polysorbate 80 vs turkey red oil

The color did not disperse well and it stained my tub! Water-soluble colour can be added to the alcohol in the spritz bottle. Especially if like me, you grind your teeth in your sleep so hard, that you fracture them, and go through 2 to 3 night guards every year. Clearly you dont do solid research. I think the point Phil is trying to make is that to blindly trust a product as safe just because the government or a company has said it is safe is a foolish and risky thing to do. One source says it should not come in eye contact. I bet you were in the spaceship when it landed. Polysorbate 80. Around that point I started having chest pains and I became suspicious that I must be ingesting something that was causing the problem and the only thing new was the cream. I wanted to avoid the color ring (bath bombs and solid bubble bars) in the bath tub but by using a nat subst to Poly 80. As one who has kids, I no longer blindly trust the FDA or any other such agency/industry and find the mere suggestion that I or anyone else should laughable. Why? Hi Marie, Due to its high hydrophilic to lipophilic balance, it is used to help water and oil-based ingredients to blend, as well as to prevent their separation. Thats why I need to know what its in. Well, the rest of the jar is going into the compost pile to hopefully be broken down by the sun, earth and air. Polysorbate 20 is a benign and stable emulsifier and detergent that many utilize in households, scientific, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical applications. Look. If it were you that experienced that problem what would you conclude? I wrote as Pat before realizing you have another Pat who is a TOTAL IDIOT. Polysorbate 80 is also an emulsifier. Eat whole foods and stay away from fast foods. It serves to help your cells generate fuel known as ATP. The reason was that I was trying to lose weight. Name Brand Companies Making Paraben-Free Skin Care Products. I would never receive any med that has this substance, including vaccines. Once I stopped eating Dairy, Gluten & Pure sugar my stomach started to feel much better. PEG-30 Dipolyhydroxystearate 6. father similar ordeal with kidney cancer hes gone. I broke out in hives all over my neck. This difference has little effect on the abilities when used as a food or cosmetics additive. Polysorbate 20 vs. Polysorbate 80 vs. Turkey Red Oil + Guar Gum vs. Olivem 300 I typically use these ingredients to incorporate small amounts of oil into larger amounts of water, for things like room sprays, toners, and hair mists. FOLLOW THE MONEY people! When I went to get the Moderna Covid 19 vaccine they asked if I was allergic to Polysorbate. Still a science girl but it may cause more harm than you can see until its far along . Silicium is one of the better ones and zeolites while the aluminium binds to it and therefore can escape your body but coriander, wild blueberries, spirulina and barley grass also help. I used it in my coffee each morning. I dont know why any side of anything thinks that calling the other side stupid will actually make the other side any less stupid. When you understand the motivation for population reduction, you can figure out why our food is made the way it is. Mixing water and oil together creates a dispersion of oil droplets in water. The only solution I have come across is TheVenusProject.com by Jacques Fresco may he rest in peace. How might one measure 10 grams? Its like people who dont have gluten disorders avoiding gluten because theyre sensitive to it. I work for a company that tests these products on a regular basis. Also, alcohol is drunk and go through an open system, vaccines are injected into the blood stream, a closed system. Tell that to all the parents of and the vaccine injured people themselves. People are truly sheeple, believing that complete strangers have their best interests at hand. And the FDA says there is no evidence that it is not safe! If you have acne, I am talking to you. Once combined, blend in the essential/fragrance oil. Polysorbate 20 is often used in water-based cosmetics to guarantee that essential oils and aroma oils combine well with the bases. Safe as houses, we were told.Asbestos is the greatest product ever. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, You'll need to upload them to a free image hosting service first. Stay away from chemicals and preservatives. This is why many simple English words are similar to German. The 2 million people who dont die every year because they receive vaccinations kindly ask that you look outside of your little bubble and join the human race. If your using enough essential oils to leave an oily feel in shower you could use Poly 20 or possibly a tiny amount of Poly 80. When I mentioned this to my family, they told me I was crazy. They are protected. Polysorbate 80 is used commonly in cold creams, baby lotions, bath oils, and suntan lotions. Its an emulsifier, people. Your husband is a chemist; that means hes educated and in a better place to refute misinformation and quackery. And it is a very fat bribe from Big Phama. First the drs said to eliminate dairy. One clay for another COQ10 supplements comes via information gleaned from ConsumerLab.com, with whom I have had a subscription for nearly 20 years. Most of them are clueless when it comes to nutrition and 7-10 years behind most science. If you look at the molecular structure of polysorbate 80, none of the atoms ( C, H, O etc. Some of these ingredients, such as thimerosal, have . Hi Sandie, thanks for your post. Polysorbate 80 is used as an emulsifier in combination with a variety of other hydrophobic emulsifiers to cover a wide range of oil in water, and water in oil emulsion systems. After some 40 pages of what is KNOWN AND ON RECORD few doubts should remain as to conventional medicine and trust. I have never had any symptoms from the things mentioned here at all in my lifetime. Have any of you actually had any problems with your gut? wow, patits good to know that the severely debilitating headaches and projectile vomiting (until i couldnt breathe) that i experienced for about 20 years until i removed all forms of grain from my diet was just in my head and i can go back to eating whatever i want! Yes Kristin, I am the same. It is also claimed to restore hair growth or at least minimize hair losses from excessive shampooing and it works for me still having plenty of hair albeit graying. Check it out.I chipped a cuspid, started brushing with Mg oil and in a month the chip was gone. My brain hurts after read all the stupidity in these comments. The number the follows "polysorbate" refers to the number . Ice cream doesnt change form after a night in the sink. Polysorbate 20. I would be much more concerned about talc. Probably majority of them. Primary lesions overlie Peyers patches and colonic lymphoid follicles where bacterial invasion through M-cells occurs. Its no wonder so many people are getting cancer now, almost everyone I know has had it or has it. Id probably choose fractionate coconut oil , Hi Marie, yet the safety requirements on the safety data sheet all advise to wear protective clothing and eye protection, and warn if you get it on skin or eyes flush it off immediately and dont breath it..etc .. sooooo, if all that handling protection is required with this stuff why this stuff in the Natural, pure aloe vera gel that I used to use for sun protection, and why is it in the mouthwash i bought awhile ago.. .arggghhh. I have had Covid 19 twice as my GodGut has stopped me from getting covid vaccines. Polysorbate 20, 40, 60 and 80. is that gonna change the recipe? You just believe your doctor: safe and effective. He is nothing but a drug pusher and knows zip about immunology, he just wants that fat payback he gets for giving them out. Maybe Pat is an allopathic Doctor. Ah, the possible pitfalls of Internet disingenuous-ness and gullibility of some users. This is an artificial compound made from fermented sugar. DDT is a safe, wonderful product, we were told.Thalidomide! I get these cramps and then I go and look at the foods I have consumed and most all the time I find there is Polysorbate 80 or maltodextrin in the food. Now I realize that her extreme sensitivity to the vitamins and supplements I have given her is probably due to this emulsifier. Start with the originally called for amount of the original ingredient, see if that works, and go from there. Polysorbate 80 exists as a thick, water-soluble yellow liquid. it passed after an hour or so. Hence, what would you then use to emulsify/solubize the VitE in water? PEG-4 Dilaurate 6. If you did a study about the effects of a diet composed of 20% sodium chloride you would find out right death. In vaccines, it helps other components remain . Along with your instructions for making shower steamers, I am learning more than I have by reading other articles. Polysorbate 80 ( Tween 80 ) Get Best Quote. Im looking for a multivitamin for my infants homemade formula and its in all of the liquid vitamins for babieshow sad and terrible :/. I suppose if the end goal was just wetting then it makes sense that glycerin could work as it is, well, wet! ( Here is a hint the difference between an allergy and a sensitivity is the level to which your body reacts to a substance) For example when doing a scratch test someone could react to a level 2 out of 5 which means there body does not want that substance in it, but it wont necessarily kill you instantly. Thank you. today after eating this hamburger and I wanted to know what exactly was in it. Studies with lab rats show Polysorbate 80 has both carcinogenic and infertility effects. Might as well call that TV doctor who thinks breastmilk soap is will boost your immune system (because, breast milk). Always follow the money. It concerns me. That is how I landed on this web page. if you consume anything with aspartame, splenda or just sugar free STOP. There are plenty of other brands to choose from or just avoid them all. They go by GOVERNMENT web sites. Once I stopped using all those anti aging products that YES had added chemicals like preservatives, my skin and hair changed completely, Im 40 and my skin looks better today than 5 years ago. Asbestos is a mineral, for crying out loud. Vegetables, fruit, milk, meat, grains. Seeing an doctor (Allergist) would be very helpful. Think of em like cousins or something. They get us sick, keep us sick, and all make money off us doing it. Pinterest yourselves some whole food recipes! Merck and others are involved, but behind them is for example China involved in their effort to take over, without guns, the world. Doctors are woefully in grasp of pharma and know little, and care less, of preventive lifestyle. Dude, you are so going to hell right now! Required fields are marked *. They are ethoxylated sorbitan esters made by the esterification of fatty acids with sorbitol-derived cyclic ethers that are polymerized with ethylene oxide. After a number of blood tests, my doctor has found, definitively, that I am severely allergic to Polysorbate 80 so please remember that everyones body is different. Your husband is a chemist and you are an Aesthetician??? Pickles! Once the big ultra rich demons believe they have new slaves and overseers the planet will be contaminated with Dog feces, human waste, plastics, plastics they want to live in the big space station taking only people who are scientist who speak certain languages, woman under 35.white, or asian who speak mandarin, russian, german. Tween 80 is also a polyethylene sorbitol ester, otherwise known as Polysorbate 80 or polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate. When they became more cultured, they pinched all the French words, when sophisticated, the Greek words. People can believe what they want but evil is evil. Click here to learn how! Both of these chemicals can be toxic. Hes off of his triamcinolone steriod ointment-in place are essential oils (my specific special brand through one specific company guaranteed for their purely), pure unrefined organic coconut oil & unprocessed foods-thank Trader Joes, Madison Market & carefully chosen online purchases. Not saying it will work out in every recipe, but it did in this case and I am thrilled about it! Poly80 has been on a market for a while and most experienced bath bomb makers are using it. What sort of human would even sign up for such experiments?? It makes polysorbate a slightly weaker emulsifier than polysorbate 80. gut bacteria killers, digestive problems, anaphylaxis, are improvements on nature? Ive had this happen twice and cant get past it using witch hazel, isopropyl alcohol 91%, and water. I was also taking a prescription medicine containing it. In other words, if you take additional amounts of this substance ON TOP OF the amount that your body naturally produces, it will make your body work harder to generate more ATP (which will probably manifest as not being able to sleep as well and having restless energy.) Maybe next time read the label of the product? FDA also includes Polysorbate 20, Polysorbate 40, Polysorbate 60, Polysorbate 65, Polysorbate 80 and Polysorbate 85 on its list of indirect food additives as emulsifiers and/or surface active agents. It could be made from simple hydro-carbons, alcohols, etc just because it can be made from corn (hydrocarbons, sugars, etc that are IN corn oils) doesnt mean you would be allergic to the corn version, but not the birch version sorbitol is sorbitol regardless of what its is made from. I wonder if I could sue because that was a huge betrayal of my right to informed consent. People should also look up the work of Del Bigtree and other researchers on vaccines. Agh! You will never convince me that there is nothing wrong with this stuff. Its a joke. Natural food is best, no fillers, pesticides, GMOs(mutated not modified) or any other B.S. I tried 10 different ways to naturally color lotion. Black pepper extract is another enhanced absorption ingredient that is GRAS but that may cause problems for some folks. Thanks Jeff for the link. After discovering this, he was medically exempt from the vaccine program. They make a lot of money from the sales. If he now accidentally eats gluten related foods (he no longer lives at home) he has gastrointestinal problems (diarrhea). Its ridiculous. Carmine is made from bugs, and has been used as a colourants for centuries. If so, be wary of adding ingredients with more extreme pHs like calcium carbonate. I tested positive for poly sorbate 80 as an allergy. Most are unaware of this trust. As an aside: Many years ago I noticed a defamatory title re. Food does not need to be shelve stabalized, colored or have fillers added to it, just to add to a companys bottom line. And Ill tell you guys that POLYSORBATE 80 IN BATH BOMBS IS A GAME CHANGER. They have all vegetables and fruits in them. My son had gastrointestinal problems for a number of years. Other sites have extensive and authoritative info. If they dont they may end up losing a lot of their workers to these health issues. Its not a direct substitution is it? Thanks for pointing that out. Im a medical massage therapist and Aesthetician working on becoming a Dr. We should be more concerned about all the big macs and other terrible food and alcohol we are consuming. So so so many people are dealing with leaky gut. Its the only route to the truth.Dont look to ewg for information, they are slanted (follow the money). Pat- could you explain why Polysorbate 80 NEEDS to be in a product? For example; if a lotion calls for powdered silk and you only have the liquid version, thatll work out as the liquid version will have other liquids to dissolve in. Now we have dukawallah and maridadi from the Hindi and Kiswahili. $5.75 USD. How likely is it this stuff could cause an adverse reaction in its purest form? - Bath bombs with Polysorbate 80 create foam. Add some Polysorbate 80 and the problem is gone. To this day the FDA and ADA still stand firm stating it is somehow harmless IN OUR MOUTHS. Or someone could react 5 out of 5 which means they are deathly allergic.I am extremely curious where you obtained the information to back your claim that Unless you actually have celiac disease, gluten cannot possibly affect you in any way. Where did you get your medical degree from? I was born with ADHD. Best treatment ever. Another absorption enhancer is black pepper extract, which is GRAS, but with its own issues for some people. The first thing to have in mind is that Polysorbate 80 is a wetting ingredient. causes blindness, hearing loss, brain tumors, thyroid cancer, diabetes, forgetfulness, mood swings, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, fat hips and thighs, you actually get fatter..and soo much more. I have been using Refresh Optive Advanced for a while now.. The report on Skin Deep gives Polysorbate a moderate hazard, with a 3/10 rating, but the contaminants ethylene oxide and 1,4-dioxane have ratings as a high hazard (8/10 and 10/10). Polysorbate 80 is one of the . You dont need to be an expert, or doctor to know your body. I was googling in to see if polysorbate80 is a sulfite or not. The author of this paper would conclude that water was toxic if he/she read the MSDS. As an emulsifier, polysorbate 80 is often used in formulations that contain both water and oil components. I highly recommend it. Do I https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/downloads/appendices/b/excipient-table-2.pdfThis is right off the CDCs website, its a PDF. Yes, lets go back to the days where polio, measles, etc were a common occurrence. I have often wondered if i were to go to Italy if i would be fine eating their bread. After my Dr. researched the common component in all 3 of the vaccines, it was found Polysorbate was the common component and has recommended against the covid vaccines. You do not consider the amount of water in the recipe when making your calculation. where, OD t is the UV absorbance of the solution sampled with constituents of polysorbate 80; OD nc is the UV absorbance of the solution sampled with ethanol; and OD pc is the UV absorbance of the solution sampled with water. I choose to stay away from corn and things derived from corn, but that really isnt the whole story. No human data found. May cause cancer based on animal test data. Only add more alcohol if the mixture wont hold together easily. So agree. Definitely worth looking into. You can see that this swap would seriously throw off the balance of the recipe! In addition to its function in cosmetics, polysorbate 80 can be used to prepare a wide variety of products in the food, drug, textile, and metalworking industries. Becuz theres people like u who cant open up there eyes, Im allergic to it. Thanks! Should I be concerned?!! And sure it can make your soaps and bath bombs suds pretty..but hey, its still SYNTHETIC! Translocation of E coli across M-cells is reduced by soluble plant fibres, particularly plantain and broccoli, but increased by the emulsifier Polysorbate-80. I AM MAD AS HELL!!! Since it would take at least 2 weeks for the test results I was not willing to wait that long. What is polysorbate 80? Polysorbate 80 can also improve the ability to rinse off scrubs and cleansing oils, reducing the residue they leave behind. It is your kind of kindly that is totally driving the vaccine injured to tell their stories which has driven scientists, doctors, and educated lay people to do the research. So dont take the vaccine and you will harm everyone including your children.Americans consume approximately 100mg of polysorbate 80 daily. Hey ..dont be so easily turned aroundeliminating items is the best way to determine allergies. Why would I deliberately put that in my body? Tone, Mercola is a credible source. Mix well so that the mixture has a uniform consistency. This was in the 80s-90s. I see a lot of people asking how to sub oils and I always point them here. PEG-7 Olivate 11. Thanks . There is very little difference between polysorbate 80 and polysorbate 20. The E.O.s eat into the plastic the humidifier is made of & mfg. I have been having allergic reactions to random things. This post contains affiliate links. What is your reason for the negativity? . This means that polysorbate 80 is better at emulsifying heavier oils. All has changed when I discovered Polysorbate 80. Drink and eat the real stuff.. its also highly addicting. Most vaccines are injected intramuscularly, not intravenously. One, use synthetic Polysorbate 20 to emulsify the oil (break it into tiny particles that easily blend into the water). This is surgery without the scalpel. Just because you share grandparents with your cousins doesnt mean you are the same people! Polysorbate 80 is also a defoamer in yeast and cottage cheese and a solubilizer agent in pickles, vitamins, and vitamin-mineral combinations. whether youre allergic or not doesnt mean youre safe from synthetic ingredients. Vaccination STILL IS a medical intervention. Uses, Risks, and More, 11 Documentaries to Learn More About Toxic Chemicals. You could probably leave it out (unless its your preservative!). This concern stems from the production of 1,4-dioxane during the ethoxylation process. This will make you extremely sick in many ways. In food: frozen desserts, shortenings, baking mixes and icings, canned veggies, yeast, cottage cheese, pickles, flavored mouth drops, shortening, margarine, dry mixes, peanut butter, ice cream, baked items, dairy products, dough conditionerif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'thegoodhuman_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_8',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thegoodhuman_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); In cosmetics: hair care products, skin fresheners, cosmetics bases, foundations, shampoos, permanent waves products, fragrance powders, bath products, face cleansers, infant shampoos, face creams, linen sprays, balms, ointments, pomades, hair sprays, sunblocks. Unfortunately I am not sure what you could add, you could get another solubizer and mix it in with them to see if it will help. They both cause numerous health problems. And finally, if you react to ALL chemicals then you are already dead. Polysorbate 80 is produced by the ethoxylation of a molecule called sorbitan. Stop with the baseless attacks. Polysorbate 80 and 20 are non-harmful. And when you are willing to pay 4X as much for meat and milk, and have convinced the rest of the country to as well, then go after the industries they respond to demand. After 3 sinus surgeries I discovered that all the nasal sprays, nearly all the prescription drugs, plus a host of foods contained different levels of polysorbates. If you have a fat belly, chances are you have a gut imbalance, may be leaky gut! When dissolved in water they make a brightly coloured liquid that will not lend much colour to the skin. D. K. Corporation. It is one of the most natural emulsifiers. Obviously for a reason. I am saying that this article cant be used as a reliable source in that it is clearly biased with no scientific backing. Thanks for this article, which I probably re-read once a weekcan you please make a ratio/ equivalency recommendation when substituting sodium lactate for glycerine? Australian red clay is very pigmented and I have used it to make lipstick, but some readers ended up getting a very different colour than I did because their Aussie red clay was slightly different than mine. In other words anything else tour dead to them..but God wont let it be man is finite, he has a death note attached to the dna and rich or poor your dying daily. How much should be used of polysorbate 80, or the weaker polysorbate 20, in a shower steamer? I watch most of them. I love your recipes and can clearly see all the thought and work you put into them. Polysorbate 80 is a decades-old synthetic compound commonly found in foods and cosmetics. It's not listed on the CDC Ingredients of Vaccines Fact Sheet. 7 Of The Worlds Most Renowned Marine Biologists and What They Achieved, What Is Propylene Glycol? I hope you watch them and get something out of them as well. Polysorbate 20 is usually used as an oil-in-water (O/W) type emulsifier and solubilizer. However, it comes in a deep red color, thick texture and a strong smell. Patients have the right to true informed consent with any medical intervention. My handmade fizzies were nice. A lot of people have not been Indoctrinated into a medical / chemistry education but they can see there is a problem en masse. Get Best Quote. Chemistry is the most baffling subject! I am a biologist and a chemist, also very allergic to polysorbates. Polysorbate 80 is a nonionic surfactant and emulsifier often used in foods and cosmetics. The latest craze is forced vaccinations for schoolchildren and over 60s (flu). The FDA.something needs to be done but where to start? Im highly into researching health and love natural health regarding essential oils, herbs, spices, tinctures, minerals, how the human body works, etc., and think the aware people here should connect! I cannot state this gently you need to educate yourself and not make ridiculous sweeping statements. My parents loved me enough to get me vaccinated so I would not get the illnesses the vaccines prevented. actually you found out too late regarding mercury/Thimerosal in vaccines. Let me know in the comments below. I am at the point where I just would DARE some ignorant moron to tell me that the people running organizations like Merck or the CDC give a damn about any of us. I coughed for nearly 15 minutes straight and my lungs were irritated for quite a while. Tween 80 is also miscible in water (0.1 ml/ml) and yields a clear, yellow solution. The one thing they are guaranteed is there will always be replacements for those that dont make it. Industrial Talc. Not sure if it is in the Flu Vaccines. So depending on your recipe and results you want to achieve, you could use this ingredient instead. It is great to know that there are enlightened people around the world as 90 % of even educated people are part of the the herd, worse than a herd of cattle, which, at least, you can direct into the right direction.

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