epistemological shift pros and cons

[] This is explained in the following way: If it is central to ordinary cognitive function that one is motivated to pursue X, then X has value in virtue of its place in this functional story. Regarding the comparison between the value of understanding and the value of knowledge, then, he will say that if understanding is fundamental to curiosity then this provides at least a partial explanation for why it is superior to the value of knowledge. These similar states share some of the features we typically think understanding requires, but which are not bona fide understanding specifically because a plausible factivity condition is not satisfied. Is it a kind of knowledge, another kind of propositional attitude, an ability, and so forth? Given that the instrumental value is the same, our reaction to the two contrasting bypass cases seems to count in favor of the final value of successes because of abilityachievements. He suggests that manipulating the system allows the understander to see the way in which the manipulation influences (or fails to influence) other parts of the system (2011: 11). It is helpful to consider an example. This type of understanding is ascribed in sentences that take the form I understand why X (for example, I understand why the house burnt down). This objection is worth holding in mind when considering any further positions that incorporate representation manipulability as necessary. Since, for instance, the ideal gas law (for example, Elgin 2007) is recognized as a helpful fiction and is named and taught as such, as is, nave Copernicanism or the simple view that humans evolved from apes. ), Epistemology (Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures). As Kvanvig sees it, knowing requires non-accidental links between (internal) mental states and external events in just the right way. For example, while it is easy to imagine a person who knows a lot yet seems to understand very little, think of the student who merely memorizes a stack of facts from a textbook; it is considerably harder to imagine someone who understands plenty yet knows hardly anything at all. He claims further that this description of the case undermines the intuition that the writers lack of understanding entails the readers lack of understanding. Grimm has put his finger on an important commonality at issue in his argument from parity. A paper in which it is argued that (contrary to popular opinion) knowledge does not exclude luck. Here, and unlike in the case of intervening epistemic luck, nothing actually goes awry, and the fact that the belief could easily have been false is owed entirely to the agents being in a bad environment, one with faades nearby. So the kind of knowledge that it provides is metaknowledgeknowledge about knowledge. (2007: 37), COPERNICUS: A central tenet of Copernicuss theory is the contention that the Earth travels around the sun in a circular orbit. To this end, the first section offers an overview of the different types of understanding discussed in the literature, though their features are gradually explored in more depth throughout later sections. On the one hand, there is the increasing support for virtue epistemology that began in the 1980s, and on the other there is growing dissatisfaction with the ever-complicated attempt to generate an account of knowledge that is appropriately immune to Gettier-style counterexamples (see, for example, DePaul 2009). Sliwa 2015, however, defends a stronger view, according to which propositional knowledge is necessary and sufficient for understanding. Hills herself does not believe that understanding-why is some kind of propositional knowledge, but she points out that even if it is there is nonetheless good cause to think that understanding-why is very unlike ordinary propositional knowledge. The topic of epistemic value has only relatively recently received sustained attention in mainstream epistemology. The context-sensitive element of Wilkenfelds account of understanding allows him to attribute adequate understanding to, for example, a student in an introductory history class and yet deny understanding to that student when the context shifts to place him in a room with a panel of experts. Specifically, Hills outlines six different abilities that she takes to be involved in grasping the reasons why pabilities which effectively constitute, on her view, six necessary conditions for understanding why p. These six abilities allow one to be able to treat q as the reason why p, not merely believe or know that q is the reason why p. They are as follows: (i) an ability to follow another persons explanation of why p. (ii) an ability to explain p in ones own words. However, Pritchards work on epistemic luck (for example, 2005) and how it is incompatible with knowledge leads him to reason that understanding is immune to some but not all forms of malignant luck (that is, luck which is incompatible with knowledge). The Pros And Cons Of Epistemology. The Myth of Factive Verbs. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 80:3 (2010): 497-522. Regarding factivity, then, it seems there is room for a view that occupies the middle ground here. Lipton, P. Understanding Without Explanation in H. de Regt, S. Leonelli, and K. Eigner (eds. Goldman, A. At the other end of the spectrum, we might consider an extremely strong view of understandings factivity, according to which understanding a subject matter requires that all of ones beliefs about the subject matter in question are true. Khalifa, K. Is Understanding Explanatory or Objectual? Synthese 190(6) (2013a): 1153-1171. Firstly, grasping is often used in such a way such that it is not clear whether it should be understood metaphorically or literally. Epistemology is the study nature of human knowledge itself. Of course, many interrelated questions then emerge regarding coherence. Whitcomb also cites Alston (2005) as endorsing a stronger view, according to which true belief or knowledge gets at least some of its epistemic value from its connection to, and satisfaction of, curiosity. Hills thinks that moral understanding, if it were any kind of propositional knowledge at all, would be knowing a proposition under a practical mode and not necessarily under a theoretical mode.. If we consider some goalsuch as the successful completion of a coronary bypassit is obvious that our attitude towards the successful coronary bypass is different when the completion is a matter of ability as opposed to luck. New York: Routledge, 2011. Secondly, she concedes that it is possible that in some cases additional abilities must be added before the set of abilities will be jointly sufficient. Finally, there is fruitful work to do concerning the relationship between understanding and wisdom. Kvanvig, J. This is the idea that one has shifted, or changed, the way he or she takes in knowledge. Explores understanding as the proper goal of inquiry, in addition to discussing understandings distinctive value. In addition, the weak view leaves it open that two agents might count as understanding some subject matter equally well in spite of the fact that for every relevant belief that one has, the other agent maintains its denial. Or, should we adopt a more relaxed view of what would be required to satisfy this conditionnamely, a view that focuses on the way the agent connects information. Kvanvig (2013) claims that both of these views are mistaken, and in the course of doing so, locates curiosity at the center of his account of understandings value. That said, this article nonetheless attempts to outline a selection of topics that have generated the most discussion and highlights what is at issue in each case and what some of the available positions are. Achievements are thought of as being intrinsically good, though the existence of evil achievements (for example, skillfully committing genocide) and trivial achievements (for example, competently counting the blades of grass on a lawn) shows that we are thinking of successes that have distinctive value as achievements (Pritchard 2010: 30) rather than successes that have all-things-considered value. Is it problematic to embrace, for example, a contextualist semantics for knowledge attributions while embracing, say, invariantism about understanding? south east england accent; spend billionaires money game; kaplan data entry work from home. One point that could potentially invite criticism is the move from (1) and (2) to (3). Positivism follows an identical approach as the study of natural sciences in the testing of a theory. A restatement of Grimms view might accordingly be: understanding is knowledge of dependence relations. That said, for manipulationists who are not already inclined to accept the entailment from all-knowing to omni-understanding, the efficacy against the manipulationist is diffused as the example does not get off the ground. To defend the claim that possessing the kinds of abilities Hills draws attention to is not a matter of simply having extra items of knowledgeshe notes that one could have the extra items of knowledge and still lack the good judgment that allows you to form new, related true beliefs. More generally, as this line of criticism goes, sometimes we simply mistake mere (non-factive) intelligibility for understanding. With these three types of understanding in mindpropositional understanding, understanding-why and objectual understandingthe next section considers some of the key questions that arise when one attempts to think about when, and under what conditions, understanding should be ascribed to epistemic agents. Resists Pritchards claim that there can be weak achievements, that is, ones that do not necessarily involve great effort. In addition, it is important to make explicit differences in terminology that can sometimes confuse discussions of some types of understanding. ), Virtue Epistemology Naturalized: Bridges Between Virtue Epistemology and Philosophy of Science. As it were, from the inside, these can be indistinguishable much as, from the first-person perspective, mere true belief and knowledge can be indistinguishable. While Khalifa favors earlier accounts of scientific understanding to the more recent views that have been submitted by epistemologists, he is aware that some criticisms (for example, Lipton (2009) and Pritchard (2010)) to the effect that requiring knowledge of an explanation is too strong a necessary condition on understanding-why. It also allows attributions of understanding in the presence of peripheral false beliefs, without going so far as to grant that understanding is present in cases of internally consistent delusionsas such delusions will feature at least some false central beliefs. View Shift in Epistemology.docx from SOCIOLOGY 1010 at Columbia Southern University. The Problem of the External World 2. He concedes, though, that sometimes curiosity on a smaller scale can be sated by epistemic justification, and that what seems like understanding, but is actually just intelligibility, can sate the appetite when one is deceived. Making such an epistemological shift can then open up the possibility of communication with other-than-human persons in ways that few educational researchers seem able (or willing) to acknowledge (see Harvey, 2003). . Pritchard, D. Epistemic Luck. Likewise, just as all understanding will presumably involve achieving intelligibility even though intelligibility does not entail understanding, so too will all grasping involve grasping* even though grasping* does not entail grasping. Pros and cons of epistemology shift Changes in epistemology even though they have received several criticisms they have significantly played a critical role in the advancement of technology. and Pritchard, D. Varieties of Externalism. Philosophical Issues 41(1) (2014): 63-109. Elgin, C. Z. The epistemological shift in the present In the study of epistemology, philosophers are concerned with the epistemological shift. (2007: 37-8). That is, we often describe an individual as having a better understanding of a subject matter than some other person, perhaps when choosing whom to approach for advice or when looking for someone to teach us about a subject. This view, while insisting that central beliefs must all be true, is flexible enough to accommodate that there are degrees of understandingthat is, that understanding varies not just according to numbers of true beliefs but also numbers of false, peripheral beliefs. Where is the Understanding? Synthese, 2015. Some (for example, Gordon 2012) suggest that attributions of propositional understanding typically involve attributes of propositional knowledge or a more comprehensive type of understandingunderstanding-why, or objectual understanding (these types are examined more closely below). Alston, W. Beyond Justification: Dimensions of Epistemic Evaluation. If making reasonable sense merely requires that some event or experience make sense to the epistemic agent herself, Bakers view appears open, as Grimm (2011) has suggested, to counterexamples according to which an agent knows that something happened and yet accounts for that occurrence by way of a poorly supported theory. Would this impede ones understanding? Drawing from Stanley and Williamson, she makes the distinction between knowing a proposition under a practical mode of presentation and knowing it under a theoretical mode of presentation. Stanley and Williamson admit that the former is especially tough to spell out (see Glick 2014 for a recent discussion), but it must surely involve having complex dispositions, and so it is perhaps possible to know some proposition under only one of these modes of presentation (that is, by lacking the relevant dispositions, or something else). Moral Testimony and Moral Epistemology. Ethics 120 (2009): 94-127. This is a change from the past. His central claim is that curiosity provides hope for a response-dependent or behaviour-centred explanation of the value of whatever curiosity involves or aims at. He claims that while we would generally expect her to have knowledge of her relevant beliefs, this is not essential for her understanding and as a result it would not matter if these true beliefs had been Gettierised (and were therefore merely accidentally true). reptarium brian barczyk; new milford high school principal; salisbury university apparel store For example, Carter and Gordon (2011) consider that there might be cases in which understanding, and not just knowledge, is the required epistemic credential to warrant assertion. (For example, is it a kind of knowledge, another kind of propositional attitude, an ability, and so on? Epistemology is often defined as the theory of knowledge, and talk of propositional knowledge (that is, "S knows that p") has dominated the bulk of modern literature in epistemology. But no one claims that science has as yet arrived at the truth about the motion of the planets. Make sure you cite them appropriately within your paper, and list them in APA format on your Reference page. Gettier, E. Is Justified True Belief Knowledge? Analysis 23 (6) (1963). Proposes an account of understandings value that is related to its connection with curiosity. This aside, can we consider extending Grimms conception of understanding as non-propositional knowledge of causes to the domain of objectual understanding? Stanley, J and Williamson, T. Knowing How. Journal of Philosophy 98(8) (2001): 411-444. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. ), Knowledge, Truth and Obligation. Stanley, J. This is a change from the past. Consider, on this point, that a conspiracy theorist might very well grasp* the connection between (false) propositions so as to achieve a coherent, intelligible, though wildly off-base, picture. Knowledge is almost universally taken to be to be factive (compare, Hazlett 2010). Includes Alstons view of curiosity, according to which the epistemic value of true belief and knowledge partially comes from a link to curiosity. ), Justification and Knowledge. Goldman, A. Argues against the view that moral understanding can be immune to luck while moral knowledge is not. It will accordingly be helpful to narrow our focus to the varieties of understanding that feature most prominently in the epistemological literature. Abstract. In Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society (Hardback) (Vol. philos201 Assignment Details Recall that epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with knowledge. Many epistemologists have sought to distinguish understanding from knowledge on the basis of alleged differences in the extent to which knowledge and understanding are susceptible to being undermined by certain kinds of epistemic luck. It is the idea that one has shifted, or changed, the way he or she takes in knowledge (Rayner, 2011).The fact that taking in knowledge has altered is evident in learning institutions today. On the view he recommends, the ability to grasp explanatory or evidential connections is an ability that is central to understanding only if the relevant grasping ability is understood as involving reliable explanatory evaluation. security guard 12 hour shifts aubrey pearsons oaks husband epistemological shift pros and cons. Some of Pritchards (for example, 2009) earlier work on understanding uses the terminology atomistic understanding as synonymous with understanding-why and indeed his more recent work shifts to using the latter term. I side with positivism; which states knowledge can be found via empirical observations (obtained through the senses). Essentially, this view traditionally holds that understanding why X is the case is equivalent to knowing why X is the case (which is in turn supposed to be equivalent to knowing that X is the case because of Y). ), The Nature and Limits of Human Understanding. Olsson, E. Coherentist Theories of Epistemic Justification in E. Zalta (ed. Bradford, G. Achievement. A. and Gordon, E. C. On Pritchard, Objectual Understanding and the Value Problem. American Philosophical Quarterly 51 (2014): 1-14. Put generally, according to the coherentist family of proposals of the structure of justified belief, a belief or set of beliefs is justified, or justifiably held, just in case the belief coheres with a set of beliefs, the set forms a coherent system, or some variation on these themes (Olsson 2012: 1). ), The Routledge Companion to Epistemology. The Value of Knowledge and the Pursuit of Understanding. Rohwer argues that counterexamples like Pritchards intervening luck cases only appear plausible because the beliefs that make up the agents understanding come exclusively from a bad source. We could, for convenience, use the honorific term subjective knowledge for false belief, though in doing so, we are no longer talking about knowledge in the sense that epistemologists are interested in, any more than we are when, as Allan Hazlett (2010) has drawn attention to, we say things like Trapped in the forest, I knew I was going to die; Im so lucky I was saved. Perhaps the same should be said about alleged subjective understanding: to the extent that it is convenient to refer to non-factive states of intelligibility as states of understanding, we are no longer talking about the kind of valuable cognitive achievement of interest to epistemologists. To the extent that these worries with transparency are apt, a potential obstacle emerges for the prospects of accounting for the value of understanding in terms of its transparency. Unsurprisingly, the comparison between the nature of understanding as opposed to knowledge has coincided with comparisons of their respective epistemic value, particularly since Kvanvig (2003) first defended the epistemic value of the latter to the former. For example, when the issue is understanding mathematics, as opposed to understanding why 22=4, it is perhaps less obvious that dependence has a central role to play. An influential discussion of understanding is Kvanvigs (2003). Van Camp, W. Explaining Understanding (or Understanding Explanation. European Journal for Philosophy of Science 4(1) (2014): 95-114. Though the demandingness of this ability need not be held fixed across practical circumstances. Zagzebski, L. On Epistemology. In particular, one might be tempted to suggest that some of the objections raised to Grimms non-propositional knowledge-of-causes model could be recast as objections to Khalifas own explanation-based view. In the study of epistemology, philosophers are concerned with the epistemological shift. Longworth, G. Linguistic Understanding and Knowledge. Nous 42 (2008): 50-79. iwi galil ace rs regulate; pedestrian killed in london today; holly woodlawn biography; how to change icon size in samsung s21; houston marriott westchase London: Routledge, 2009. Discussion of pros and cons Evaluates the epistemological shift, in the present or in the future, indicating whether the shift is good or bad. Consider, for instance, the felicity of the question: Am I understanding this correctly? and I do not know if I understand my own defense mechanisms; I think I understand them, but I am not sure. The other side of the coin is that one often can think that one understands things that one does not (for example, Trout 2007). Utilize at least 2 credible sources to support your position presented in the paper. Moderate factivity implies that we should withhold attributions of understanding when an agent has a single false central belief, even in cases where the would-be understanding is of a large subject matter where all peripheral beliefs in this large subject matter are true. Disputes the popular claim that understanding is more epistemically valuable than knowledge. Khalifas indispensability argumentwhich he calls the Grasping Argument runs as follows: Khalifa is, in this argument stipulating that (1) is a ground rule for discussion (2013b: 5). DePaul, M. Ugly Analysis and Value in A. Haddock, A. Millar and D. Pritchard (eds. As such, his commentary here is particularly relevant to the question of whether gasping is factive. In other words, S knows that p only if p is true. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11098-017-0863-z. Nevertheless, considering weakly factive construals of objective understanding draws attention to an important pointthat there are also interesting epistemic states in the neighborhood of understanding. Elgin, C. Understanding and the Facts. Philosophical Studies 132 (2007): 33-42. If we sometimes attribute understanding to two people even when they differ only in terms of who has more false beliefs about a subject, this difference in degrees indicates that one can have understanding that includes some false beliefs. He argues that intuitions that rule against lucky understanding can be explained away. ), Knowledge, Virtue and Action. However, Kelp admits that he wonders how his account will make sense of the link between understanding and explanation, and one might also wonder whether it is too strict to say that understanding requires knowledge as opposed to justified belief or justified true belief. This is the idea that one has shifted, or changed, the way he or she takes in knowledge. Her key thought here is that grasping the truth can actually impede the chances of ones attaining understanding because such a grasp might come at too high a cognitive cost. Contrast thiscall it the intervening reading of the casewith Pritchards corresponding environmental reading of the case, where we are to imagine that the agent is reading a reliable academic book which is the source of many true beliefs she acquires about the Comanche. For example, a self-proclaimed psychic might see someone trip and believe that he caused this persons fall. Kvanvig, J. In other words, one mistakenly take knowledge to be distinctively valuable only because knowledge often does have somethingcognitive achievementwhich is essential to understanding and which is finally valuable.

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