharing their thoughts, research, and comments. I love the word and know our God has all the answers to all things. Thanks for sharing this. He even told me that He wants his people to think out of the box and even believe Him for new body parts. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Then, the great height to which it flies shows its strength. Thank you!!! Some of the other eagles that have been in their position before will drop food down to them . In its first year, the mostly dark-colored juvenile can often be mistaken as a golden eagle. From the Southwestern Bald Eagle Management I found an interesting chart that shows the different stages of plumage (feathers) as an eagle ages. Birds Illustrated by Color Photography Revisited, Families Taxonomic (Scientific English), Families Taxonomic (English Scientific), Harriet Newell Cook Scripture Alphabet of Animals, Baby New Year and Old Father Time When I Come To Be Old,, The Eagles New Clothes | Undivided Devotion, Hope Does Not Disappoint Bejoy Peter's Public Speaking Blog,,, Latest From Lees Birdwatching Adventures Plus, Relocating to Lees Birdwatching Adventures Plus, Spectacular Journey to Africa by Honey Buzzard. The Hebrew word translated as youth means early life. The early life of mankind is the life before sin. They say only 2 out of 5 eagles in that position will persevere and try to eat enough to get strength back. In the King James Version of the Bible, an eagle is mentioned in 34 verses. Then, in the food which it carries to its nest for its young ones to eat, we see the strength of the eagle. Satisfies your mouth (desires) with good things Thank you, it has been most insightful. Unfortunately it has become a self perpetuating chain of evidence, each writer quoting the other to back up their, unfortunately, false evidence. Shearwater chicks and fetal rabbits were also excluded from the meat category during fasts. It can live up to 70 years. Isaiah gives us three pictures of strength. The Lord knows all about it and it didnt catch Him by surprise. And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; (Ephesians 4:23 KJV) They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint ( Isaiah 40:31 ). 2. Take heart and have faith! May God bless the author as well the publisher. The eagle will fly to a high spot and wait for the winds to come. Just came from the doctors office with some sobering news. Strength, ferocity, focus, and willpower are all connected with eagles. Lord Bless. Awesome..have been wondering about this for a while. The pride of your heart has deceived you, you that dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high, that says in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground? And so I found your blog! The You. I am going to publish a book and it would like to use one of your pictures as a cover. If they really were determined to bang their own faces against a rock until their beaks fell off, wouldnt they want to swing by the vets office first and pick up some antibiotics? Unlike the phoenix whose symbolism the eagle shared, the eagle, although renewed, was not believed to be immortal. As I stated in the article Most Eagle authorities state that that would not happen, because the bird would die during that time with no flight feathers or beak or claws. Then the eagle waits for a new beak to grow back. Simon, renewal or healing, praise the Lord that you are improving. Here is the text, taken verbatim: The eagle has the longest lifespan among birds. The eagle is often known to fly at the rate of between forty and fifty miles an hour. When its new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old-aged feathers out. hqfn7ipx9rtu3owk7vwmxelkmuv6sraf2gz96js2cue1h230k1yumrx-n12lj2fnwwggpksek1dj73k7g36kxcmoffds6e9qsynolvc2we07ih453c4xvekqdbg4col- Each year . 2) Birds of prey ALL have bent beaks. It must come right after the chapter about the origin of Barnacle Geese, and juts before the part about swallows hibernating in the mud. Our transformation can be related to the eagle. I'm sure you've seen it on greeting cards, framed pictures, and tees garnered with a picture of a soaring eagle. At least not that I found. I have been meditating on Isaiah 40:31 and other scriptures about waiting on the Lord. God Bless you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This hole must sustain him. Lee. Just me trying to keep the faith : Mary Threadgill Bush. The process is called molting. The eagle spirit animal is the ruler of the skies. The idea of their beaks falling off is mainly what I was questioning. I know about the body transforming as I age. My strength has been greatly renewed, but I am 72. Some of the eagles will tear meat from a prey they have caught with the blood dripping down, and they will fly over the depressed eagle so that they will catch a new scent of life. Thus says the Lord Yahweh concerning Edom, We have heard a rumour from Yahweh, and an ambassador is sent among the Nations, Arise you, and let us rise up against her in battle. The Youth which is renewed is the Spiritual Youth which we were created with in the beginning. I cannot find any reference to an eagle loosing its beak and still being able to live. Never thought of it in that way. Whats in a Name: Whats in an Adjective? When I do, Ill add the Middle East eagles also. I believe Gods Word is true, so there has to be an explanation of it. 4) Captive eagles may be susceptible to mood disorders, but wild eagles are not. I am looking forward to my change when I enter heaven. I too will be 60 this year. Ive been reading Psalm 103 a lot, but recently I have been meditating even more in verse 5. TRAIT #1: Eagles fly at high altitudes, not with low-flying birds like sparrows or other small birds. Keep the good work!!! Lord continue His blessings. when the young of the eagle leaves the nest and heads down and before it crushes the ground the mother eagle reaches it and carries it on her wings, what about our God our creater who knows our every thought and being? Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles. Thank you for commenting. The talons start as gray in nestlings but turn black by the time the eaglet leaves the nest. Resoluable Behold, I have made you small among the Nations, thou are greatly despised. It becomes fully feathered at 10 weeks of age. I have looked into the other eagles around the world, and none of them go through the renewal that is referred to in story that has been passed on and on. He will fly through mountains, valleys and cliffs to look for a big enough hole. We will never know all about the eagles, only their Creator knows that, but we keep trying to learn as much as is possible. I plan to visit your website to learn about the birds of the Bible. Like all eagles, the bald eagle is a predator, but it does not attack the young of other birds. Hallelujah!!!!! Pl read Psa 51:17. Beautiful article and photos. I know this because I once had one imbedded in me, and flexible is not how I would have described it. Pat, whats the origin of Barnacle Geese? So if we believe that Jesus is the same today, yesterday, and forever, then any part of our physical bodies can be restored to its youth. When these eagles have died the Indians would place a marker at the place of their death as a memorial. Its old-aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, become stuck to its chest and make it difficult to fly. Afterward, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back, and then it will pluck out its talons. Is this not the renewal of youth spoken of in the Bible? Decided enough Already, I am a new creation in Christ This is God 's description of the weakness that so often characterises the lives of His children. how does an eagle renew its strength? i believe there should be an information of that sort somewhere or if not, why then do people use that reference? The presentation explains that by the time an eagle reaches the age of 30 or so, its physical condition has deteriorated to the point that survival is difficult: its talons lose their. Thanks for the research. He is so willing to catch us, help us, and carry us until we can indeed fly. Im with you here! It is one of the most painful times in an eagle's life. I always questioned that idea that the Eagle goes into this terrible pain of ripping their feathers to grow again. As eagles age, their beaks and talons become encrusted with calcium. There the eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out. I am just thinking that he satisfies our mouth with good satisfying food and as a result, our youth is Then the eagle will wait for the new beak to grow back after which it will pluck out its talons. Yes, sometimes we do need to get rid of old memories, habits, and traditions. I have long been meaning to research the story about the eagle and this morning discovered your article right at the start of my search. I read psalm 103 a while ago and I do believe that when you turn your life over to God He will restore what you have lost. Thank you. where then did people get this informatiom? Waiting talks of an activity as being carried out by an Eagle prior to its renewal. While I do not fully subscribe to the myth of the eagle going to a solitary place, moulting and smashing its beak and talons in order to be renewed, I think there is an activity that an eagle engages in that is similar to waiting for Isaiah to have made such a comparison. Facebook, video recording | 251 views, 8 likes, 3 loves, 12 comments, 0 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from All Saints Parish: June 5, 2022 Sunday Mass at. I know that this sounds way out there or tooooo good to be true, but I have a personal relationship with the Father and know His voice. Eagle Symbolism and Meaning. Wildlife rehabilitators endure. in the mid-13th century, Frederick II actually imported barnacle-encrusted logs from Scandinavia to test the story. Plus it has been too long ago to trace my sources and resources. So, believe on sister! Glad I found your article. margin-top: 10px; I am encouraged by your comments about the eagle. Lee, Thank you for the time that you put into research. Though you exalt yourself as the clean eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, from thence will I bring you down, says Yahweh. I am glad you left a comment about the Eagles renewal. What exactly does that mean? Golden Eagles Adventure Continues Welcome Boys andGirls! Keep up the good work. It is not an automatic process that comes with aging as your article suggests. God bless you. The phrase mount up is a translation of the Hebrew word alah, which means "to go up, ascend, to go up over a boundary.". We must be satisfied with the good He grants us and not demand fast food, entertainment, and the many other worldly pleasures. If we are satisfied with good each day, we will be renewed each day as Moses and Enoch were. (Psalms 103:2-5 NKJV), Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) by AestheticPhotos. The English translation is wrong. I can only believe through faith. The Lord is capable to do to the eagle like the belief about it totally going through a renewal in older age, but I did not find any written accounts of it. People that are Dirty Eagles, meaning sinners, are often so blind to their own sins, that they think that their iniquity is righteousness, and they believe that they are so righteous that no one will be able to bring them down because God is on their side. Thanks for your time. I also have heard when the eagle stops flying due to depression or lack of strength due to not eating,calcium deposits build on their beaks , because the high flying keeps it off. 676 views 2 years ago This story is about the eagle's hard life that how does an eagle renew its strength? This gives the appearance of renewed youth in the eagle. The NET Bible has this note: The expression "your youth is renewed like an eagle's" may allude to the phenomenon of moulting, whereby the eagle grows new feathers. It will pull out its talons and when new talons grow back, the eagle starts plucking its old aged feathers. What a great analogy about changing outwardly as we change inwardly. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Then the Eagle climbs upon the sand, and grows new feathers. 103. * I came across your post as I was checking about the broken beak eagle story. By plucking out their bad feathers and beak, they are supposedly able to live another 40 years. I have been saying this scripture for a long timeand early this morning God gave me a revelation about this verse. The Father reveals Himself through His Word and helps us regain our strength. This is beginning to sound like a Monte Python segment, so Im signing off. The most obvious symbolism connected with the eagle relates to its obvious physical power. Most Eagle authorities state that that would not happen, because the bird would die during that time with no flight feathers or beak or claws. I will add a link to that article on that. Now Ive discovered your article and all the discussions it has engendered. The eagle is steeped in religious tradition as well. And your articles put an amazing facts! Welcome to 10,000 Birds, the worlds favorite birding blog! I recently started the Gen 1:29 diet through hallalujah acres ministry. The Word of God convinces us of our failure. That to me sounds a lot like, So that your youth is renewed like the eagles. As the eagle goes through the different stages of its life, the new feathers are graciously provided by a Creator that sees to the needs of His creation by having designed those features to renew as it matures. Nice analogy If we are in relationship with Him our spiritual enthusiasm will constantly be renewing. Thanks. Thanks Suzie. Eagles are one of the few bird species that fly up to a mountain, and then look like they have been through a complete renewal transformation when they fly back down. Afterward, the eagle will wait for a new beak to grow back, and then it will pluck out its talons. I literally believe that God renews our youth as we align our hearts and minds with His Word. Molting season for eagles is the time when: they shed their feathers, their vision blurs, and their beak and talons break off. : I do not find that taugh in the Bible. I love your intensity and passion in disclosing the truth about the eagle as God presents it in His Word because it causes us to pause, think, consider, research, meditate and finally apply His Word to our lives, so that our strength will be renewed like the eagles and we will soar on wings like eagles; .run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint. Psalm 103 is one of my favorites and I have used it to bless many a bride and groom! I especially appreciate your position that if it is in Gods Word, then lets look for the explanation! The image has even been added that the beak and claws are knocked off and then grow back during that time, giving them another 10 or so more years to their life. It's in that secret place that he will remove his old feathers and painfully rip out each of its old talons.

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