long useless paragraph

Pound cake originally included a pound of all of its ingredients. The most commonly misplaced items, according to the survey, are remotes, phones, keys, and glasses. This is a Really Long, Pointless Story about a Shirt. If you were to snooze the sun-soaked months away, then you would be indulging in "estivation." Messages from your brain travel along your nerves at up to 200 miles per hour. Not only is it made from some pretty common ingredientsbutter, eggs, sugar, and flourbut its name comes from the fact that the original recipe called for a pound of each item, according to What's Cooking America. People used to answer the phone by saying "ahoy" instead of "hello.". . How does this paragraph know what youre thinking about you think? Put only one main idea per paragraph. In the Old Town district in Alexandria, Virginia, John Hollensbury once owned a house on Queen Street. Trying this difficult writing challenge should stretch your creativity to the limit. The United States is home to more lighthouses than any other country. But we can guarantee that you've never seen a dragonfly parading across a picnic table or strolling along a branch. 100 Totally Useless Facts That Are Too Entertaining for Words, Department of Physics at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, head over to the neighboring city of Barre, largest independent lost and found survey, University of Florida's Center for Smell and Taste, camels did, in fact, populate the Arizona desert, research team from Michigan State University, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Guinness World Record for the cheesiest pizza, majority of pandas around the world either come from China. Sometimes you may opt for only a single sentence to add emphasis or effect, while other times you'll need more than five sentences to present all your evidence. "Her proportions will be perfect, though Amazonian, because science will have perfected a balanced ration of vitamins, proteins, and minerals that will produce the maximum bodily efficiency, the minimum of fat." The next time you're wearing a pair of jeans, take a look at the pockets. There's a tiny home in Virginia called the "Spite House" because that's why it was built. ", Mandy Joye, a professor at the University of Georgia and the lead scientist of the expedition, told Smithsonian magazine that "the immense beauty and majesty of the scene was overwhelming. Follow Us On Social Media. Essay Writing Guide for Psychology Students Essay Writing Guide for Psychology Students. However, because we have so many in our body, The Franklin Institute explains that if you laid them out in a single row, a child's blood vessels would stretch more than 60,000 miles, while an adult's would measure around 100,000 miles long. You can summarize in two ways: Key Sentences gives you a bullet point list of the most important sentences. A Nerkle, a Nerd, and a Seersucker, too!". It affects the air, water bodies, forests, vegetation, soil, oceans and other natural resources, having long lasting and fatal consequences. "trailing" it. Prosecutors sought 30 years, saying Chauvin's act was cruel and it was in the presence of children. In Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, there's a small 1,600-square-foot piece of land that sticks out into a pond. Cap'n Crunch's full name is Captain Horatio Magellan Crunch. He apparently hated the fact that horse-drawn wagons would travel down the alley beside his building and wasn't fond of the people who liked to hang out in the space either. Imagine the things you couldve eaten ; sushi, sharks, dogs, snakes, cats, fish, humans, dogs, dogs, and many more wonders of this world. If you had not noticed, you have wasted an estimated time of 20 seconds. So my apologies Donatello, culinary impossibility debunked!". And it turns out, this fear could be justified: A 2018 study published in the journal European Radiology suggests that beards contain "significantly higher" amounts of bacteria than dogs do. Buddha. One man set a world record by putting on 260 T-shirts at once. The average person has four to six dreams a night. There are no hard limits to how long or short a paragraph can be, but typically three to five sentences will suffice. Those are pretty good odds! And you are right, but I did not write this and you have wasted now around 2 minutes. In fact, she was not only the first Disney princess to kill someone on-screen in the 1998 film Mulan, but she also has the highest kill-count of any Disney character, according to UNILAD. This time, the paragraph is going to criticize you why youre still reading this essay with your irreversible and precious time. Thanks . I could write a whole book right now, with sentences containing figures of speech, since that's what makes stories fun. You couldve been playing with your dog, or eating your cat, but no. A British teen changed his name to "Captain Fantastic Faster Than Superman Spiderman Batman Wolverine Hulk And The Flash Combined.". Those metal studs on your jeans have a name and a purpose. []Read the passage and fill in the blanks with suitable words()Follow that trashPeople don't like to talk about trash. Catch some of the most jaw-dropping performances from Season 13 of AGT. Get The America's Got Talent App: http://bit.ly/AG. According to a 2007 article inScientific American, unlike other mammals, felines can't taste sweetness due to the fact that they "lack 247 base pairs of the amino acids that make up the DNA of the Tas1r2 gene. In 1950, an Associated Pressarticletitled "How Experts Think We'll Live in 2000 A.D." included a prediction from editor Dorothy Roe, who thought that in the future, the average woman would "outsize Diana," AKA Wonder Woman. 5. Space is filled with all kinds of wonders, including an asteroid called "Kleopatra." I'm going to have to exert my NO muscle on this one. But that number was just 16 percent for those seated in the front. However, the land can only be used for "peaceful purposes"that, and a whole lot of science. You're not one of them. Random sentences can also spur creativity in other types of projects being done. And since radium has a half-life of 1,601 years, they're likely to stay that way for a while. A minute! I can com More. But before Willis landed the role in the action-packed movies, the part was offered to singer Frank Sinatra, who was in his 70s at the time. But Europe isn't the only continent that decided to use that particular name, or rather, the Italian version, "Roma." Bill Watterson. All blue-eyed people have single common ancestor who lived near the Black Sea six to ten thousand years ago. If you were to draw an infinity sign, you would create a sort of figure-eight that looped in a continuous, unbroken line. These rivets, according toLevi Strauss & Co., are placed on certain spots to add extra support where the denim is more likely to wear out and rip. And when a few of the first editions were printed, there were some mistakes inside. And that color has a name: It's called "eigengrau. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. ", At some point in time, for whatever reason, someone decided to give a name to the lint that collects in the bottom of your pockets. 7 Close the window airforce is coming. The cheesiest pizza ever was topped with 154 varieties of cheese. "My siblings and I briefly debated what flavor to use," Baur's eldest son, Larry, told Time. And God blessed them, saying, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth.'". I have more than 16 years of experience and have completed 100+ projects. When Parker Brothers released the first Nerf ball in 1970, they wanted the public to be aware of how safe the four-inch foam toy was. 8. To enjoy a meal from either fast food chain, Montpelier residents can simply head over to the neighboring city of Barre. You uneducated, ignorant, idiotic dumb swine, you're an absolute embarrassment to humanity and all life as a whole. Seeing as cyanide is poisonous (even deadly in high doses), you should definitely spit those seeds out. A paragraph is a self-contained unit of a discourse in writing dealing with a particular point or idea. In April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Himalayas and reshaped parts of the mountain range, Science Alert reported. Each jar of salsa produced weighs . According to the BBC, a librarian named Aristophanes from the Egyptian city of Alexandria in the 3rd century B.C. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about itexcept shower, of course. } ); That's a short (and pretty much useless) amount of time indeed! The largest bill to go into circulation in the U.S. was a $10,000 note. Why am I reading this pointless and barren paragraph? The generated Lorem Ipsum is therefore always free . Why am I still reading this? The Western Foods Salsa is a blend of 50% whole tomatoes 30% tomato sauce and 20% tomato paste. And it turns out that those who spoke Victorian English had a similarly beautiful term for the stunning arches of multi-colored light, according to The Washington Post: "bows of promise." Instead of writing about the entire paragraph, take each sentence in the paragraph and make each of those individual sentences the first or last sentence of each paragraph of a short story. 18 2 Quora User The Earth may seem like a giant place, but our planet is incredibly small compared to the sun, which makes up an incredible 99.8 percent of our solar system's entire mass, according to the experts at Space.com. The average adult spends more time on the toilet than they do exercising. Now you may get your extra two pages in record time. In the 2016 study, researchers put this idea to the test and found that ravens acted as if they knew they were being watched when there was an open peephole available for other birds to spy on them. Interestingly, Her Majesty is also the only person in Britain who doesn't need a driver's license to get behind the wheel! Dragonflies have six legs but can't walk. The oldest representations of Satan in early Christian art actually showed him as a blue angel, while the good angels were red. I won't stop. If you find yourself only able to use the left side of your computer's keyboard, there are still plenty of words that you can type out. The next time you're planning a trip and want to head somewhere that's both breathtakingly beautiful and incredibly unique, check out Quebec City in Canada. Paper and cardboard products were the biggest culprits, with yard trimmings, plastic products, and consumer electronics also making up a bulk of the trash. Addressing these arguments (and taking them down point by point) not only adds length to your essay, but it strengthens your own argument, too. And that's exactly what they went with. But according to a survey conducted in 2018 by MattressAdvisor.com, plenty of people prefer to head to bed in the buff. You useless piece of shit. Other Random Generators Here you can find all the other Random Generators: Random Word Generator Random Noun Generator Random Synonym Generator Random Verb Generator Only use letters to explain your feelings. The pan used to prepare the history-making dish was over 39 feet long and 13 feet wide. Medical News Today explains that body odoralso known as B.O., bromhidrosis osmidrosis, or ozochrotiais actually caused by bacteria breaking down the protein in sweat and turning it into certain (unpleasant) acids. All you have to do is let it do its work. A paragraph is a short collection of well-organized sentences which revolve around a single theme and is coherent. Well, IFL Science explains that the UV and other high energy photons (X-rays and gamma radiation) would "damage your DNA, leading to mutations that would likely cause cancer (if you survived). After mixing 59,758 eggsalong with a whole lot of butter, milk, onion, and garlicthe dish wound up weighing 6,860 pounds and 12.57 ounces, which is about 3.4 tons. - Copypasta. Do you see those little metal studs on the corners? The late Bob Ross, the host of The Joy of Painting, was known for being a soft-spoken artist with a signature hairstyle and a stunning talent for painting dreamy landscapes filled with happy trees. You absolute waste of space and air. One reason is because they will get a higher education. 1501 likes. Genghis Khan wasn't only known for being the leader of the Mongol Empire from 1206 to 1227he also fathered a lot of children. 1. And since peanut butter is already rich in carbon, Frost was able to transform the nutty goodness into a shiny jewel. (That's likely why Mr. Burns on The Simpsons says "ahoy-hoy" when he picks up the phone.) But she's also incredibly deadly. The first one opened in 1982. And while they all look similar, the King of Hearts is the only royal fellow who doesn't have a mustache. The bills were first printed in 1945, and on July 14, 1969, the Federal Reserve and the Department of the Treasury announced that the larger bills would be discontinued due to lack of use. That equals a little over six pounds per week! Jason 's so old and Jewish he attended Shakespeare's bar mitzvah. How am did I make it this far? And that's when the Bard spent his time writing poetry instead of focusing on his famous plays. Therefore, according to Moses, who is credited with writing Genesis, God made birds first and the egg would have come afterward when those birds were "fruitful" and multiplied. You are 13.8 percent more likely to die on your birthday. Montpelier, Vermont, is the only U.S. capital without a McDonald's. Your insides wince a little while youre reading this endless paragraph. The first Nerf ball package claimed the toy "can't hurt babies or old people.". If you've ever been told to pinch your nose while taking medicine so that you don't have to suffer through the awful taste, you might want to follow that advice. And if you're the kind of person who wakes up hungry, then perhaps your mouth will water over the fact that in Oct. 2019, the Federacin Nacional de Avicultores de Colombia made the largest scrambled eggs ever, a process that took quite a few chefs to pull off.

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