thailand agent orange 2021

right people at veterans affairs for you. Removing that burden helps veterans avoid having to file that additional paperwork. ) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. These conditions include: Bladder Cancer Hypothyroidism : A condition occurs when the thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones WASHINGTON - U.S. God bless, I hope somehow something proper comes your way. These vets didnt decide to go to war with Vietnam they didnt decide anything except to answer the call of duty to their country. Peripheral Neuropathy, Early Onset (if it presents within one year of exposure to a degree of 10 percent disabling) The Virus can no longer be used as an alibi. I was there for six months at ft. McClellan the Va keep trun me down on my lung that started there at ft. McClellan they say they dont know what to called it they know they dont want to Admit to it my name is Roy Kilgore, Can someone tell me why or how Agent Orange can skip the stomach. the VA has its own math to figure how disabled you are on each disease. If you already filed, find a VA advocate that is passionate about their job and will fight to get you the benefits you are entitled to. Smfh!! What about the other 4 years he was stuck to the damn oxygen? has never reviewed my case as of June 2021. A solution by Congress may be the best approach, some attorneys and veterans advocates say. your claim. Had to fight like hell through the VSO and got rated 70% about 4 years before he died. I assume you served in Vietnam, You need to have them check you for Parkinsons disease. If you dont know what an Anniston vet is, you probably arent one. Was on duty there when Hurricane Camille hit Gulfport, MS and was deployed down there for rescue and recovery. We were supposed to die off and father time is working overtime isnt it. Ive had issues with my hands shaking for a long time. March 3 (UPI) -- In a cost-saving move, retail giant Amazon announced Friday that it will delay construction on a planned second corporate headquarters dubbed "HQ2" in Arlington, Va. President Joe Biden thanks German chancellor for his nation's help in Ukraine. At least Korean and Vietnam combat veterans should be 100%, eliminate the bureaucracy. But not to veterans in Thailand at least, not yet. I am wondering this as well. His living quarters were also close to a base perimeter, he recalled. March 3 (UPI) -- President Joe Biden on Friday recognized retired Army Col. Paris D. Davis with the Medal of Honor for his gallantry during a firefight in the Vietnam War in which he saved his fellow soldiers despite being injured. Hypertension should definitely be added,I got hypertension in my early 40s was in Vietnam 70to 71. im sure he falls in this category relating to his death. My husband died of stomach cancer, had hashimotos disease etc. Bob has been fighting this letter since it came out, Skinner said. Refiled again Feb 3rd 2021 and been waiting every since. Ive had hypothyroidism for 38 years. GOD sees this. What about soldiers that were made to take the PB pill to inoculate us from nerve agents during Desert Shield/Desert Storm. My brother in law, a brother since I was little, proud marine, two tours Vietnam, didnt see his first born until she was six months old, died recently of a heart attack brought on by extreme pain and after suffering for years with a brain deteriorating disease caused by AGENT ORANGE. Why isnt high blood pressure approved as a presumptive under Agent Orange? Three tours in Vietnam, all on the DMZ, two brown water, one blue water. Enlisted USMC, 2nd BN, 26th Marines, 9th MAB (Battalion Landing Team), I-Corp, 1968-69, Combat Field Radio (PRC-25) Radio Operator. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Im 43 now and one of my two sisters from a different mother has health problems as well. s truly on the way! I was in Khe Shan during Tet Offensive during 1967-68 and was sprayed continuously as the government tried to clear vegetation. Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them - Congressman David Trone November 01, 2021 Thailand veterans harmed by Agent Orange hope Congress will hear them Credit: Dayton Daily News, Thomas Gnau Vietnam War-era veterans who served in Thailand say they're still fighting. Our 29 year old son was just diagnosed with CML Leukemia. Porphyria Cutanea Tarda (if it presents within one year of exposure to a degree of 10 percent disabling) However, VA's adjudication manual (M21-1) does recognize Vietnam-era veterans whose service involved duty on or near the perimeters of military bases in Thailand anytime between February 28, 1961 and May 7, 1975 may have been exposed to Agent Orange and may qualify for VA benefits. He was a body builder & very health conscious! Last year's Defense Spending Bill included a provision, introduced by Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., that added presumption of service connection for Agent Orange-linked illness for veterans suffering from bladder cancer, hypothyroidism and Parkinson's disease. Dipping our canteens in the rice paddies using our towel to filter out the lumps. Visit, This will take you to the MyHealtheVet website, This will take you to the Suicide Prevention website, This will take you to the VA Find a Form page, This will take you to the VA Publications page, BREAKING: VA plans expansion of benefits for disability claims for conditions related to certain toxic exposures, William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021, Nehmer v. U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, Airborne Hazards and Burn Pit Exposures Public Health,,, Therapy staff arranges concert ticket for stroke victim, VA releases dashboard to measure the PACT Acts impact on Veterans and survivors, Emergence delirium: Potentially dangerous condition when a patient awakens from a procedure, Call TTY if you AL Amyloidosis My husband is 100% disabled due to Agent Orange exposure from Vietnam tour. visit for more resources. or concerned about one, connect with our caring, qualified responders for confidential help. Squeaky wheel gets the grease I have hyperthyroidism from agent orange. Loaded agent orange, asked what was in the drums, they said they could not tell me. I also inquired about a dental cleaning which I have been getting off campus. Everyone that was on the bases would have been in the spray zone for the herbicides, Flodder said. I have Parkinsons, nerve, ligament damage and nodules on my lungs. Lawyers come in hot and fade like smoke on the wind after being stalled for so long by the VA. has a military lookup feature, and there is a website called I have not been able to secure ANY Squadron Flight Logs either. We have suffered similar ailments. I was told that unless I had diabetes, cancer there was nothing they could do. Add high blood pressure to the list of presumptives. I wish I live near you so we help each other out to ease the stress! The VA medical providers do not do this. through the red tape. We met another soldier who had Hodgkins from serving in Vietnam with agent orange. Thank you for your time in reviewing this note. Vietnam 66,67 and 68. My faith in the VA got a big boost by the quick response to my initial application. He passed away July 2012. We need to be filling their mailboxes with our concerns as often as possible. So much for all those people and ads saying welcome home. Advertisement. I had 2 children die at full term due to birth defects, I believe to be related to Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam My oldest son has a rare bone issue untreatable, I believe due to Agent Orange! i was moving a 55 gallon drum of that stuff and it wasted all over my lower body and my supervisor told me to go take a long hot shower and bag all of my clothes and return them to him he would get me some new ones, never to tell me that it was harmful i went back out to the bombdump where i was temporary assigned and read the drums and saw it was herberside i filed and fielded for agent orange but was told not service connected now i have hypothyroidism and Parkinsonism alone with i had to have my prostate removed for i had prostate cancer. I have been dealing with them since 2004 with no result. 74 yrs of age. Official websites use .gov Makes no sense. Go to nearest VA facility and get registered with VA Health, find a VSO and he/she will fill out the necessary papers for you. I have diabetes, heart disease, and nodules on my lungs. I suggest you keep applying as the last Sect. An official website of the United States government. Im glad these benefits are being added. I have had no status updates since Congressman Doug Lamalfa of California made an inquiry. Neither were they included in new Middle East veteran benefits until less than a year ago. Our vets are used and God sees this. Where does that leave his claim? How did you find proof that the chemicals you mentioned can cause Scleroderma. Ischemic Heart Disease (including Coronary Artery Disease, stable and unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac death) The appeal was resolved through a joint motion to remand. I am a bladder cancer survivor (early detection). I have other health issues also. Ill ask for the unit your husband was in and during what time period. Filed again 12/15/2020 in anticipation of the dx finally being approved as presumptive. It took another 4 years of privately paid care before the VA finally started helping out with SOME of the cost. He was diagnosed with bladder cancer and prostate cancer. They have requested information for my diseases but I have never heard back from them. I had a much smaller exposure than your father and I have lots of Autoimmune diseases as does at least one of my children. VA denied it being service connected! What about those who served pass August 31 1971? But he sought (and seeks) compensation for pain and suffering. "In the United States, we take care of our fellow Americans who have been harmed in the course of their military service. In an interview, Skinner recalled that he was an aircraft mechanic on F4 Phantom jets while serving in Thailand. You have to prove it.. The name Robert Bustamante appears in several states. A doctor returned my call. They will help you prepare your disability claim . The AFHRA memo said that although use of commercial herbicides is documented, the Air Force archivists found no mention of the transportation, payment for or use of any tactical herbicide to control vegetation on Air Force installations in Thailand. I agree with every word you wrote. Good luck and thank you for your service! It would most likely be cheaper and distinctly faster to approve every damned request for benefits. Why are we waiting 5 months to this to be awarded? I got nothing for that. Tsgt Myers. Youll need prove you served in Vietnam (DD-214 should do it) and prove of your medical condition (doctors letters, etc). Rhodes joined the military in 1968. For anyone that has questions about a claim, or their eligibility for VA benefits, you should reach out to your local VSO. Veterans been contaminated by TCE and Benzene for decades, and add agent orange and whatever in combat areas and you have mess that has been created in USA. My lawyers quit the case. I did all of a Do I gualify for any Agent Orange compensation ??? Together, we must take action to save lives. I am wondering if they are delaying action on the claims until we are all dead? Good luck. Lets see what the VA does for me and others .For some reason they only admit Lejeune. Used bales of rags to clean it up. AMIEN UND AMIEN! I feel there should be some consideration into this matter due to the suffering of many veterans. We are suffering from toxic exposure and suffering from many many ailments. If you want to deal with burn pit issues the VA shouldnt limit their investigations to only SW Asia. I was stationed at Camp Jackson near Uijeongbu for 16 months in 67 and 68, and spent some of that time in the DMZ establishing artillery survey control. Persian Gulf War? When I returned to the USA I was stationed at Camp LeJeune and exposed to Benzene in the drinking water and suffered bladder cancer. Some are just collecting a paycheck. While I am here I am 100 % pt, I am lucky I guess it took only 8 months for my receiving My husband died at the age of 88 in Colombia, from a cardiorespiratory arrest, his diagnosis of Epoc, hypothyroidism, Parkinsons, osteoarthritis and Alzhaymer, these were presented to him from 2015 in Colombia, could it be a consciousness of the war chemicals? Parkinsons is a presumptive disease which means you only have to prove you have it. Another one of my buddies was just diagnosed with bladder cancer. Thank god I covered my head with my Fatigue shirt. Is someone here have the truth? Last his sight basically overnight when the inflammation hit the optic nerve. Its easy. Lesion removed from Biden's chest was common form of skin cancer, doctor says. And now that theyre all almost gone to pass this. Just my venting and 2 cents worth, nothing more,nothing will change. I have read articles where the VA is talking about neuropathy being caused by Agent Orange if you do not have diabetes. Go to DAV or VA.GOV search fir VSO( veteran service officer) and have them submit another claim immediately. I served at KADENA AFB on Okinawa from 1970 until 1972. Agent Orange in Thailand. So it certainly seems like Agent Orange was in his system all those years before Parkinsons. This AO affected my circulatory system (heart), lungs (everything hits my lungs first), and other issues starting in my early 30s. Exactly my question? The review board keeps telling me this every time I refile after a new presumptive condition gets named, all five of them as of this writing. He has to apply and use a catheter twice a day, something he expects to do for the rest of his life. But somebody reviewed my application almost immediately (a good thing and to be commended) and determined that the request could proceed. Be well, Bobby. To this day I have Hypothyroidism and asthma which are two of the side effects in children whos parent was exposed to Agent Orange. July 2019, President Donald J. Trump issued a directive that those of us who served in the Tonkin Gulf are now considered Blue Water Navy. I served both in the field and in Saigon. I have filed claims but constantly get denied. These men and women, and their families, have had to wait too damn long for this acknowledgement!!! He was rated 100%. I was born while he was in Vietnam and served on camp Pendelton Subic bay Diego Garcia and Camp Hansen all of which are super sites with contamination. I will write a personal note to the VA claims department so he will not be forgotten in this process. I do believe that those who RUN / ruin the VA truly dont care and are pencil pushers who are only there for that government paycheck. A locked padlock Im not sure if the new presumptive condition hypothyroidism is any different. VA announced today two major decisions related to presumptive conditions associated with Agent Orange and particulate matter exposures during military service in Southwest Asia. My brother born in 1963 died at age 54 he was a soldier, he suffered from deep depression and others nurogical problems. It took a period of time because, at that time a US Navy Viet Nam veteran had to prove in country service connection. Tried to find more information but doctor at VA didnt want to fully confirm nor deny exposure to Agent Orange. Be aware (request a copy) of your DBQ exam as I did mine and one of the examiners did not completely fill out the questions that were asked of her and for some reason referred to me as a STREET PERSON, get a copy ASAP so that you will know what they said, its in your best interest. U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand, 1972 The National Archives return to top My self I got a bloody nose and sore throat. Hard of hearing!! Loaded what ever in all kinds of airplanes. You have to have served in Vietnam AND have one of the medical conditions recognized by the VA. WASHINGTON - The Senate Veterans' Affairs Committee advanced legislation introduced by U.S. Agent Orange is just a euphemism for many different types of herbicides. I know a Roberto Bustamante in Tampa Fl. My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 bladder cancer 3 years ago. Given the ventilation systems used, any contamination that became airborne was pumped into the ships.

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