texas traffic code faulty evasive action

3286), Sec. 661 (H.B. 1, eff. Failure to take evasive action is a breach of a drivers duty to uphold Texas traffic laws and drive safely. Lack of evasive action occurs when a driver fails to take reasonable steps to avoid a foreseeable accident. 1, eff. (B) on a county road or highway to which this section applies that is located within 500 feet of an elementary, secondary, or open-enrollment charter school or an institution of higher education, if approved under Section 545.357. 545.424. 4, eff. (a) (1) In this section, "authority" means a regional tollway authority governed by Chapter 366. PERSON RIDING IN TRAILER OR SEMITRAILER DRAWN BY TRUCK, ROAD TRACTOR, OR TRUCK TRACTOR. (b) An operator may not drive over, across, or in a dividing space, physical barrier, or section constructed to impede vehicular traffic except: (1) through an opening in the physical barrier or dividing section or space; or. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. PASSING TO THE LEFT; RETURN; BEING PASSED. A lane restriction may not be enforced until the appropriate traffic control devices are in place. In the event of an accident involving an automated motor vehicle, the automated motor vehicle or any human operator of the automated motor vehicle shall comply with Chapter 550. September 1, 2011. September 1, 2011. REPORT AND INVESTIGATION OF CERTAIN RAILROAD CROSSING VIOLATIONS. (2) as the operator of a school bus equipped with a safety belt for the operator's seat, the person is not secured by the safety belt. (a) A peace officer listed under Article 2.12, Code of Criminal Procedure, or a license and weight inspector of the department may remove or require the operator or a person in charge of a vehicle to move a vehicle from a highway if the vehicle: (1) is unattended on a bridge, viaduct, or causeway or in a tube or tunnel and the vehicle is obstructing traffic; (2) is unlawfully parked and blocking the entrance to a private driveway; (4) is identified as having been stolen in a warrant issued on the filing of a complaint; (5) is unattended and the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle has been abandoned for longer than 48 hours; (6) is disabled so that normal operation is impossible or impractical and the owner or person in charge of the vehicle is: (A) incapacitated and unable to provide for the vehicle's removal or custody; or. 4, eff. 18, eff. You have to remember that Texas is what is called a "modified comparative negligence" state, which means that a driver can be assessed anywhere from 0% liability to 100% liability, but if a driver's liability is over 50%, he or she is barred from any recovery against the other person. Sec. 1, eff. At FindLaw.com, we pride ourselves on being the number one source of free legal information and resources on the web. (d) The authority's power to alter prima facie speed limits is effective and exclusive on any part of a turnpike project constructed and maintained by the authority inside and outside the limits of a municipality, including a home-rule municipality. The signs must: (A) at each entrance of the subdivision through which a commercial motor vehicle may enter the subdivision or within the subdivision if there is not defined entrance to the subdivision; or, (B) on a street adjacent to the subdivision; and. 4, eff. HOUSTON - A Houston jury returned a $30 million verdict last week against FedEx Freight Inc. in a wrongful death suit filed by the sons of a man who died in a 2018 collision involving one of the company's truck drivers. Sept. 1, 1995. Compulsory Inspection of Vehicles. RESTRICTED ACCESS. 3, eff. The court shall set the number of hours of service under this subsection. 669, Sec. (a) The commissioners court of a county, for a county road or highway outside the limits of the right-of-way of an officially designated or marked highway or road of the state highway system and outside a municipality, has the same authority to increase prima facie speed limits from the results of an engineering and traffic investigation as the Texas Transportation Commission on an officially designated or marked highway of the state highway system. 5, eff. 1020, Sec. (f) Subsections (a), (b), and (c) do not apply if the avoidance of conflict with other traffic is necessary or if the operator is complying with the law or the directions of a police officer or official traffic-control device. 545.361. 312, Sec. (B) a vertical body or load clearance of less than one-half inch per foot of the distance between two adjacent axles or less than nine inches measured above the level surface of a roadway. 165, Sec. (B) on a one-way street or on a roadway having traffic restricted to one direction of movement and the roadway is free from obstructions and wide enough for two or more lines of moving vehicles. 1, eff. 2, eff. Sec. Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 3171), Sec. (d) The owner of a vehicle that is removed or stored under this section is liable for all reasonable towing and storage fees incurred. (B) five miles per hour when the posted speed limit is less than 25 miles per hour. (5) to a railroad track used exclusively for industrial switching purposes in a business district. (a) An operator may not drive at a speed greater than is reasonable and prudent under the circumstances then existing. The Dallas. 1, eff. Sec. 5, eff. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. 11 (H.B. Added by Acts 2017, 85th Leg., R.S., Ch. 165, Sec. (c) An operator approaching an intersection on a roadway controlled by a yield sign shall: (1) slow to a speed that is reasonable under the existing conditions; and. September 1, 2015. SAFELY TURNING. 165, Sec. 1, eff. 265 (H.B. (2) may not accelerate until completely passed by the passing vehicle. (1) "Child passenger safety seat system" means an infant or child passenger restraint system that meets the federal standards for crash-tested restraint systems as set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Tex. Read this complete Texas Transportation Code - TRANSP 545.401. Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 3, eff. 2, eff. Hunza Guides is Pakistan's top mountain destination management company offering full board tours, trekking and expeditions services in Pakistan. (A) a vehicle described by Section 545.305; (C) a hazardous material as defined by 49 U.S.C. Sec. 1, eff. 9, eff. A commanding officer may not modify the rule established by Section 545.351(a) or establish a speed limit of more than 75 miles per hour. 1, eff. 2, eff. (d) This section does not apply to a trailer, semitrailer, house trailer, or drawn motor vehicle that is operated in compliance with the federal motor carrier safety regulations. Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Unsafe Speed - 26,608 Crashes (b) Except as provided by Subsection (b-1), after 10 p.m. and before 6 a.m., a person may not park a commercial motor vehicle or leave the vehicle parked on a street that is maintained by a county or municipality and for which signs are posted as provided by Subsection (c) if the street: (1) is located within a residential subdivision; or. (B) the manufacturer of the safety belt, if the safety belt has been added to the vehicle. 357 (S.B. (1) a highway is considered to have separate roadways only if the highway has roadways separated by an intervening space on which operation of vehicles is not permitted, a physical barrier, or a clearly indicated dividing section constructed to impede vehicular traffic; and. A municipality, county, or designated official shall comply with the guidelines. (c) The costs of installing and maintaining a mechanically operated grade crossing safety device, gate, sign, or signal erected under this section shall be apportioned and paid on the same percentage ratio and in the same proportionate amounts by this state and all participating political subdivisions of this state as costs are apportioned and paid between the state and the United States. MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENT INVOLVING PEDESTRIAN OR OTHER VULNERABLE ROAD USER WITHIN AREA OF CROSSWALK; OFFENSE. Sept. 1, 1995. 15.003, eff. 515, Sec. EMERGING FROM AN ALLEY, DRIVEWAY, OR BUILDING. Sec. (b) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that: (1) the person was operating or towing the vehicle: (B) to transport farmworkers from one field to another field on a farm-to-market road, ranch-to-market road, or county road outside a municipality; or. 545.425. at the scene of the accident; and. 550.022 Accident Involving Damage to Vehicle (a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the operator of a vehicle involved in an accident resulting only in damage to a vehicle that is driven or attended by a person shall: (1) 438 (H.B. (a) On the immediate approach of an authorized emergency vehicle using audible and visual signals that meet the requirements of Sections 547.305 and 547.702, or of a police vehicle lawfully using only an audible signal, the operator of a streetcar shall immediately stop the streetcar clear of any intersection and remain there until the authorized emergency vehicle has passed, unless otherwise directed by a police officer. (a) A person commits an offense if the person operates a passenger vehicle, transports a child who is younger than eight years of age, unless the child is taller than four feet, nine inches, and does not keep the child secured during the operation of the vehicle in a child passenger safety seat system according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the safety seat system. 551.103 (c) Failure to Ride in Single Lane When Riding Two Abreast. 1, eff. (e) In this section, "household" has the meaning assigned by Section 71.005, Family Code. (b) The operator of a vehicle that has an explosive substance or flammable liquid as the vehicle's principal cargo, before crossing a railroad grade crossing on a highway in a municipality: (2) while stopped, shall listen and look in both directions along the track for an approaching train or other on-track equipment and for signals indicating the approach of a train or other on-track equipment; and. 716 (H.B. (c) Notwithstanding Section 542.001, this section applies to: (1) a private access way or parking area provided for a client or patron by a business, other than a private residential property or the property of a garage or parking lot for which a charge is made for the storing or parking of motor vehicles; and. 165, Sec. Many factors can contribute to these accidents, from inclement road and weather conditions to negligent driving behaviors. Sept. 1, 1999; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. We will always provide free access to the current law. 2981), Sec. (g) A judge, acting under Article 45.0511, Code of Criminal Procedure, who elects to defer further proceedings and to place a defendant accused of a violation of this section on probation under that article, in lieu of requiring the defendant to complete a driving safety course approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, shall require the defendant to attend and present proof that the defendant has successfully completed a specialized driving safety course approved by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 1001, Education Code, that includes four hours of instruction that encourages the use of child passenger safety seat systems and the wearing of seat belts and emphasizes: (1) the effectiveness of child passenger safety seat systems and seat belts in reducing the harm to children being transported in motor vehicles; and. 4, eff. 913 (H.B. 7, eff. (d) If an operator is required by Subsection (c) to yield and is involved in a collision with a vehicle in an intersection after the operator drove past a yield sign without stopping, the collision is prima facie evidence that the operator failed to yield the right-of-way. Generally, the average cost of a speeding ticket ranges from a fine of $150 to $200. 944 (S.B. Single State Registration: Transportation Code Chapter 645. (a) An operator, unless on official business, may not follow closer than 500 feet a fire apparatus responding to a fire alarm or drive into or park the vehicle in the block where the fire apparatus has stopped to answer a fire alarm. texas traffic code faulty evasive action. (5) "Owner" has the meaning assigned by Section 502.001. 165, Sec. 1, eff. 265 (H.B. January 1, 2008. June 18, 2003; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. (c) The owner or manager of an apartment complex may make a request to the county in which the apartment complex is located for the posting of official signs prohibiting the parking of a commercial motor vehicle in a public right-of-way adjacent to the complex after 10 p.m. and before 6 a.m. A request under this subsection must be signed and in writing. 467 (H.B. Sec. TURNING AT INTERSECTION. PASSING A SCHOOL BUS; OFFENSE. 5, eff. September 1, 2005. (B) does not include strategic aspects, including determining destinations or waypoints. (2) an operator who is licensed by the Federal Communications Commission while operating a radio frequency device other than a portable wireless communication device. COPYRIGHT 2023 De La Garza | disclaimer. (b) The requirements of Subsections (a)(1), (2), and (3) do not apply to an operator who starts the engine of a vehicle by using a remote starter or other similar device that: (1) remotely starts the vehicle's engine without placing the key in the ignition; and. (c) A vehicle is not required to stop at the crossing if a police officer or a traffic-control signal directs traffic to proceed. Since Texas is a fault insurance state, any driver who causes an accident must pay for the damages of any injured victims. Following each public hearing held under this section, the governing body of a school or institution of higher education may make only one request under this subsection for an engineering and traffic investigation. June 19, 2009. 183), Sec. 545.353. 1251, Sec. (b) An operator drawing another vehicle and using a chain, rope, or cable to connect the vehicles shall display on the connection a white flag or cloth not less than 12 inches square. A municipality may not modify the rule established by Section 545.351(a) or establish a speed limit of more than 75 miles per hour. 165, Sec. Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Sept. 1, 1999; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. (i) This subsection applies only to a motor vehicle used in the commission of an offense under this section that results in an accident with property damage or personal injury. 545.454. A collection of Texas statutes, administrative rules, and proposed rules relating to the regulation of Motorcycle and ATV Operator Safety in Texas . Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. (b-3) A sign posted under Subsection (b-2)(1) must be readable to an operator traveling at the applicable speed limit. There was one at John F. Kennedy Airport in New York in January, a second in Austin, Texas, in February, and a third off the coast of Hawaii in December. 1044 (H.B. 1, eff. Sept. 1, 1995. September 1, 2013. 1.21, eff. 2, eff. 1438, Sec. (d) The Texas Department of Transportation, on a highway under the jurisdiction of that department, may place signs prohibiting or restricting the stopping, standing, or parking of a vehicle on the highway where the director of the Texas Department of Transportation determines that stopping, standing, or parking is dangerous to, or would unduly interfere with, the free movement of traffic on the highway. 545.427. Acts 2013, 83rd Leg., R.S., Ch. 545.104. (c) An order may be issued under Subsection (a) only if the commission finds and states in the order that: (1) a severe shortage of motor fuel or other petroleum product exists, the shortage was caused by war, national emergency, or other circumstances, and a reduction of speed limits will foster conservation and safety; or. (3) on entering the roadway, yield the right-of-way to an approaching vehicle. Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. We answer the phones 24/7. 545.426. (e) Department approval under Subsection (d) must: (1) be based on a traffic study performed by the department to evaluate the effect of the proposed restriction; and. Sept. 1, 1997. (c) The Texas Transportation Commission, on a state highway under the jurisdiction of the commission, may: (1) determine those portions of the highway where passing or driving to the left of the roadway would be especially hazardous; and. Acts 2009, 81st Leg., R.S., Ch. Sec. (b-1) Repealed by Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., 1st C.S., Ch. Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. Sec. Sec. (a) An operator approaching an intersection: (1) shall stop, yield, and grant immediate use of the intersection: (A) in obedience to an official traffic-control device, including a stop sign or yield right-of-way sign; or, (B) if a traffic-control signal is present but does not display an indication in any of the signal heads; and. Sec. PASSING TO THE LEFT: SAFE DISTANCE. Sec. An operator on an access or feeder road of a limited-access or controlled-access highway shall yield the right-of-way to a vehicle entering or about to enter the access or feeder road from the highway or leaving or about to leave the access or feeder road to enter the highway. We have jurisdiction over this interlocutory appeal pursuant to sections 51.014(a)(5) and (8) of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code. (e) Department approval under Subsection (d) must to the greatest extent practicable ensure a systems approach to preclude the designation of inconsistent lane restrictions among adjacent counties or municipalities. OBSTRUCTION OF OPERATOR'S VIEW OR DRIVING MECHANISM. Sept. 1, 1995. Now this seems like nonsense to me. VEHICLE APPROACHED BY AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE. (a) An operator may not drive on or cross a railroad grade crossing unless the vehicle being operated has sufficient undercarriage clearance. This is called comparative fault. 545.0652. (f) The department shall develop and implement an educational program to encourage the wearing of safety belts and to emphasize: (1) the effectiveness of safety belts and other restraint devices in reducing the risk of harm to passengers in motor vehicles; and. (d) Unless a specific speed limit is required by federal law or directive under threat of loss of highway money of the United States, the commission may not set prima facie speed limits under this section of all vehicles at less than 60 miles per hour, except on a divided highway of at least four lanes, for which the commission may not set prima facie speed limits of all vehicles at less than 65 miles per hour. An offense under Subsection (b) is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than $100 or more than $200. (a) A person may not drive a motor vehicle on a sidewalk, sidewalk area, or hike and bike trail except on a permanent or authorized temporary driveway. 545.054. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 7. SUBCHAPTER G. STOPPING, STANDING, AND PARKING. (2) "Highway" means a public roadway that: (C) has a minimum of three travel lanes, excluding access or frontage roads, in each direction of traffic. 1353), Sec. 165, Sec. Sec. 165, Sec. Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. (h) An offense under Subsection (a) is a felony of the second degree if it is shown on the trial of the offense that as a result of the offense, an individual suffered serious bodily injury or death. (b) An operator may not pass to the right by leaving the main traveled portion of a roadway except as provided by Section 545.058. (b) Notwithstanding any other law, a licensed human operator is not required to operate a motor vehicle if an automated driving system installed on the vehicle is engaged. (c) Subsection (b) does not apply to trailers, semitrailers, or house trailers that are equipped with safety chains installed by the original manufacturer before the effective date of the rules. 1 weather alerts 1 closings/delays. 578 (H.B. According to Texas statute, a person can be found guilty of reckless driving on a private road or even in a parking lot. September 1, 2011. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 2003, 78th Leg., ch. Sec. (e) This section preempts all local ordinances, rules, or regulations that are inconsistent with specific provisions of this section adopted by a political subdivision of this state relating to the use of a wireless communication device by the operator of a motor vehicle, except that a political subdivision may by ordinance or rule prohibit the use of a wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle throughout the jurisdiction of the political subdivision. (A) has been issued a permit under Subchapter C, Chapter 2308, Occupations Code; and. (b) An operator of a vehicle required by Subsection (a) to stop shall remain stopped until permitted to proceed and it is safe to proceed. If after conducting the investigation the commission, turnpike authority, or local authority finds that the structure cannot safely withstand vehicles traveling at a speed otherwise permissible under this subtitle, the commission, turnpike authority, or local authority shall: (1) determine and declare the maximum speed of vehicles that the structure can safely withstand; and. 545.102. (5) operating the vehicle in a hayride permitted by the governing body of or a law enforcement agency of each county or municipality in which the hayride will occur. 1358 (H.B. 2, eff. 1044 (H.B. 1353), Sec. RA 6539 - Anti-Carnapping Act of 1972. The commissioners court shall use each license or permit fee to pay salaries and expenses of the sheriff's office for conducting inspections to determine compliance with the ordinance and laws relating to dealers in scrap metal and salvage. 3026), Sec. (2)a Class B misdemeanor, if the damage to all vehicles is $200 or more. (b) Unless a special hazard exists that requires a slower speed for compliance with Section 545.351(b), the following speeds are lawful: (1) 30 miles per hour in an urban district on a street other than an alley and 15 miles per hour in an alley; (2) except as provided by Subdivision (4), 70 miles per hour on a highway numbered by this state or the United States outside an urban district, including a farm-to-market or ranch-to-market road; (3) except as provided by Subdivision (4), 60 miles per hour on a highway that is outside an urban district and not a highway numbered by this state or the United States; (A) 60 miles per hour if the vehicle is a school bus that has passed a commercial motor vehicle inspection under Section 548.201 and is on a highway numbered by the United States or this state, including a farm-to-market road; or. Current as of April 14, 2021 | Updated by FindLaw Staff. Added by Acts 2007, 80th Leg., R.S., Ch. May 27, 2005. (c) An operator on a roadway outside a business or residential district driving in a caravan of other vehicles or a motorcade shall allow sufficient space between the operator and the vehicle preceding the operator so that another vehicle can safely enter and occupy the space. Sec. (2) require that a sign required to be posted under this subsection inform an operator that: (A) the use of a wireless communication device is prohibited in the school crossing zone; and. 537), Sec. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. (a) If the Texas Transportation Commission determines from the results of an engineering and traffic investigation that a prima facie speed limit in this subchapter is unreasonable or unsafe on a part of the highway system, the commission, by order recorded in its minutes, and except as provided in Subsection (d), may determine and declare: (1) a reasonable and safe prima facie speed limit; and. May 22, 2015. Sec. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. (3) "Safety belt" means a lap belt and any shoulder straps included as original equipment on or added to a vehicle. 910, Sec. (h-1) Notwithstanding Section 545.352(b), the commission may establish a speed limit of 80 miles per hour on a part of Interstate Highway 10 or Interstate Highway 20 in Crockett, Culberson, Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Kerr, Kimble, Pecos, Reeves, Sutton, or Ward County if the commission determines that 80 miles per hour is a reasonable and safe speed for that part of the highway. This section provides information and. Sept. 1, 1997; Acts 1999, 76th Leg., ch. Special Provisions and Exceptions for Oversize or Overweight Vehicles: Transportation Code Chapter 622. 973 (S.B. 545.053. Sept. 1, 1995. (c)A person commits an offense if the person does not stop or does not comply with Sec. PERSONS. (a) A person commits an offense if the person operates a motor vehicle on a highway or street when a child younger than 18 years of age is occupying a boat or personal watercraft being drawn by the motor vehicle. (c) A motor vehicle may not draw more than three motor vehicles attached to it by the triple saddle-mount method. Acts 2005, 79th Leg., Ch. (e) An investigating peace officer who has probable cause to believe that a charge against an individual for a violation of Section 545.251, 545.252, 545.253, 545.254, or 545.255 is justified may: (1) prepare a written notice to appear in court that complies with Sections 543.003, 543.006, and 543.007; and. 347), Sec. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. The truck driver has about 2,000 feet of clearance to stop his vehicle, but he continues to drive toward the accident anyway. Operation of Bicycles and Mopeds, Golf Carts, and Other Low-powered Vehicles. 545.402. Sec. 30.109, eff. Texas Transportation Code for Speeding 545.351. May 18, 2017. 2, eff. CROSSING SIDEWALK OR HIKE AND BIKE TRAIL. 3171), Sec. 165, Sec. 3050), Sec. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (c), the operator of a motor bus carrying passengers for hire, before crossing a railroad grade crossing: (1) shall stop the vehicle not closer than 15 feet or farther than 50 feet from the nearest rail of the railroad; (2) while stopped, shall listen and look in both directions along the track for an approaching train or other on-track equipment and signals indicating the approach of a train or other on-track equipment; and. (d) The commissioners court may modify a prima facie speed limit in accordance with this section only by an order entered on its records. 2, eff. Acts 2011, 82nd Leg., R.S., Ch. September 1, 2019. 327, Sec. 913 (H.B. Sept. 1, 1995. (3) shall accord a pedestrian the right-of-way as required by this subtitle. 663 (H.B. (b-1) A person under 17 years of age who holds a restricted motorcycle license, during the 12-month period following the issuance of an original motorcycle license to the person, may not operate a motorcycle after midnight and before 5 a.m. unless: (1) the person is in sight of the person's parent or guardian; or. 882 (H.B. (b) The commission shall give consideration to local public opinion and may determine and declare a lower speed limit on any part of the road without an engineering and traffic investigation, but the commission must use sound and generally accepted traffic engineering practices in determining and declaring the lower speed limit. Police said the driver of a Cadillac CTS,. Sec. 2048), Sec. (C) the visual signal is no longer actuated. Sept. 1, 1999; Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. 2, eff. September 1, 2005. Permits for Oversize and Overweight Vehicles: Transportation Code Chapter 623. (g) An offense under Subsection (a) is a felony of the third degree if it is shown on the trial of the offense that as a result of the offense, an individual suffered bodily injury. 3, eff. FindLaw Codes may not reflect the most recent version of the law in your jurisdiction. (g) If the governor's proclamation states that the facts necessary to support the issuance of the commission's order exist, the order takes effect according to Subsection (h). Acts 1995, 74th Leg., ch. 545.001. September 1, 2013. No ticket was issued. Cite this article: FindLaw.com - Texas Transportation Code - TRANSP 550.022. 1034, Sec. TURNING ON CURVE OR CREST OF GRADE. Sec. (a) An operator moving on a downgrade may not coast with the gears or transmission of the vehicle in neutral. 2682), Sec. Accidents and Accident Reports. DRIVING THROUGH SAFETY ZONE. COASTING. 2.08, eff. Acts 2021, 87th Leg., R.S., Ch. (e) A temporary speed limit established under this section: (f) A designated official who temporarily lowers a speed limit shall: (1) place and maintain at the vehicular accident reconstruction site temporary speed limit signs that conform to the manual and specifications adopted under Section 544.001; (2) temporarily conceal all other signs on the highway segment affected by the vehicular accident reconstruction site that give notice of a speed limit that would permit a person to operate a motor vehicle at a higher rate of speed; and. (D) the name, address, and telephone number of the person filing the report. Amended by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. Sec. Sec. MOVING THE VEHICLE OF ANOTHER; UNLAWFUL PARKING. 2, eff. (2) in a manner similar to using a two-way radio. Inadequate evasive action may be defined as situations when drivers fail to execute a proper evasive maneuver by not using sufficient steering inputs, not braking appropriately, or a combination of insufficient steering and braking inputs.

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